Cayenne Research Blog
by risingsun

Habaneros for Cancer Cure?   15 y  
You might want to look into Habaneros as a means to help rid your body of cancer. The pregnency test sure looks interesting even if it does not prove that you have cancer. I think, if I thought I might have cancer, and I tried one of those tests, I might go to a doctor to verify it and then move as quickly as I could toward the door, to escape her Chemo Therapy Sales Pitch. If it is a cure or not, it makes sense that it could work and short of Chemo, it is certainly worth a try..
edited to include ”alleged” cancer. Today I’d like to talk to you about my easy victory over my own (alleged)Stage 4 cancer. Maybe the best place to start with this would be to let you know that researchers at UCLA garnered lots of headlines two years ago because they had done something pretty incredible. (1) What had the UCLA researchers done? They shrank tumors by 80% with the heat from habaneros peppers. That is quite extraordinary in terms of what is usually accomplished with toxic drugs. It’s also worth noting that in the US the State of New Mexico has the lowest cancer mo ...   read more

Cayenne Pepper-Remedies   18 y  
Victoria Abreo BellaOnline's Alternative Medicine Editor Cayenne Pepper-Remedies One of the most useful botanical remedies for pain relief is capsaicin the principal active ingredient of cayenne pepper. Capsaicin has been shown to be effective for easing pain caused by arthritis and nerve conditions when applied topically as a cream, ointment or ingested as a capsule. Cayenne pepper and arthritis When cayenne is taken into the body on a regular basis, the main constituent, the fiery capsaicin does several things: 1) It blocks the supply of NGF; (a unique protein called nerve growth factor (NGF) helps produce a hormone known as substance P (SP), which transmits all pain signals throughout the body to the brain quickly).
Alternative Medicine Site 2) It causes a massive release of SP from the hypothalamus, which at first increases arthritic pain but later diminishes quite a bit. 3) By producing such a depletion of SP from the hypothalamus, pain signals no longer are able to get to the brain. The first noticeable result is the feeling of no pain in those with arthritis. As a bonus, the pepper is said to boost the production of endorphins, the natural painkillers produced by the body after exercise. The recommended dosage for effective pain relief from arthritis is approximately 2 capsules, thr ...   read more

Cayenne for Ulcers?   18 y  
Cayenne pepper has been used to treat digestive disorders involving gas, nausea, or indigestion. It seems to stimulate gastric secretions and peristaltic activity and is actually thought to be soothing to the mucosal linings even though it is heating. It has been used herbally in the treatment of ulcers and for other gastrointestinal disease and, at diluted levels, even for eye irritation. As a throat lozenge ingredient, cayenne can help reduce soreness or inflammation. There is also belief that cayenne reduces clotting mechanisms, which may help reduce risk in cardiovascular diseases; for this reason it should be avoided by people on anticoagulant drugs. Cayenne is also used topically to provide local relief from joint pain or stiffness or sore muscles. It seems to enhance circulation and is sometimes helpful in treating certain headaches. As a supplement, cayenne pepper has been used for years for cardiovascular support. It cleans the blood and stimulates the entire system. Dr Ch
”If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.” - Dr. Richard SCHULZE, Medical Herbalist Cayenne pepper, actually a small red berry from the Capsicum annum or frutescens plants, creates heat when taken into the body, but it is not irritating or burning. The active oil, capsaicin, is now being studied in the treatment of some medical disorders. Symptoms of Deficiency or Need: One of the true natural stimulants for both energy and metabolism. It is believe that when cayenne pepper is used regularly that it has anticancer proper ...   read more

Fibromyalgia: Cayenne Plaster Relieves Pain   18 y  
Everyone knows that cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum) is hot stuff. However, when its active compound, capsaicin, is applied to the skin, it relieves pain rather than producing it. Unlike many pain relievers, capsaicin doesn’t work by reducing inflammation. Instead, the compound blocks production and transport of “substance P,” a chemical that carries pain messages from nerve endings in your skin to control headquarters in your central nervous system. Double-blind clinical studies indicate that it helps relieve the nerve and muscle pain caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, whether or not there is inflammation.
To test the efficiency of capsaicin on back pain, a double-blind, parallel-group, placebo study applied a capsicum plaster on the backs of 154 volunteers who had been dealing with chronic back pain for at least three months. Nearly one-third of them found that their pain was quickly reduced. After three weeks, another 31 percent were feeling less pain and it was easier for them to get around and to function in general. Tolerating the treatment was actually easier for those using capsicum rather than the placebo group because it provided so much pain relief, although some volunteers reporte ...   read more

