I passed a worm!!! 20 y
...and I feel so much better!
The past few days have been odd!!!
I started ParaBuster (www.ghchealth.com) on Sunday. I didn’t notice any real changes (a slight headache).
For some reason this week I’ve had an insatiable urge for Butterfinger’s. There are times when I get ”addicted” to a food, so I didn’t think too too much of this.
Today was the first day that I didn’t need a Butterfinger. Well, as it would happen, I got home from work and after I went potty, there was a worm!!! It looked like the pics of tapeworms that I’ve seen, although I am far from knowledgeable about what worms look like. I know it ... read more
Sensory Overload! 20 y
...I never thought that feeling good could feel so bad
Yesterday I took my first dose of Paragone. Today I had a headache (which I never get) which I am associating to die-off. I feel so much better knowing that I am doing something good for myself!
I can’t wait to see some parasites come out! I am afraid that I won’t know what I’m seeing.
Tomorrow my goal is to begin day #1 of no cheese or dairy. I am also hoping to keep my diet coke intake down by maxing out at 2. I am trying to make it gradual.
I can hardly stay awake. I was too scared to WI today :( visit the page
New Plan to a better me! 20 y
My new plan in regards to weightloss and cleansing
I think that picking last week was a bad idea in terms of starting any sort of protocal/fast/or just anything. This week will be bad due to work (shocker).
This week I am not planning on fasting because it’s too hard to travel and fast and this week we are bringing on a new team member which always requires many meals out.
This is my plan:
Begin parasite cleanse today (6 week protocal)
Fast next weekend and complete a liver flush
Go back to every other day fasting (which I will attempt to do this week as well)
Next weekend is also the time that I will get off of caffeine and ... read more
Day #2 of 21 20 y
...and the mental debate continues
This morning facing the scale wasn’t nearly as scary as it was yesterday! I was down 1 pound to 192.8. Considering my handful of pretzels I am fine with that!
This morning I had to get up super early to catch a flight. The airport is such a hard place to avoid temptation! Everywhere around me were wonderful smells from Starbucks and Wendy’s and Cinnabon! EVERYWHERE! I stayed strong and had my bottle of water. I slept on the plane with was much needed.
Now it’s about lunch and I’m having this internal debate that started last night. Part of me thinks that since I am doing this ... read more
Day #1 of 21 20 y
...and I'm scared to step on the scale
Today is the day that my journey to the body that I deserve begins. I am absolutely petrified of stepping on that scale. I got up this morning and kind of looked at it a bit, I even prodded it with my toe to turn it on. Once it gave me the ”go ahead” signal I chickened out and got back in bed. So now I have a dilemna. I am thirsty and want to drink. But I don’t want the scale to go any higher so I want to weigh myself first! I need to get my act together and conquer the beast!!! I’ll update once/if I do.
Rationally I understand that I shouldn’t be scared of this number because I ... read more
The Last Meal 20 y
Do you ever think that you'll reach the point where food doesn't call to you??? I didn't think that I'd reach that point either...
I just wrote a long thing and it went away! AHHHH!!!!
Thanksgiving has come and gone. I have reached a point that I never thought that I could reach...food is repeling me! I have eaten so much in these days and I feel so horrible. All that I want to do is reach the happy place that I got to after my 18 day MC in June! After finishing those 18 days I felt so in touch with my body and so light and carefree. Then I fell prey to advertising and dove into a pint of ice cream thinking that I had self control enough to not revert to my old ways. Boy oh boy was I wrong.
I have now blo ... read more