Day 1: Begin organizing my thoughts and plan my program!
Weight Loss Journey
Date: 10/21/2007 12:52:51 PM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2068 times Today is the beginning of my journey to lose almost 60 pounds, give or take a couple of pounds :)
In the past i've tried fasting, atkins, low calorie intake with exercise etc. and they all worked. BUT they were all difficult to stick to...some more than others! So I basically would stay on any one of these programs for around 1 week and then give in to my cravings for food and my predisposition to laziness.
I am about to hit a milestone year (30!!!) and I really, really, really want to look my best. In the past 10 years I have gained approximately 35 pounds and I was overweight to begin with! Sooooo, I now have to lose almost 60 pounds before I reach my ultimate goal weight!!! I look back to those days 10 years ago when I beat myself up for being overweight and now I just think, man I wish I was that weight right now. That's what happens when you let yourself go and just stop taking care of your body. You fall into this mode of eating what you want, whenever you want it and just sit there afterwards letting it pack onto your body.
But now, I'm facing the big 30. I've spent the most of my 20's fat and I feel that my youth has really passed me by. BUT, women can still look hot well into their 30's and I vow that I will enter my 30's looking and feeling the best I have ever felt in my entire life!!!
Starting Stats:
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 177.6
Goal Weight: 119 (I've always wanted to say I weighed in the teens..I haven't been that light since probably grade 5 or 6!)
Goal Weight Loss per Day: 0.5 pounds for approximately 117 - 120 days (I know this sounds like an astronomical amound to lose per day but if I want to reach my goal in the time that I have then it has to be this will be difficult but I believe it is doable).
Goal Calorie Intake per Day: 1000 calories or less (trying to eat healthy when ever I can but if I do eat junk, realizing that I must stay within my caloric restriction. Eating junk will be a conscious choice I make which will limit what I can eat in the remainder of the day - i.e. I eat McD's for lunch = no dinner; I don't eat McD's for lunch I can have a healthy dinner and snack etc., all withon my calorie limit).
Portion control and caloric control are huge hurdles that I must overcome in order to succeed in my weight loss!
Goal Exercise per Day: Ideally I would like to do some form of cardio exercise (walking, biking, exercise DVD etc.) at least 1 hour a day. I work full time and am out the door at 8:00 am and don't usually get home until 7:00pm so I know it is going to be extremely tough! If I know that I will not be able to exercise that day then I MUST restrict my caloric intake to 500 calories that day to compensate for the lack of exercise. I would eventually like to incorporate some muscle toning exercises when I start to see a lot of the fat come off my body.
I hope this change in my lifestyle will result in the huge changes I want to see in the short amount of time I have to achieve it!
I will try and post my progress as much as I can!
Wish me luck! :)
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