Day 2 - I Sense a Big Lesson Coming
Day 2 - I Sense a Big Lesson Coming
Date: 1/7/2008 11:21:47 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2121 times Day 2:
I went to survey the local grocery stores on a mission to find outlets to get organic produce. We are huge fans of Trader Joe's, however their organic's are limited. Albertsons does a decent job - but it looked to me that the volume of sales was low and therefore the quality of product was a little stale. Vons/Pavillions is excellent, great selection and fresh. Also Mother's is a great one-stop go-to. By the way I am in southern California as far as geography.
One of the first mistakes I made in juicing vegtables is that you have to assess the water content. For example celery, romaine lettuce, carrots and cucumbers all have great water content, however anything leafy like spinach, dandelion and even sprouts don't yield much juice. Since this is trial and error I'll keep blogging on these findings. As far a fruit I selected watermelon, orange, apple and pineapple - since these were the organics. For some reason grapefruit is not appealing - it's too acidic - therefore I'll stay away from that.
Also I popped into a few juice bars and hidden on the menu they actually do fresh juice from carrots, apples and organges. Not organic but in a busy day found these may be great go-to's if out and about and in need. Important to ask for just juice - no ice - ice is from tap water.
Today's Intake:
- Watermelon, Apple juice (great!)
- Celery, Carrot, Dandelion, Lemon juice (dandelion is horrible!)
- Celery, Carrot, Romaine Lettuce (ok - the lettuce taste is a little strange)
Today's Output:
- I am going to the bathroom #1 like every 1-2 hours, urine is clear, no odor
- Normal #2 output once, normal for me is 3 times a day - a little concerning
Today's Physical Outlook:
- I feel very apathetic, have a headache, noticing toxins excreting from eyes and nose - also eyes are light sensitive and feel low-energy. Feel almost like the onset of a cold, and noticing that my body temp has lowered. Not horrible - I can function fine.
- I don't miss food but my sense of smell has heightened. I'ts like a dog - I can smell things from far away.
- I decided to take an early evening walk - didn't know how far I could go - but got a huge burst of energy and did about 8 miles. Afterwards felt great - but found myself later this evening in the fetal position - just feeling like I was recovering from something. Not horrible.
Today's Mental Outlook:
- The spiritual mind is happy and is compassionate as the physical body goes through this process.
- I accept that I am beginning to go through detox. I begin to realize the effect that my previous consumption has had on my metabolism. I sense there is a big lesson coming here.
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