Fasting - Day 1 AGAIN!!! 19 y
Reaffirming Goals, Committment to myself...
This is my new Day 1. I am starting with the juice fasting this time, and will alternate with the MC when I feel ready for the change. I started with watermelon juice for breakfast. This is so easy to make because I don’t have to use the big commercial juicer that I have. Just cut off the outer layer of rind, cut the rest in cubes and put into the Vitamix. Then I poured it through my nutmilk bag to strain, and I had 6 cups of juice. Used the pulp and some of the juice for family smoothie, and then I enjoyed my first cup of juice! I’ll probably have another 2 this morning, spread out to a ... read more
Working my way back to fasting 19 y
MC/juice fast ... getting ready to re-start
Well, after 5 days of smoothies, I gave in and started eating solids. Mostly salads and vegee soups (with some brown rice). Now, I’m ready to jump into fasting again. I need to make it to my goal. I did not intend to let the ”interruption” be so long. However, I’m back, and I’ll be starting either Saturday (tomorrow) or Monday. I’ve posted on the MC and Fasting 4WL forums, and I’ll see if anyone else is starting either of those days...
I have had a terrible ”time of the month” and bloated up so much that I had to curl my toes to reach the ground. I’ll be doing some detox baths an ... read more
Blended Salad and other smoothies 19 y
6-8 pounds of weight gain, mostly water
Hi everyone. I’m starting to feel a LOT better, although I still have a lot of pressure, the pain is not constant anymore.
I had a banana/pineapple juice smoothie (with lots of ice) for breakfast. Blended salad made lunch. Then I had a strawberry/pineapple/peach smoothie for dinner. Very good, and counted as ”dessert” too. Tomorrow I’m heading into town to stock up on more produce (and other necessities.)
The family loved dinner tonight. I only cooked about 5 oz (pre-cooked weight) of fish, and split it 3 ways! Then they each had a baked sweet potato with choice of toppings, a ... read more
Adding Smoothies for a few days - Day 6 of PAIN 19 y
Back to fasting in 2-3 days
I had to modify my fast and add blended salads and fruit smoothies (with pulp) for a few days (2-3) to deal with the pain. I’m hoping this is related to detox, and this will slow it down. I am actually up 3 1/2 pounds this morning, but this is normal for me, and it will disappear when I return to the MC/juice fast in a couple of days.
I talked about it with a few friends and my family, and they were very supportive of the modification. I’m still not ”eating” and I’m still working toward health. I’ll be back on the fasting soon and will keep posting. My goals have not changed, but I have ... read more
Dinner Party Went Well 19 y
The Tempting Avocado...
I had guests last night for dinner. We typically have a few families over each month, and I decided I could continue to do so while fasting. Otherwise, we might have missed 2 months. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be because I focused on the social interaction instead of the food.
I used my Vitamix to make raw spaghetti sauce; then put it in the crockpot for a few hours on low (all of the guests eat SAD diets, and my family wanted it cooked, too.) Boiled noodles last minute, and prepped vegees for a huge salad. The guests brought dessert and wine, so I was done.
The onl ... read more
Measurements and Weight Loss Update!! 19 y
On track to reach my goals!
It’s Saturday, and for me, that means time to get the tape measure out. I am pretty excited about the results. Some areas lost quite a bit in the last week; others nothing at all. But the progress is definitely evident!
Waist ............... - 3.0”
Above Bust .......... - 1.5”
Below Bust .......... - 1.5”
Full Bust ........... - 1.25”
Neck ................ - 0.625” (5/8”)
Hips/Belly .......... - 1.5”
Thighs .............. - 0.5” each
Knees ............... - 1.0” each
Calves .............. - 1.25” each
Ankles .............. - 0.5” R and - 0.375” L (3/8”)
Upper Arms ..... ... read more
Non-food Rewards 19 y
Cayenne cutting inflammation, lowering pain levels
I rewarded myself for the 25 pound mark by buying the curtain rods I need for our redecorating. Less than $200 for quality matching rods for 4 windows and the slider! I couldn’t resist the sale price, and I wanted a non-food reward.
Yesterday’s lemonade is finally finished, and I’m trying to catch up by drinking another 4 today. That will make 7 (I only made it through 3 yesterday). I know I need more, but I was so full, and just wanted to get to bed and sleep through the pain. I tossed and turned all night, waking up at least once per hour from the pain. Surprisingly, I only have ... read more
25 pounds to goal!!!! 19 y
Weight loss update...changing clothing sizes
I am starting to feel like I’ll really make it to my first major goal (and the starting point for my new way of eating!) 18 more pounds before I hit the 199 mark. Then another 7 before I hit my goal for this fast...192. I have lost 25 pounds so far, plus 8 prior to this series of fasts, for a total of 33 pounds! I am so excited to so close to the 190’s. It’s been at least 10 years since I was last under 200 pounds.
My clothes are fitting differently. Some that I just got into are already getting too loose. Others are finally fitting again. I have boxes of clothing to go through ... read more
Day 15 Progress Report 19 y
sat through lunch at fancy restaurant...a bit water logged!
Just wanted to update after another difficult day. After 1 week of the MC and another week of juice fasting, I’m back on the MC. I have had 3 drinks today. 1 without cayenne, and 2 with extra cayenne. My energy levels are great, but I’m still in a lot of pain. That’s why I’m switching back to the MC. The cayenne helps inflammation, and that seems to be my problem right now...
