psychotherapy 19 y
Searcing for a new way out
I met my psychaiterist today. She is trying ti find out the hidden reasons behind my overeating. Above all she told me to eat lots of protein. Does any one know of some protein sources and suppliments, available in Europe or in Canada?
Well, I am not moving that much forward, but I am trying to move less backward. God, where are you? Come back to me! visit the page
Mother's Day 19 y
Mother's day was an occasion to send my lovings to my real love
I start with what good I did; I am far away from my Mom, really far, there oceans among us, but I sent her a gift on this day. She was so happy. I might sound like a little girl, but I am so much aware of all her sufferings for me, in fact she knows all about my binge eating.
Now horrible news, I have a big problem with one of my tooth, it is an infection and I might have to extract the tooth, too expensive here in France and too terrible.
We had a picnic today and I overate again, I just cannot get it. I had a little snack before it, in order to have less apetite, but it all went wrong ... read more
not really moving forward, but I try to stop moving backward
Another day is over, I still don’t feel any close to my goals. I met my psychaiterist today, who told me such problems don’t go away this easy and I have to be patient. I bought some fruit and vegetables, and rice cakes, I have some fish too and juice. I cannot afford to buy a juicer, I am a poor student and live in the dorm, we hav common kitchen and I hate cooking while every one is there. I hate people’s comments on me and my food. Then again, I cannot afford to buy any of those suppliments you use, I live in Europe and everything is much more expensive. However, if you know some more a ... read more
I admit my failure today, but I fight on
I admit it, I didn’t do as good as I wanted to. Yes , I did have two attacks of my Eating Disorder and couldn’t control myself. I felt like hating myself. What is all this? OK Ok I have to fight back, ten years is so long, I will win again and become the ME I ver wanted to. Tomorrow, more healing , more cleansing. I will not listen to that little voice telling me to EAT. I listen to that beautiful sound in my heart. visit the page
my journey 19 y
I begin this time in order to finish with all inpure within me. I need to lose weight, and above all need to become pure
Hello friends,
This is a suffering creature, tired of years of self destruction. Having fought with different psychological problems, eating disorder , I am left without my beloved ones and far from the eternal Power, God. It was indeed me, who stepped away, and got involved in FOOD! For ten years now, all I have been thinking was FOOD,and strange enough, I ended up overweight and ugly from inside and outside. I am tired of all this. At this very moment, I start my Journey back to OUR Father, and to me. I want to find the calm and peace once I had within me, unified with Nature, and pure ... read more