Master Cleanse - First Time
by th1366

Third Day of Break   19 y  
I am doing well and am so glad I did this.
I’ve been working back into eating very slowly. I drank OJ the first day and most of yesterday. I even had a lemonade at lunch time. It was strangely comforting and familiar. I had an amazing amount of energy and got so much accomplished. I made my vegetable soup last night and drank the broth. It was so good but my son said that cardboard would probably taste good to me now! I had more soup with vegetables for lunch today and will have more tonight. I’m waiting until tomorrow to add fruit and will wait a few days more to add a little bit of dairy and fish and poultry. I was disappointed a ...   read more

Day 15 - Time to Break   19 y  
I'm breaking my fast today after two weeks. I am so proud of all that I accomplished and what I've learned about my body.
Yesterday was my worst day yet. I so wanted to stop but Zoebess said that the energy my body would need for digestion is being used up by the heavy detoxing I am going through so I decided to hold out one more day. I left work early because I was barely functioning. I am under a lot of pressure there from people who know what I’m doing. It’s hard to hide the changes your body goes through during this process when you work in a small office with people you’ve worked side by side with for 12 years. One week I was on top of the world and then this last, I was literally dragging. It didn’t hel ...   read more

Days 12 and 13   19 y  
I am SO ready to start eating again.
Oh crap! I just worked on this entry for 30 minutes, went to the bathroom (where I was quite mesmerized with what I had produced) and when I came back my laptop had turned itself off. Yesterday morning, I had posted a question on the MC forum about why I had so few detox symptoms. Once I got to work, I started feeling really lousy and it lasted until late this afternoon. I was light-headed, dizzy and just felt awful. Maybe that’s why I’ve been eliminating such nasty, slimy, stringy sludge the last few days. My mental state lately has been really shaky too. In fact, I’m still waiting to ...   read more

Days 10 and 11   19 y  
I'm struggling mentally now and outside influences aren't helping.
I reached (and passed) my goal of ten days on Sunday. I’m still feeling good. I’m starting to have more periods of weakness and feelings of hunger but they usually pass when I drink another lemonade. I still haven’t experienced many detox symptoms and I have to keep reminding myself that this is still good for my system. I’m going to go for another five days and break on Saturday. Since this is my first fast, I think 15 days is long enough. I don’t plan on doing any other protocols when I finish. I need to research this more and decide if I want to incorporate any of that into my next MC. ...   read more

Day 9   19 y  
Only one day to go to reach my original goal.
I had my first dream last night about food. Actually, it was early morning -- in-between bathroom trips when my tea kicked in. I don’t remember particulars but little pieces of food were somehow getting into my mouth. I couldn’t control it. I woke up thinking I had broken my fast and was so relieved when I realized I had been dreaming. I lost another two pounds so my theory about the SWF may be correct. I did the tea again this morning but Zoe suggested that I lessen the amount of salt since my body seems to be retaining a lot when I use 2 tsps. I’ll try that in a few days. I had a l ...   read more

Days 7 and 8 - Feelin' Fine   19 y  
My first week is over and I'm sailing right along. I'm hoping to complete another one.
I’VE MADE IT A WEEK! When I first started, I honestly didn’t expect to make it this far but it hasn’t been hard at all so far. I’m shooting now for 14 and would love to get to 20 when I’ll have to stop because of travel plans at the end of the month. I want to have plenty of time for my system to wake up and figure out what to do. Yesterday was another good day -- I think. I definitely haven’t reached the stage where you have clarity of mind! I’m having to think too long about stuff that should come second hand. BUT I feel great. I ran out of the syrup I had been using so I went by Trad ...   read more

Day 6 - My first really yucky day   19 y  
I think I started releasing toxins today.
I didn’t sleep well last night. I finally got up at midnight and started browsing through the MC forum while I sipped the tea that I had forgotten to drink earlier. I am learning so much. It amazes me how many people start asking questions about the MC without having even read the book. This isn’t something that should be done on a whim. You need to know exactly what you are getting in to. I didn’t do the SWF this morning -- just drank the tea instead around 7:30. It worked A LOT faster than my evening tea does. Maybe because I’m moving around? I was expecting to eventually have a bad ...   read more