Right now I’m making my tea because I have to leave early tomorrow and want to be sure it has plenty of time to work!
I went to the city for the kids’ annual health check-ups. The healthier food really made a ... read more
Made it Through...Continuing on Day 15 19 y
Switching to MC for a week.
Thanks for everyone’s support here and on the forums. I survived a night of severe pain, and am continuing with the fast. I’m going to switch back to the MC for a week because I’m tired of using the juicer, and because it has the cayenne in it.
(Thanks, Dazzle, I had forgotten about using cayenne!)
I’ll be driving the next two days, so it’ll be rough painwise. But I am determined to keep going until I reach my goals. I need to give my body a chance to work on my back problems, even if it gets worse before it gets better.
Hubby gave me a half hour massage last night, concentrati ... read more
Hitting the Wall...Want to Quit 19 y
Pain levels high, motivation low; but hanging on!
But, I’m not giving in...
Today was such a rough day. Extreme pain levels, from my hips to my toes. Something is being stirred up that is causing inflammation around my pinched nerves in my lower back, and I cannot even walk around the house (or sit down) without pain. I spent most of the day either leaning on my side on the couch, or walking around trying to move and not get stiff. This is usually when I stop fasting, but I am committed to pushing through. It’s WAY too early to think about quitting...and I have invested enough in this fast so that I don’t want to start over! That ... read more
Day 14: Almost 2 weeks fasting 19 y
Detox symptoms returning...taking it easy today.
Today I had a REALLY hard time getting out of bed. I’m achey all over, including a mild head and neck ache. I’m very tired, but have things to do. No BM last night or this morning, so I’ll have to have some tea. I was too tired to make any last night. I feel kinda ”sick” but I know it’s just detox.
Didn’t weigh this morning, because I want to distance myself a tiny bit from the scale. Maybe I’ll weigh every other morning??
Time to finish cleaning the house...
Rhonda visit the page
Day 13 Ends with a Bang! 19 y
Slow day... fatigue returns
Literally, with all the lighting and thunder outside. I had to unplug my computer for a few hours due to all the activity. Our irrigation ditch started overflowing yesterday, and I’m hoping it hasn’t washed away any more of our private road. My daughter was home sick today, so I didn’t leave the house all day except to check the rain gauge. Over an inch today, and that was hours ago! Can’t wait until spring weather arrives, so we can do more nature hikes!
I finished my apple juice this morning (delicious), then had my carrot/celery/sweet potato/cabbage drink for lunch. Dinner is go ... read more
Another Milestone Reached!!!! Yippee!!!! 19 y
Day 13 off to a great start
I’ve been losing about a half pound a day, so I was VERY EXCITED to get on the scale this morning and see 219.5. I’m in the ”2-teens” sooner than expected!
I haven’t lost 2 pounds in one day since Day 5.
Today is Day 13. I noticed this morning as I updated my Weight Loss Spreadsheet that I got a day ahead of myself. I don’t know how, but Saturday was Day 10, and I thought it was day 11. This means I’m only on Day 13, not Day 14. Oh well, at least I picked a good day to repeat....
I went through my blog posts and corrected the days on all of them. I still have weeks to go, so t ... read more
End of Day 12 19 y
Preparing for trip to restaurant
I made a high-vegee content meal for the family and then made some carrot/celery/sweet potato/cabbage juice for dinner. I’ve been doing mostly fruit the last 2 days, and wanted something a little more grounded. Need to start adding dark leafy greens tomorrow. I have some spinach and some romaine. The kale here was terrible, but my next trip into town I’ll get some!
I feel discouraged tonight. Caught me off guard because I’m really doing well. I’m going to bed soon and I’ll feel better tomorrow. It’ll be raining all day, but I have plans with some friends in the a.m., and then lots ... read more
Back to Exercising 19 y
Finally made it 2 miles on the treadmill!!
Now that I’m feeling better, I’m trying to get motivated to exercise. I made it onto the treadmill a while ago, and made it 2 miles (first time) and it took me 47 minutes. I know I’ll be able to keep increasing the speed and distance. I have to be careful not to make too many excuses for myself. The weight will come off faster if I exercise. And my lymph system can certainly use the shaking up!
Next goal: 3 miles in one hour.
Also, I really want to hit my frequency goal of at least every other day...
Rhonda visit the page
Day 12; Almost 2 weeks!! 19 y
Looking ahead to the "2-teens"
Good morning. Just making some tea to start the day and thought I’d post an update. Yesterday stayed great, and I woke up feeling refreshed this morning. I brought in some oranges to juice after my tea, and I’m hoping to get a bit more juice in me today. I never did juice anything after lunch yesterday. Just finished off the apple juice and drank water and my evening tea.
The scale moved again, and I’m at 221.5 this morning. 21 pounds since I started this phase of my journey, and about 30 pounds from my highest weight. Not too bad. The ”2-teens” are in sight, and I’m excited to ... read more
Day 11 of 30+ 19 y
mind games and hunger
Today is a much better day! Apple juice to start, then carrot/celery/apple, and working on another apple. I have almost used up the organic apples, which is good because they are going soft... This week it’s romaine and pears on sale in the tiny organic corner of the local market. I can’t wait to have some pear juice!
I am down another 1/2 pound. It’s slowing down earlier than usual, but it’s still coming off. I bought some ketone testing strips, and I’m testing at the darkest level. I guess this means I’m really burning fat! My measurements are dropping, and I’m going to keep g ... read more
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