Fluoride shows up everywhere 19 y
Newly discovered sources of fluoride exposure - remember fluoride in all its forms is cumulative...
Polar Bears Don’t Need Clean Carpets
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It’s hard to imagine, when we are cleaning our carpets, that polar bears living far away in the Arctic could be affected.
Now an international team of chemists has discovered that chemicals used to prevent carpet stains may undergo atmospheric reactions in remote regions as distant as the Arctic, where they generate toxic compounds.
Substances called perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCA’s) are persistent and potentially carcinogenic compounds. They have been detected in the blood and tissue of humans and ... read more
The Fluoridation Fiasco 19 y
by Gary Null, Ph.D.
The Fluoridation Fiasco
by Gary Null, Ph.D.
There’s nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench one’s thirst. But the next time you or your child reaches for one, you might want to question whether that water is in fact, too toxic to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer may well be yes.
For decades, we have been told a lie, a lie that has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and the weakening of the immune systems of tens of millions more. This lie is called fluoridation. A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of pr ... read more
How about the other side? 19 y
Pro-Fluoride Propaganda
What do the Pro-Fluoride folks have to say? I mean, for all their clamoring about how great it is, how do they back it up?
With nothing but propoganda, that’s how.
I read this webpage and didn’t find One Single scientific statement here! Most of the so-called political figures they have quoted are highly outdated. I mean, come on, a congressman from 1962? Surely, if this is a worthy and healthful practice they can come up with some scientific evidence!
It’s amazing to me that ANYONE buys into this stuff! read more
The skeleton in the closet is jumping out! 19 y
The most blatant lie ever is about to see the light of day!
Here’s a link to an article --- not on a ”fluorophobe” website, as they like to call them, this is mainstream media.
Like the article says:
”The overwhelming weight of scientific evidence for public safety has finally turned the tide against the special interest groups”
Praise the lord and pass the buscuits! It’s about TIME!
http://thyroid.about.com/od/drsrichkarileeshames/a/fluoride2006.htm visit the page
Time Magazine Article: Not in My Water Supply 20 y
Article printed in October 24, 2005 Issue of Time Magazine
From the Magazine | Science
Not in My Water Supply
TIME Archive: Brushing With Fluoride (1964)
Posted Monday, Oct. 17, 2005
Somebody put a dead rat in Curtis Smith’s mailbox. Someone else has made anonymous phone calls accusing him of trying to poison his neighbors. And all around the usually placid university town of Bellingham, Wash., activists from a group called Citizens Against Forced Fluoride have planted lawn signs adorned with skull and crossbones. ”I had no idea it would get this intense,” ... read more
Why Fluoride? 20 y
hhhmmmm just venting today.
I was talking to my Father this weekend. He thinks I’m a little nuts, especially because of this fluoride thing. He just smiles and shakes his head like I’m a silly little kid afraid of the dark or something. He says ”They wouldn’t put a dangerous amount in the water. It can’t be bad for you if they put it in the water”
I could go on and on about that mentality, but instead, I’d rather ask why? Why would anyone, when presented with a point of view such as this on fluoride, why would anyone choose to blindly believe what they’ve always been told? When it’s something this important, when ... read more
My Conclusions 20 y
My choices, my reasons... for my child
I know the true purpose of a blog is to be a personal account and this blog has been an educational effort to impart some of the knowledge I have encountered since November 2004 when I started my research into this long debate.
I’m hoping, for those of you who have followed this blog with some interest, you would go back now to the first message and follow the link to the Petition and sign your name.
As for my conclusions: I have read very little to do with the benefits of fluoride and fluoridation, what I have read has been blanket statements, doubletalk, propaganda - most of it com ... read more
Fluoride: Part 2 20 y
from the doctor within
Adding fluoride to the drinking water causes bioaccumulation in our cells, year after year. If fluoride is in the water, it’s everywhere:
growing vegetables and fruit
washing vegetables and fruit
in the meat of animals who have drunk fluoridated water
in toothpaste
in canned foods
in processed foods
in soft drinks
in beer
A 1998 laboratory analysis done at Sequoia Analytical Labs in California showed very high concentrations of fluoride in the following foods:
Dole pineapple, canned
Coke ... read more
Fluoride & Osteoporosis, Fluoride & Cancer.... 20 y
If it's so bad then why is it in our water????