Day 5 - Still Going Strong   19 y  
Another really great day and I'm half way through. I know it's got to get harder if this is going to work.
This was another really good day. I used Celtic Sea Salt for my SWF today and it was much easier to get down. However, the SWF didn’t have much of an impact and I wonder if I’m retaining too much of the salt. I lost 2 pounds the first day, 1 the next and then gained one and have stayed steady there. I have a good 10 pounds I need to lose and expected/hoped that I would lose at least half of it during the cleanse. I’m not too concerned because I know I can get it off eventually. Not sure if I’ll do the SWF tomorrow. I may just do the lax tea in the morning. Tomorrow will be the first day ...   read more

Day 4 - I feel great   19 y  
This was my best day so far.
Had a major victory last night -- I went to a huge early 4th of July party with lots of food (including lots of homemade ice cream) and it wasn’t very difficult for me to be around all that food. I even helped scoop up the ice cream. I did sneak out to the car once to slurp down a lemonade because I was starting to drag. My husband came out to get something and just laughed at me. He said I looked really suspicious drinking out of my little bottle in the dark car. I haven’t told many people what I’m doing. Psychologically it will be easier to get through this if I don’t have to listen to p ...   read more

Day 3 - First attempt at a SWF a disaster   19 y  
There's a big difference between 2 tsp and 2 T of salt in a quart of water.
I was up several times in the early morning due to the lax tea so I wasn’t real alert when I dragged into the kitchen to make my first SWF. I wasn’t dreading it because I’m a saltaholoic and figured 2 tsps of salt in that much water couldn’t be all that bed. I think I was on automatic pilot and because I was so used to using a T measure for the lemon juice and syrup I dumped 2 TABLESPOONS of salt into my quart of water. Amazingly, I got half of it down, cursing Stanley Burroughs all the way, before I suddenly realized what I had done. I had even read a post a few days before from someone e ...   read more

Day 2 - It's getting harder   19 y  
Experiencing weakness but no hunger
Got up at least four times during the night – twice to urinate and the last two because of the effects of the tea. The cramping wasn’t too bad but I was so tired that I used a pillow to support myself on the toilet. Slept in until 8:30 and dragged into the kitchen planning to do the SWF. Although I didn’t feel hungry, I was very weak. I needed to get some lemonade in me right away so decided to hold off on the SWF and did the lax tea instead. I don’t have a lot of cramping with the tea but it does seem to work. Every time I urinate, I also have somee very loose stools. I drank seven lemona ...   read more

Day 1 - Burn Baby Burn   19 y  
I'm off to a good start.
I started my MC with Smooth Move last night. I didn’t have any cramps from the tea but did have loose stools in the morning. I didn’t do the SWF because I had a dentist appt. first thing. I’ll attempt it tomorrow. I made up enough lemonade/syrup concentrate (minus the pepper) to last the whole day. The drink wouldn’t be so bad except for the cayenne. It burns going down and is just unpleasant. I drink it as fast as I can so it doesn’t get any stronger. I had either 6 or 7 glasses today. I lost count. I drank even more water. I have occasionally felt hungry but nothing bad. I went to see Su ...   read more

The Beginning   19 y  
Why I am starting the MC
I first read about the ”lemonade diet” several weeks ago in a magazine, although their version of it included broth and veg. juice. I did some research and found Stanley Burrough’s book and sites like this one and decided I wanted to do it by the book for ten days. I am a 47 y/o female and weighed 142 when I started on Friday (I’m on Day 3 now). Three years ago I lost 30 pounds through a heart smart diet and lots of exercising. Unfortunately, in the last year I’ve gotten lazy and reverted back to old habits and gained ten pounds back. I thought this would be a great way to jump-start healt ...   read more


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My journey through my first Master Cleanse. more...

Last Activity: 19 y ago
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Created: 19 y   Jul 02 2006


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