Spiritual United Nations..of the World.(SUN) 18 y
Spiritual United Nations is based on the spiritual side of living entities,and can solve most problems of the world!
The New World Order should be based on a spiritual basis,instead of materially;that is spiritually,we are all equal before God,sometimes helpless,sometimes successful...The whole world is going in a chaotic way towards anihilation,due to the fact that nowadays,spiritual science is not taught a t universities or schools:there’s most stress on getting technological diplomas,that help to get rich,but inwardly,most people know nothing about their spiritual individuality.
The following basics of this spiritual New World are:
1. We are spirit souls,not these differently colored bodies tha ... read more
No more sectarian religions,thanks! 18 y
Religions are ignored now due to its sectarian views...Read about true religion!
Millions of people have turned against God,due to sectarian ”religions”
Whereas true religion always speak of love of all humans,animals and plants!
But the evil part of humanity also fight to establish the contrary:
Hate of humans,animals and plants,causing the planet to be hellish!
So,by the grace of internet,anyone now can access to study of true religion,if one wish,and study how such deviations took place in the past,so as to avoid blind following.God lets us completely free to do so,and if you’re sincere,He will direct you to the right site.In the past,knowledge was reserved to ... read more
Cure by spiritual sound vibrations or mantras 19 y
The maha mantra:cure from all diseases.
In some parts of India,whenever someone gets bitten by a snake,the local medicine man knows how to cure the victim by special mantras or words in sanskrit that have powerful antidote qualities.
In this material world,we are all delusioned about our real identity,thinking this world is real,and so ,struggling to be ”somebody”,to be recognised as famous for education,beauty etc...but it all ends up miserably with diseases,court actions or death.
The real world is spiritual and eternal,devoid of pain,sorrow and death.
By chanting spiritual mantras,that can free us from this delusion,we ... read more
The whole world require spiritual guidance or.... 19 y
The world is getting more and more full of anxiety...
The news every day is getting more and more full of anxiety!
So much bloodshed in Irak,and elsewhere!
Mainly the Iran desire to detain nuclear power.
As most predictions are clear to say:there will be a great devastation,due to the greed of humanity,and quarrel between nations.
But unconcious and pleasure seeking crowd do not see and feel the danger.
We reep what we sow...
The Muslims do not fear death,as their leaders promise them paradise after!
The dormant Americans-the crowd-finance the horrible war,and so participate in the butchery.
Those who are looking for enlightenment go ... read more
Back to simple living.... 19 y
A simple living:back to village life...
Those who are concerned about their health and spiritual life should join or form a new kind of society where simple living is practiced.
I shouldn’t be difficult,mainly in USA to create a vegetarian village,where nearly everything is produced and consumed.What is the requirement of anyone?Food,shelter and education...
FOOD: The best food,as proved today,is organic vegetables and cereals.Milk and milk products are also required to complete the menus and diversify it.
So a vegetarian village should have enough veg production to feed its inhabitants,which shouldn’t exceed 500,as more ... read more
Divine guidance for the New World. 19 y
Divine guidance are required to teach the rulers
In past history,there has been great civilisations that succeeded to establish Divine management throughout the whole world,with the help of Divine representatives.They named strong Kings to rule the Kingdom,where all living entities were satisfied as well as God,and sadhus(saintly persons)
Thus,as Mother Earth was well cared for,animals and people protected from barbarous rebels,there was plenty to eat:Mother Earth gave excess food,and cows,excess milk,as they were not killed but loved just like a person-they even had or still have in some places,a name.
Be ... read more