Day 0 - Standing at the Edge
Day 0 - Standing at the Edge
Date: 1/7/2008 11:17:41 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3326 times Happy New Year 2008!
Today is my last day before the 30 day fast that I am committing to. Just to summarize - I am male, age 44 with starting weight of 180 lbs and 5'11". Prior to the fast I would characterize my eating habits as fairly decent - I am used to eating 4-5 smaller meals per day - with a good balance of protein-carbs-fat - when I was in my late 20's I learned alot from the "Zone" approach to eating and have adopted that as a lifestyle. Although not completely restricted I do minimize white flour, white sugar, processed foods and fast foods. My alchohol intake is average - usually red and white wine 2-4 glasses per week. I will say that I somehow in the past year have become addicted to Diet Coke. I think it started when I had an upset stomach - Coke/Diet Coke really does curb this - but somehow this crept into my daily intake. This might be a bit of a challenge!
I would say that between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays my eating and exercise habits digressed a bit from the norm - lots of meals out, parties, desserts, fast-food, drinks etc. And I've noticed a slight "sluggishness" in my metabolism as a result.
As far as exercise I would say that I am above average shape. For the past few years I have adopted "fast walking" into my life - not only for the health-body benefits - but I also use it as meditation time for the mind. I usually walk 7-13 miles about 3 times a week in rolling hills - sometimes more.
Back in September I was in a car accident which resulted in several injuries: traumatic brain injury - concussion - dislocated hip, spinal cord injury and C-spine disc compression. Ouch! Sounds aweful but I have remained positive. I have been through weeks of physical therapy for the brain and hip injuries which for the most part have stabilized. I've been to 5 Neurosurgical consultations and several non-surgical consultations - and most of the advice given has been to have C-Spine surgery to reinforce the spine with plate or titanium rods to allow normal alignment of the spine allowing the spinal cord to reposition and heal. I have chosen to postpone the decision on surgery for a few months to persue some non-traditional and non-surgical approaches first to see if another healing outcome is possible. I have MRI scans as of early December as will use these as a baseline through the healing process. I appreciate everyones advice and insights, however I have put this in the hands of the Universe and I am aligned spiritually to this manifestation of healing.
So I've decided to do a 30 day juice fast, accompanied with moderate exercise - as much as I am physically able to do, and I do practice meditation and Kundalini yoga daily. I am planning to have at least 2 or 3 Reiki healing sessions during this timeframe.
So here I am standing on the edge of this 30 day journey - and I feel like I am on the "leading" edge of wonderful things to come.
I will journal daily - but can't promise a daily entry into this blog - so if interested check back often.
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