Cayenne for Digestion   18 y  
Cayenne stimulates kidney function, increases urination and will even heal an ulcer. It stimulates all major organs in the body and increases metabolism at the level of the individual cell. It improves circulation throughout the body and increases body temperature. Cayenne can even stop a heart attack in progress by mixing a teaspoon of it with a glass of water and swallowing it or by taking 3 cayenne capsules. Cayenne can also stop internal bleeding by taking it internally in the same dose. Cayenne can dissolve fresh blood clots and reverse the effects of a stroke in just a few hours but you will lose some of these benefits the longer you wait.
TURN ON YOUR APPETITE and DIGESTION with CAYENNE & APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Powerful stuff! Cayenne (Red Pepper) is one of the most underrated spices in the plant kingdom. Cayenne is a very powerful appetite stimulant. Cayenne combined with a little apple cider vinegar will put a growl in your stomach. To turn on the hunger response, try taking one cayenne capsule with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before meals, then gradually increase the dose in a few days to 3 cayenne capsules and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in about 4 to 6 ounces of water and take this about ...   read more

Diabetes: Cayenne   18 y  
Numerous double-blind studies have proven topically applied capsaicin creams are helpful for a range of conditions, including nerve pain in diabetes (diabetic neuropathy)
Cayenne (Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens) Common Names Capsaicin, capsicum Botany Originally from South America, the cayenne plant has spread across the globe both as a food and as a medicine. Cayenne is very closely related to bell peppers, jalapeños, paprika, and other similar peppers. The fruit is used. Historical or Traditional Use The potent, hot fruit of cayenne has been used as medicine for centuries. It was considered helpful for various conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas. Cayenne was frequently used to treat d ...   read more

Cayenne:Mucus Mover   18 y  
Mucus Mover Because cayenne acts as a diaphoretic (which means that it makes you sweat), it was an herbal mainstay for general cleansing of the body, breaking fevers, and fighting infection. "When you eat something hot like cayenne, your nose runs, you sweat, and all your fluids get moving," says Dr. Evans. That’s a good thing when you have a cold or flu and your mucous membranes are swollen and inflamed. Breaking up stagnant and congested mucus brings some relief from cold symptoms, says Dr. Evans, but even better, it brings fresh blood to the site of the infection. Fresh blood contains infection fighters from the immune system—white blood cells and leukocytes—that fight viruses and other foreign invaders.   visit the page

Cayenne4Heart Attack First Aid   18 y  
"I have had almost a hundred patients actually save their lives by using a tablespoonful of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water, or 10 dropperfuls of the tincture, and drinking it down fast. In every case, it brought the person right out of it with minimal damage, some with no damage at all. "- Dr. Richard Schulze
Cayenne Pepper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My current understanding of the cause of heart attacks comes from studying the work of Dr. Matthias Rath. An inadequate intake of vitamin C over a long period of time causes the arteries that flex the most to crack and leak. The arteries that flex the most are around the heart. Some of these squash with every beat of the heart. As they crack a plaque forms on the inside to repair the leak. Self repair by the body. As more and more cracking takes place more and more plaque builds up on the ...   read more

cayenne-emergency uses   18 y  
THERAPEUTIC ACTION CAYENNE is a POWERFUL and PURE Stimulant, having NO Narcotic Effect, increasing the POWER of the Pulse and carrying the Blood to ALL parts of the Body, plus EQUALIZING and RESTORING the BALANCE of Circulation throughout the Body! Cayenne is a Hemostat, ARRESTING the flow of Blood from a Cut or Wound in SECONDS and a Cardiac Tonic, HELPING to REBUILD the Heart. It is an Antiseptic, KILLING Pathogens and a Counter-Irritant, helping to RELIEVE Pain. And Cayenne is a Stomachic, HELPING to DIGEST Foods and a Carminative, HELPING to EXPEL Gas. CAYENNE PEPPER IS DR. SCHULZE'S NO. 1 EMERGENCY HERB!
CAYENNE PEPPER - EMERGENCY USES Compiled And Edited By Tom Harrelson THERAPEUTIC ACTION CAYENNE is a POWERFUL and PURE Stimulant, having NO Narcotic Effect, increasing the POWER of the Pulse and carrying the Blood to ALL parts of the Body, plus EQUALIZING and RESTORING the BALANCE of Circulation throughout the Body! Cayenne is a Hemostat, ARRESTING the flow of Blood from a Cut or Wound in SECONDS and a Cardiac Tonic, HELPING to REBUILD the Heart. It is an Antiseptic, KILLING Pathogens and a Counter-Irritant, helping to RELIEVE Pain. And Cayenne is a Stomachic, HELPING to DIGEST Foods ...   read more


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Cayenne Research Blog to determine uses for this spice. more...

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6 Comments   Last comment 15 y ago

viewed 233,958 times
Created: 18 y   May 07 2006

Comments (6 of 6):
Re: Habaneros for … surfz… 15 y
Re: Cayenne Pepper… The W… 15 y
Prescription info:… drugs… 17 y
I thought you migh… risin… 18 y
Re: Wow it really … risin… 18 y
Wow it really help… Roami… 18 y R
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