Day 4 19 y
Juicing or master cleanse?
All master cleanse today and no juice. I did buy some veggies today though to prepare for the weekend. I really wonder if I should just do a 10 day master cleanse and then juice? I notice incredible results from a few days of mostly master cleanse compared to juice fasting. I kept on wondering what people where talking about when they said their tongue was coated but I found out yesterday. It was really kind of gross. My tongue was covered with plaque. I scraped it off and it was nasty honestly and I hated to see that junk come from my mouth. It was so thick! It would be comparabl ... read more
Days 2 and 3 19 y
Less juicing and more master cleanser
I am still on my juice fast. Yesterday I only had juice twice and today just once. I am drinking a lot of master cleanser drinks. I am so glad that I have fasted for 20 days already and know what to expect. It makes it easier when I want to stop and just pick up something and eat!
I worked so hard at work tonight. I was feeling pretty exhausted from so much physical work and I was worried that I was deteriorating from lack of Wendy’s 99 cent menu that I have ate at religiously for the past 4 months. I have to say I do eat more salads than I ever had in my whole life though. My bo ... read more
Day 1 19 y
4th fast since May 06 - I'm addicted!
Granted, my 2nd and 3rd fasts didn’t last long, but I am ready to do another 10+ days of juice fasting along with some days of master cleanse. I just completed my first day and feel really good about doing a long one this time.
I don’t really know how I stumbled upon, but it was after reading some people’s blogs that I decided to try a 3 day juice fast back in May. It was the best thing I have done in years and now I can honestly say that I will do this for the rest of my life even if it is only a few days a year. If you are deciding to do a juice fast and have never don ... read more
Day 2 of 3rd juice fast 19 y
Let's see how long this lasts! 3 days maybe:)~
I have been focusing on my ”Today I will not drink!” blog, but 2 days ago I decided to start my 3rd juice fast. So far it’s going great and I am able to make huge quanities and take it with me to work, although I think it taste a lot better when it is fresh. I will post like every 3 days or so just to help track my progress. My second fast didn’t last very long, and since I’m going to the lake all weekend, I don’t know if this will last longer than 3 days. I think everyone wants to have a fish fry and that is going to be hard to refuse. I will figure it out and no worries, I plan to f ... read more
my new blog 19 y
Today I will not drink alcohol is my new blog and I am QUITTING FOR GOOD!
Here is a link to my new blog visit the page
ok new blog time!!!!! 19 y
I'm making a new blog guys for my addiction! Thank you all for the support during my first and second fast!
(I made it 4 days on my second fast and gave in to alcohol which made me eat food - still I’m down 24 lbs from when I started my first fast:)
I accomplished a lot during my blog on my first fast. I just wanted to do a 3 day fast when I started and it ended up being 24 days:) So now I am going to do something that will be very important to me. I am starting a new blog tonight (in a few minutes) to show my progress and get support for my alcohol addiction. I got so much support from everyone on my fast that I know a new blog about my addiction will help me a lot. I will be juice fast ... read more
Day 3 19 y
It's tempting FRIDAY!
It is actually 6AM on day 4 for me, but I thought I would go ahead and post. I have a funny feeling that I will eat a salad tonight and break my fast. I am craving one right now and I hate to go out on Friday night and not eat. At the same time my girlfriend works all weekend so maybe we won’t go out. Who knows?
I have been up all night again and I’m getting ready to go to sleep for a little while before I have to be at work later on. I will post tonight or tomorrow and let you know if I ate that salad. It doesn’t bother me much because I think I will fast again in a few months af ... read more
Day 2 19 y
day 2 of my second fast went better than day 2 of first fast!
Ok guys, I really feel so good again already and I’m just on day 2. It is really easier this time because I know what to expect. I drank my juice 2 times and did master cleanse 2 times. I am really losing again in a good way. I am down to 191 lbs. That is 1 lb more than my total loss of my first fast. Dude... if any of you are thinking of fasting... DO IT! I would especially say for losing weight. I lost my weight and it is staying off very good. I thought it was just going to build right back up after I ate the sad for a month but it didn’t and I really wonder if it has to do with ... read more
***Started my 2nd fast today*** 19 y
Going for 10 days I guess since I am working
Today I started my second fast. I only gained 4 lbs since losing all my weight on my first fast, but I can tell me body wants another fast. I only got hungry late in the evening so when I got off work I made a cabbage, tomato, green onion, and green pepper juice. It was good to me but my girlfriend said it was burning her eyes and stank. Even when I made my first juice today my girlfriend walked in the door (she was gone at the time) and asked what that smell was. It was my juice and she said she could smell it outside on our front porch before she even opened the door:)
I think it ... read more
Day 10 post fast 19 y
Thinking of doing colonix for a month before starting my 2nd fast.
I was supposed to start my second fast today but now think I will wait for a few weeks. I have been thinking of buying colonix and doing that for a month. I will try to write ever 5 days and I probably will just go ahead and do colonix. I will post more later:) visit the page
Day 7 post fast 19 y
Going on my second fast in 3 days! Read this because I just decided it!
LOL, I have been eating a lot of crap lately, but then again I juiced a few times and now I’m trying to eat salads. I still have the good feeling, but today I ate a corndog and it really screwed me up. I felt the bad stuff from it leaking into my body. All I can say is my first fast was a great experience. I am almost ready for my 2nd fast. I did use all my veggies that I bought in salads so I didn’t waste anything I already bought. I gained 2 lbs in 7 days and I know I am eating a little better than I did before. Hey, the corndog was a spur of the moment thing... same goes for the ... read more
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