'fast' path to health-a 1st attempt at juice fasting!
by redheadedcurls1978

Tired of this, is anyone out there?? any thoughts?   18 y  
I need some advice PRETTY PLEASE??
Ok, not sure what the deal is, but there havn’t been any posts for support and anything? What is the deal hear people? I try to post a few different messages of support everyday, but I havn’t been getting any myself. I don’t mean to come across as hateful, but, the reason I did this was to get some help. I guess I am just a little hurt. I have been doing pretty well, I have only lost a few pounds but I guess thats ok, because I have had a lot of cleansing crisis symptoms, really bad headache and not nearly enough bowel movements. I would like to water fast for a few days, but I have s ...   read more

day #5   18 y  
An update
Hi guys, still working through it. I have been having a lot of symptoms of detox, such as a pimply face and really bad headaches, but I know I am getting healthier. I havn’t yet had any rope like yuckies come out and to be honest, I am disapointed. I am thinking about the p & b shakes to get stuff moving. My last master cleanse, as gross as it sounds, was so great, I would nearly JUMP off the potty. I felt so happy and healthier with every bowel movement. EWWW I can’t believe I am saying this, but it’s true!!! I haven’t been able to do the swf because I have been helping my husband at ...   read more

day #3   18 y  
The last couple of days have been tough. I have been hateful, grumpy and stuck to the potty. I have a headache still and some hunger pains but tomorrow will be better. I am trying to stick with it! Please encourage me as I continue with this master cleanser. I havn’t weighed yet, but tomorrow I will. I can’t wait to see if I have lost any, that always helps me stay the course. Thanks all!!!   visit the page

DAY #1-Master Cleanser   18 y  
Learning to outwit my inner sabouteur.
Hi all. Today is the first day of my master cleanser. It is already almost noon and I havn’t drank anything yet. I guess I am just a little apprenhensive and it doesn’t help that my baby’s birthday cake is setting in the fridge. My cyst is bothering me today as well. I am going to try and manage the pain through meditation and deep breathing. I feel as though my headache that began the first day of my juice fast several weeks ago is what caused a downward spiral. I couldn’t take the pain and so I had to eat to take a pain pill. Visualizing myself succeeding and pushing through the pa ...   read more

Trying to stay the course! Trying to stick with it!!!   18 y  
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Hey, well I decided to wait until tomorrow or the next day to do the master cleanse. I’ve actually decided to break the fast for just one or two days for the simple fact that I cannot go to the bathroom! I am going to go and get some watermelon and drink lots of prune juice and apple juice to help get things moving. I think I should have made sure things were moving before I started the fast. I went on a junk food binge the few days prior to my beginning the fast, so I guess the stuff is hanging on for dear life. And as disgusted as I am, I am going to go and buy an enema bag and try i ...   read more

Day 3-switching to the master cleanse   18 y  
hanging in there!!!
Hi all! Well I am not doing to bad, but I am still having the bathroom issue, so if anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate them. My ulcer is better so, I am going to start the master cleanser tomorrow. I went yesterday and bought the stuff, I was just too afraid to buy the salt stuff, I’ve never tried that. Thanks to peanut, though, I am no longer afraid and now I know what to buy. I used psyllium husk pills in the past, but peanut pointed out that I would need to drink even MORE water with those, and I am not down for that, so I will be going to buy the salt today. I am hoping that ...   read more

A desperate bathroom issue. Help me???   18 y  
Ahhhhh pooo! Is there anything besides oxypowder???
Ok, does anyone have any ideas about....ok well I’ll just say it...constipation. I would love to buy oxy powder but my husband would flip if I spend any more on this fast. I’m afraid of taking flax powder or psyllium husks because I don’t want it waking up my appetite as well as absorbing the nutrients from the juice. Anyway, as it is, I have bathroom issues and rarely go more than 3 times a week, and it is always very painful, even when I drink TONS of water. I have a feeling that the headaches I am experiencing with the fast, will go away if I can just use the bathroom for goodness sak ...   read more

Day 1-start over-a new outlook   18 y  
Glad to be fasting again!
Hi everyone, fellow fasters and non fasters. Today is a new day for me. I read everyones lovely support messages last night. Trust me, I need the support. My husband is so fed up with this fasting stuff and thinks I’m an idiot. Anyway I was given some great ideas and I came up with a novel one of my own---I get to fast! I don’t have to fast, I can do whatever I want to do. I choose to fast. I am not giving up anything, but have so much that I can gain! And as I have said before in other posts, I am convinced that the Lord has given me this journey, so that I may help others like me. ...   read more

I need help everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   18 y  
feeling like such a failure!!!!!!!!
Hey all, ok I need some inspiration, something. I woke up today planning to begin my fast again and much like the first day, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal. My stomache was growling so bad that I probably would have eaten it even if I was more awake and hadn’t been on autopilot. The thought of spending an hour straining another glass of juice just seems daunting. I am just worn out when I even think of doing this fast. It would definately help if I had a better juicer, well maybe not even that would help.Even though I felt HORRIBLE the first few days, I had s ...   read more

I'm still trying to hang in there!   18 y  
I am still here!!
Hey all, I just wanted to let you in on what is going on with me! The headaches contintued to be a big problem, so I am taking a few days off of the fast to try and eat raw, so that maybe my detox won’t be so bad. It’s rough because the juice fast seemed to kind of cut my cravings. I’m still drinking a lot of fresh juice and eating lots of watermelon and bananas. I DID slip up and wound up having a bowl of cerel of a piece of pumpkin pie yesterday, but no worries. I’ll get through it. Today is going great. I think Monday I will begin on the juice fast again. I urge you not to undere ...   read more

