Day 3/Day 4 19 y
Days 3 and 4 of my fast.
The third day wasn’t too bad. But I was still hungry and craving all sorts of food. I haven’t lost anymore weight, but I felt better. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go the full 30 days now because of Easter, maybe I’ll just shorten it to 21 days - I’m not sure. I guess it depends on how much weight I’ve lost at that point.
I still have hunger pains so I must need to up my juice intake, and I’m having a hard time having any bm. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. I feel that I’m going to need to do a swf. :/ visit the page
2nd Day 19 y
My second day.
The second day was not so bad. No major headaches or anything, although I did wake up with a slight one this morning. I weighed myself today and I’m down 2lbs from yesterday. I still have hunger pains so I’m going to up my juice intake, and I am going to buy some laxatives or do a salt flush because I have not had any bm. (Way too much information, I know). visit the page
First Day 19 y
The first day of my fast.
The first day went pretty well. I had a steady amount of energy throughout the day and slept well. I know that the next few days will be the hardest, but I am going to try and stay strong and not break the fast. I weighed myself this morning and I’ve already lost 3lbs, I’m sure that it is just water weight, but it did make me feel better. I think that I am going to have to look into laxatics or colonics before this month is over. visit the page
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I am starting a juice fast in order to loose some excess weight and clean my body of all the toxins I have put into it over the last few years. more...
Last Activity: 19 y ago 3 Messages Last message 19 y ago 1 Comments Last comment 19 y ago
viewed 28,128 times Created: 19 y Mar 25 2006
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