intestinal parasite video 18 y
Video that shows intestinal parasites
Specific flush directions 19 y
Directions for a liver'gallbladder flush with coconut oil for yeast as well as stones!
Ok guys, here are the instructions that I follow when doing a gallbladder/liver flush. Remember, due to the recent findings of fellow forum members, I am going to sub in coconut oil for the olive oil. If you guys try this too, please post a message here so we can track our results, thanks! The directions below use 2 products (Disodium Phosphate caps and Phosfood Liquid) which are from a professional whole food supplement company called Standard Process. You need to find a practitioner in your area who carries their line, but you can call them directly to locate a pr ... read more
Coconut oil 19 y
Coconut oil used during liver/gallbladder cleanse yields massive yeast die off.
Hi guys and gals,
Recently there was a post on the candida/yeast forum talking about a liver flush (which is actually a gallbladder/liver flush) that used coconut oil instead of olive oil at the end of the flush, and the poster said she got TONS of YEAST out in her bowel movements, not the typical gall stones that one sees floating on the surface. I think she might not have gotten stones out because she mentioned she had already done a few of these cleanses previously with the olive oil, but what intrigued me was the yeast she saw, ”pots full” as she described it! I use coconut oil to ... read more
Free at last! 19 y
It has taken me a long time and a lot of set backs but I finally have this yeast under control and its hard to believe! No cravings, no itching, I can think straight again and its been a long time,lol.
It has taken me a long time and a lot of set backs but I finally have this yeast under control and its hard to believe! No cravings, no itching, I can think straight again and its been a long time,lol.
Ok, I did all the no dairy, no sugar diets and got some results but not a full recovery from yeast. I have had it for YEARS and and my biggest problem has been that I eat the bad foods when I am stressed, so I started taking a supplement for my adrenal glands and started doing more aerobic exercise to help the stress. I learned that a lot of what keeps us from killing the yeast, ev ... read more