Day 9 - A Difficult Day
Day 9 - A Difficult Day
Date: 1/14/2008 10:37:23 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2294 times Day 9:
Today was probably the most difficult for me on the fast. I woke up feeling a little uneasy about continuing the fast and as the day progressed I found my mind starting to develop rational scenarios as to why I should not continue the fast. This went on for a few hours and I found myself getting ready to break the fast then I just put the "brakes" on this thinking. It was just the mind issue trying to encourage myself to eat vs. physical hunger.
I overcame this but it had consumed me for a good part of the day - so I decided to focus on meditation on positive affirmations about the healing outcome of the fast and that really made me feel much better.
Also that evening I noticed something very positive that I thought was interesting. I was walking past a mirror and caught a glimpse of my face and I noticed that I looked to myself like a few years younger! I can't really explain the differences, but my face just appeared more youthful. Also I looked at my gums and they really changed - looked all pink and healthy - where previously they were pink and white.
Today's Intake:
- Orange (great!)
- Vegetable broth about 2 cups
- Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Beets (good)
- Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Romaine Lettuce (good)
Today's Output:
- I am going to the bathroom #1 like every 3-4 hours, urine is clear, no odor
- #2 Twice, Normal
Today's Physical Outlook:
- Noticing a more youthful appearance and healthy dental
Today's Mental Outlook:
- The spiritual mind is happy and is compassionate as the physical body goes through this process.
- Doubts and cravings at an all time high - but through positive affirmation - overcame this.
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