Juice Fasting Information At Your Fingertips 19 y
The best of ~Rising Above It All~ at a glance:
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=2 Foods that Heal (Healing Properties)
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=7 The Incredible Digestive System and why we shut it down (MUST READ)
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=4 Discusses the Bach Flower Essences (EXTREMELY) helpful on a fast)
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=10 Healing Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables (Tailor your fast)
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=15 Calcium Rich Foods I (You CAN live without cow milk!)
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=16 Calcium R ... read more
30 Day Juice Fast Journey Compiled 19 y
30 Day Juice Fast Journal -- At a Glance...
No need to wade through 100 blog entries to follow the 30 day juice fast journey. I’ve compiled the journal for your reading convenience.
30 Day Juice Fast Journey
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=1 Introduction
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=3 Day One
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=6 Day Two
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=8 Day Three
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=9 Day Four
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=573&i=10 ... read more
Juice Recipes for the Masses 19 y
Enjoy until your tongue falls off!
Here are more delicious recipes to indulge your senses while healing your body and emotions.
ginger berry
1 (or more) 1in cube of fresh ginger
1 medium bunch of grapes
2 cups blackberries or raspberries
You can also add some sparkling mineral water, or some ice.
green goddess
2 fl oz of carrot juice
2 fl oz of apple juice
2 fl oz of beetroot juice
2 fl oz of broccoli juice
½ tsp kelp powder
½ - 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley
A squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
... read more
Luscious Juice Recipes 19 y
Thirty juice recipes pulled from various blog entries throughout ~Rising Above It All~
Lemon-Lime Ginger Ale
A handful of green grapes
1 apple, cored and sliced
½ inch fresh ginger (less if you find the taste too strong)
1/2 lime
1/4 lemon
sparkling mineral water
Remove the grapes from the stem.
Juice the apple and ginger together, then juice the rest of the fruit.
Pour the juice in a large glass and fill to the top with sparkling water
and serve with ice.
Sparkling Tropical Fruit Juice
Recipe taken from I Hate Counting Calories!
1 kiwi, peeled
1 o ... read more
Feast or Famine? 19 y
In your whole life, you have probably never consumed as much food in three days as you will during a three day juice fast...
I’ve always espoused that juice fasting is about giving oneself a gift of life. It is not about depriving oneself of the good things. It’s about cleaning up the mess we have made with our lives, beginning with our bodies and health.
The only way one can experience this marvelous gift of life is to fully experience the juice fast. The longer the fast, the more dynamic the gift of life.
Juice Fast or Juice Feast?
Most people hear the word &q ... read more
Aphrodisiac Fruit 19 y
Yaca fruit has been baptized, "The Mexican v1agra..."
I don’t know about you, but I want to plant a Yaca tree in my yard. <wink>
~ Dazzle
Yaca, the Aphrodisiac Fruit - Use With Caution
Alex Barragan, Martha Rodriguez, & Eduardo Sanchez for PVNN
It was a beautiful day in Guayabitos, Nayarit, when we came upon something that caught our attention. A man, Antonio Delgadillo, was selling fruit and shakes with a sign that said "Yaca, the Aphrodisiac Fruit. Use With Caution."
It was announced on the television news that Nayarit was beginning the ... read more
Fruit Effects 19 y
Ailments caused by the intake of unnatural foods can be successfully treated by fruits...
Anyone reading this blog, knows I’m a huge proponent of green vegetables. When I juice, I make very sure I drink half my daily juices in greens. Greens are powerful chlorophyll laden elixirs that do a mighty detox and aid in healing the body down to the cellular level.
Yet, in my excitement and enthusiasm in sharing my love of veggie greens with you, I’m afraid I’ve neglected the raw beauty of fruit. The below article discusses the natural benefits of fruits and their effects upon the body whether consumed in juices ... read more
Dry Fasting 19 y
Fasting is Nature's foundational law of all healing and rejuvenation...
Dry fasting is a far cry from juice fasting. All the same the below article is quite intriguing and perhaps in the near future I’ll give dry fasting a serious try. Imagine breaking a fast with a juice.
Happy Reading,
~ Dazzle
Fasting is Nature’s foundational law of all healing and rejuvenation. It is a natural fact that the more you fast the better you heal, the higher your intellectual activity, and the younger you become.
Fasting is the ultimate. Isn’t it interesting that the world’s great religions have su ... read more
Nasty Detox Symptoms 19 y
Fasting is like cleaning out a filthy garage, twenty, thirty, maybe fifty years of harmful food latent in every cell...
The purpose behind fasting is to detox the body. Many of us have spent decades, at the very least several years, of consuming poor nutrition and enduring a toxic overload to get to the level of ill health where we’ll do anything to feel better again.
Juice fasting is one of the quickest paths to feeling better again. So, what’s with the headaches, rashes, sniffles, aches and pains we experience when on a juice fast?
In a word: Detox.
The below article discusses what to expect when detoxing and how to deal with it. ... read more
Cayenne Heat Units 19 y
Want to know which peppers will burn your tongue and which won't? Look no further...
This chart gives you an idea of just how hot various species of cayenne pepper are. The hotter the pepper, the more heat units it has. The more heat units it has, the more powerful healing properties it gives. Habanero peppers are considered the hottest peppers on earth. And they are extremely potent. Try growing some, they’re fabulous organic.
~ Dazzle
Capsaicin’s “heat” is measured in Scoville Units, wh ... read more
Powerful Cayenne Part II 19 y
Continued from Powerful Cayenne Part I
• Cayenne reduces or even cures severe chronic allergic and nonallergic conditions that make people’s noses run constantly.
• Herbalist John R. Christopher suggests this formula for making a cayenne tincture:
Put one ounce of dried capsicum in a glass jar.
Add one pint of alcohol such as 150 proof.
Close the jar tightly and shake it four times daily.
Keep mixture in the jar for only two weeks and no longer.
Strain ... read more
Powerful Cayenne Part I 19 y
The potent, hot fruit of cayenne has been used as medicine for centuries... and may be safely used in all cases of disease...
This is a very long, yet extremely thorough article on the properties and benefits of cayenne pepper. I discovered cayenne pepper some 25 years ago and have been using it regularly since. I reared my children on cayenne pepper. My husband, Snuzin (CZ handle), likes to remark that no self-respecting germ will come near any of us because our bodies are saturated with cayenne pepper.
I read in Jethro Klaus’s book Back to Eden that in the deserts of South America and Africa where people sometimes die, vultures will not touch the corpses because they are saturated with cayenne pepper, ... read more
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