Someone Noticed.... 17 y
Well day two back at work and someone noticed my weight loss. I was just walking pass and she said, did you lose weight, I can tell since you been back;-) I told her I was busy running and doing all types of exercises to get where I am. But in my head I was saying and this is not the end, I have more to go!
But it was nice to go back to work (which I wanted) and at least ONE person noticed and commented, which made my day. Because I think the people that see you the most, and when they notice, then you ARE making physical changes:-) Just wanted to share that bit of tidbit, today is ... read more
24 Hour Dry Fasting 17 y
Didn’t really do it to jumpstart anything, just to get my butt in gear for another round of fasting:-) Within the same 24 hours I welcomed the Great TOM:-) For me it is early, BUT I have NO cramps AT ALL which was very very odd but I am not complaining:-) I feel like I have blown up like a balloon though! Which sucked because I wanted to show the weight loss progress, but hopefully by my next weigh in, (next Monday), I will have lost something:-)
Today I go back to work and I will be bringing my tea and water. I can’t really post what amount of days I will be fasting, for I probably wil ... read more
Labor Day Goals 17 y
Labor Day is September 1st. I hope to reach my 130 goal by then. That gives me a WHOLE month. Now before people are thinking I will be conducting a 30 day fast, that will not be happening...LOL But I hope to do an mix of water fasting/juice fasting/raw food diet. My goal is to reach my GOAL weight for the labor day weekend because we will be taking our family vacation which requires a bathing suit:-)
So it is actually 5 weeks from now and plenty of time for me to lose as much as I can as long as I stay motivated and focused. I have joined an online weight loss group which weighs i ... read more
Dry Fasting Results 17 y
I have just completed a day of ”dry fasting” which means NO foods or ANY liquids and I noticed something. My sole purpose of doing it was to see what was triggering my ”hunger” and I believe its my gum chewing. When I read on the water support website about not chewing gum on your fast because it activates the digestive system, I thought they were full of it. I mean I thought the gum chewing kept me going on my runs and I couldn’t make it WITHOUT the false sugar rush...LOL BUT this time I did everything I normally did: running 3 miles, powerwalking for an hour, 40 minutes of racquetball ... read more
Sore Today 17 y
I can not move....Laying in bed right now and didn’t want to. I missed my run this morning:-( Did the weights on Monday (guess it’s been a while) and legs so sore, then running yesterday and powerwalking then bike ride and another powerwalk, maybe that helped? LOL
When I get up the courage I will go downstairs and so some Taebo and hopefully be able to take daughter on another bike ride. I think I am trying to ride these thighs away...I just now gotta find some butt exercises or would it be too much blood to hack them off?? visit the page
Amazing 17 y
I did my 3 mile run back to back with my hour of powerwalking;-) but the amazing part is when I run or walk my tank top using rides up on me exposing my mushroom/muffin top. Out of habit I am usually pulling my top down every couple of steps, but this morning when I kept reaching, I realize that it doesn’t ride up any more..YAH, YAH! Side handles are disappearing AND a flatter stomach;-) And in truth, yesterday was the FIRST day I went running in my tank top WITHOUT a XXL T-shirt covering it:-)
Yesterday I hanged tight on the water til around 230 and then I had my juice. So, that ... read more
How I lost 14 in 8 Days 17 y
Last week, I would get up in the morning early before work each day and walk on my treadmill for 20 mins. then after work I would either go to the gym to play racquetball or if too tired I would go home and do another 20 minutes on my treadmill, then at night I will walk around the neighborhood, walk the track where my daughter has track practice for 20 mins or the treadmill again. So it all averaged out to an hour a day, just broken up, plus work. (work at a school).
On Sundays and Saturdays my days off I would walk for an hour and a half. So, kind of did it all at once because I ha ... read more
Day One of Juice Fast 17 y
Well, now that I have the fruit issue under control, back on the fast for another 20 days:-) Last week was awesome and awful at the same time....But this week I will start it out with juicing instead of just water/tea with working out cause I just felt terrible:-)
Holding at 165 for the minute and will report again in 10 days:-) (weight July 24), then the last ten days (Aug. 3rd). I will probably add a water day on Saturday or Sunday which went great this pass weekend. Well, I am off on my morning run and have to work off this fruit:-) visit the page
Broke Fast 17 y
Whewwwwwwwww and I feel so much better:-) I mean I was in the blah blah blah feeling and it was an awful feeling. So today I ate a plum. Boy was it yummy! I think for me (and my opinion only) was that I was working out 3 times a day on a water/tea fast and I felt something awful. I wish I could go on a fast and sit still, but I can’t. So, since the 14 loss was a great start, i will continue on the weight loss journey, but for now I don’t think I can make it longer on a fast;-)
You guys are doing great and thanks for all the encouraging words and hang in there! visit the page
Day 8 17 y
166.4! I am down from last Saturday of 180.4:-) 14 pounds down! Yes! I know I had issues with weighing or not, but curiousity got the better of me:-) I kept reading the tanglewood website of people’s weight and wondered where am I at on the scale? LOL.
Anyhow, this has NOT taken me to a celebration binge no way! For not only do I have FAR to go to my goal of 125 weight, BUT I have been through SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much in this week. So, I think the juice was a big help yesterday in getting me some energy, but I think the larger loss was due to the water/tea drinking. So today and tomorrow wh ... read more
Day 7 17 y
I am not sure how I managed a 10 day water fast some 2 years ago, BUT I CAN say, I will not make it this time...LOL I am starting the juice fast...I totally needed those extra calories given from the juice. So, here I am dusting off my juicer I brought 3 years ago. I already went to the store to buy the things I needed, so I am ready to start on day 7 the juice fast til Aug. 3rd:-)
It is the last day of school where I work and they are having a pizza party for the kids. So, for those of you who are having the problems of ”concerned” family members or friends, let me share with you w ... read more
Day 6 17 y
Well, I have been asked a couple of times of the amount of weight loss for day 6 now and I have been going over and over with weighing myself on MOnday (day 10). But I can’t find myself to get on the scale. I had begun this fear of scales because of the choices I make after ”The Scale” reads me my number (almost like a bad reading from a fortune teller). So, to stay on course, I have decided not to weigh on day 10 but maybe on day 15 (next Saturday July 19).
As I was having all these dicussions during hunger pangs in the night...I am in a debate (with myself) to start juice fasting on d ... read more
Five Day Fasting Archives:-) 17 y
Doing my happy dance! I know it isn’t much but for me redoing the day ones almost 50 times, I am glad to be on day 3:-) My orginial date is to shoot for 25 days July 30th, for now I am doing mini goals, so I will give myself 10 days til next Tuesday. But i am sure I will continue on;-) I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I was going to post day one on Saturday, but was scared I would fail again, and told myself I would not post til I made it to day 3:-)
Anyhow I on Saturday I powerwalked for and hour and 50 minutes. Day one was very hard to get out of the habit of eating. But I fought t ... read more
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