Day 2 Water Fast 8 y
August 15th, 2017
Today is the real first day of my fast because yesterday I actually stopped eating as of 5pm (not noon as I initially posted). I ate a normal day’s worth of food yesterday and have not eaten since 5pm. I woke up this morning much better than I did yesterday. I feel ready to begin the water fast. I already drank 2 glasses of water. I actually gained a bit of weight since yesterday, but, again, this is not reflective of the fast since I hadn’t truly started it since now
Today’s weight: 168.6 pounds. visit the page
Day 1 Water Fast 8 y
August 14th, 2017
Today I woke up with a massive headache and I was very grumpy. I decided to delay my water fast. Rather than start it as soon as I woke up, I decided to start it at noon. For my last meal I had pineapple and strawberries. I also took a laxative tea at the end of my meal. As of noon, I will drink and eat nothing but water and this will be the start of my water fast.
My starting weight: 167.6 pounds. visit the page
Day 0: Water Fast Eve 8 y
Day 0 Water Fast
Welcome to my water fast blog.
Tomorrow I will begin my 14-day water fast. During this time I will not eat any food, I will be drinking up to 2L of water/day. I do not plan on putting anything else inside my body other than water with the exception of a laxative tea every few days should I feel bloated.
I have prepared myself for this water fast by consuming an average of 1200 calories over the past couple weeks and eating more vegetables. I have actually gone from 175 pounds to 166.6 pounds in these 2 weeks. Strangely, my weight did go up to 168 pounds this morning. I am not to ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I’ll be tracking my weight loss results thoughout my 14-day water fast. more...
Last Activity: 8 y ago 3 Messages Last message 8 y ago 0 Comments Last comment 8 y ago
viewed 5,748 times Created: 8 y Aug 13 2017
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