Day 3!!! Headache is better, but you'll have to read why! ;-(   18 y  
Well, last night was the worst headache of my life. I did whatever I could, meditation, sleeping, I mean, I couldn’t even go to sleep for the pain and I was tired! So I wound up eating a banana and taking a pain pill. Whew! It was definately a sigh of relief. I was finally able to sleep! And today was wonderful so far. The banana did not awaken my hunger and today has been successful. I may have done the wrong thing, but I did what was right for me I guess. My husband tried to convince me to eat, but I am glad I stood firm and just had a banana, just enough of something to coat so t ...   read more

Any ideas for the worst headache of my life???   18 y  
This headache is horrible!!!!!!!!!
Ok, the willpower is on a downward decline. I still havn’t found my ring, and my head couldn’t feel worse if someone had hit me in the head with a baseball bat. Why such a horrible headache????? Anybody have any ideas???? I am this close to giving up it’s that bad! Thanks!!!   visit the page

Today is a good day!!!   18 y  
Getting better already
Well so far so good. My daughter lost my two karat wedding ring, and I freaked out, still havn’t found it but I am trying not to go into a tizzy and wind up eating. I just pray she didn’t put it down the sink! Usually I would be in the kitchen soothing the woes with food. Instead, I chose to have a good cry. My headache is still there, but my nausea is better. I keep feeling like my tongue has a fur coat on it, but I can’ t imagine that I am detozing that bad already. Maybe all I need is water. One thing is for sure, I slept better than I have in a long time last night!!! I woke u ...   read more

UMMM is it still day one????????   18 y  
still day one.....
Ok, well it is still day one, and I am super proud that I have done so well. I pretty much knew that today would be a sit down on the couch kind of day. No meds for the ADD and no soda. OUCH. And to top it off, some other things kind of out of the ordinary occured today, stuff I won’t bore you with, but crap that really ticked me off. DEEP BREATH RED. Anyway thanks for the support, I felt everyones good vibes today and I am sure that is what helped me stick it out. It is getting close to bed time and I can’t wait!!!!!!!! That means I have tackled day one! See you all tomorrow!   visit the page

ummm is it still day one??????????   18 y  
Feeling yucky already, but glad to not feel worse!!!
Well, it’s still day one. I havn’t cheated. I’ve had to smell the lunch I made for my family and that was very hard. I am trying to observe and disown my craving for real food. I’ve done a lot of study about addiction and from what I understand, cravings come in waves of 5 minutes. So I will have to ride it out 5 minutes at a time I suppose. I am a big caffeine drinker, sometimes two 2liters a day, so my headache right now is unbelievable and will be for probably another 10 days or so. Well, maybe not that long, since I AM detoxing. I quit caffeine with my last pregnancy and that’s ho ...   read more

Today is a good day! My official day one!   18 y  
Here I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I was a good girl last night. Even though it was midnight I made my husband let me run into the store and got tons of apples and pears and carrots. I love cherry juice but I grabbed a bag last time in the store and had to put it back, it was small and still came to $16.00 ! Yesterday I got some great encouragement from rubyvroom and that it was all it took, I am totally siked!I even sat my kids down and told them how to encourage mom, and they were totally into it, my 7 year old said ,”Mom, I just want you to be happy”. I do my best to try and keep my problems to myself, but the ...   read more

oh man! today is a total bust! i stink at this!!!!   18 y  
OK, I need some thoughts on my plan. ANYONE, ANYONE???
Alright. I won’t lie or give up, but I screwed up already. As I was heading to the store last night, my husband and I decided to go to the drive in with our children. So I skipped the store darn it! And then I ate pop corn, funnel cake, you name it at the drive in. And to top things off I was too tired to go to the store after the movie (2 am) So I decided I would throw on some clothes and go 1st thing in the morning. Upon waking up at noon (yes I sleep that long, chronic fatigue!)I promptly grabbed a bowl of cereal. I was on automatic. I didn’t even think about the fast. I am so d ...   read more

OH BOY! I am about to begin this fast and I'm scared!   18 y  
wow! I am saying my prayers to stick with this fast! My body is screaming at me to take care of it and that is what I am trying to do!
Hi all. I hope to remedy a lot of health problems by doing this juice fast. I’m not too sure how long I will be doing this fast, but my 1st goal is going to be just 10 days. Of course I will want it to be longer, but I don’t want to set myself up for failure! I grew up eating fast food EVERY night! I had cellulite when I was 11 ;-) I was very chubby in elementary, but only about 10 pounds overweight in high school because I was very active. I’m only 5’0, so weight creeps up easily because I look heavy at only 120 lbs! Right now I have chronic fatigue, attention deficit, depression and a ...   read more


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This will be my first attempt at a juice fast and I love the idea of having people with experience to talk with. I have chronic fatige syndrome with depression that I hope to help remedy. Also, although naturally chubby most of my life, I have gained an extra 30 pounds due to all of the above.… more...

Last Activity: 18 y ago
18 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
38 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 121,774 times
Created: 18 y   Jul 08 2006


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Comments (10 of 38):
DUDE, do this! FirstFastM… 18 y
Re: okay...and wow redhea… 18 y
okay...and wow thatzwhyth… 18 y
Re: hi again... thatzwhyt… 18 y
Re: hi again... kiuan 18 y
hi again... thatzwhytheyd… 18 y
Another way kiuan 18 y
Hello thatzwhytheydie 18 y
Try posting some q… Owen 18 y
I hear you! YourEnchanted… 18 y
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