At least chlorine will evaporate from a glass of water if you let it sit for an hour or so. No such luck with fluoride. Even cooking, food processing, filtration, or digestion doesn’t remove fluoride. Goes right up the food chain. Accumulates in fat cells.
Fluoride is added to the water supply of most American cities for the ostensible purpose of dental hygiene. The reader will be amazed to find out that such a thing is not only unlikely, but actually the reverse of the ongoing reality.
The U.S. has been fluoridating drinking water for so many decades that we ha ... read more
The Effects of Fluoride on the Thyroid 20 y
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Overweight America... More and more doctors are prescribing Thyroid medicine like it's candy... What's with the rise in the overactive and underactive thyroid of today's Americans?
The Effects Of Fluoride On
The Thyroid Gland
By Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield MBBS LRCP MRCS
Medical Advisor to Thyroid UK
There is a daunting amount of research studies showing that the widely acclaimed benefits on fluoride dental health are more imagined than real. My main concern however, is the effect of sustained fluoride intake on general health. Again, there is a huge body of research literature on this subject, freely available and in the public domain.
But this body of work was not considered by the York Review when their remit was changed from ”Studies of the effects ... read more
"Water Fluoridation" -- or... The Phosphate Fertilizer Industry's Toxic Waste Disposal Program 20 y
Hydrofluorosilic Acid
The American Dental Association and your own hometown dentist, the government, the medical establishment, your parents and teachers have all told you since you can remember that fluoride is good for your teeth. You may have even been forced (as I was) to endure burning and painful fluoride ”treatments” in grade school - swishing and holding this liquid-fire in your mouth for one full minute before spitting, then nothing to eat or drink for 30 minutes after - in 6th grade that was torture, let me tell you.
So why, when all these people love you and care about you, should you believe that ... read more
Different types of Fluorides 20 y
What's the difference between them?
So, we hear things about ”naturally occurring fluoride”, ”sodium fluoride”, ”hydrofluorosilic acid”, ”calcium fluoride”. What is all this stuff? Is any of it okay?... Here we look at different types of fluorides, where they’re found, and... No, none of them are okay.
Fluoride Ion has an affinity for calcium - so naturally occuring fluoride is calcium fluoride - it is bound to calcium. Very high calcium fluoride content is not good for you either, hence the folks in India with skeletal fluorosis.
The fluoride they put in the water supplies is actually hydrofluorosilic acid - this is a ... read more
Dental Fluorosis 20 y
The First Outward sign of Fluoride Poisoning
So, what is dental fluorosis? The ADA states that it is merely a ”cosmetic defect”. What dental fluorosis truly is -- is fluoride poisoning. It is the first outward sign that your child has been poisoned. The damage caused by fluorosis is permanent.
This happens because fluoride binds to calcium in the body changing it from usable calcium into calcium fluoride, which is unusable by children’s growing bones and developing teeth. In essence, it robs the body of calcium.
The fluoride is absorbed by the adult teeth before they erupt - before the baby teeth are lost - and the severity of ... read more
Fluoride in the body: Cause and Effect 20 y
The physical effects of fluoride on the body. What your dentist doesn't tell you...
Fluoridation / Fluoride
Toxic Chemicals In Your Water
Note: For more information on health-building techniques, please see the Holistic Healing Web Page.
Fluoride compounds which are put in water (fluoridation), toothpaste and supplement tablets (including some vitamins) were never tested for safety before approval. Recent independent research by scientists not associated with dental trade organizations has shown the following:
1. Neurotoxic and Lowers IQ
In 1995, neurotoxicologist and former Director of toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center in Boston, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix ... read more
Fluorides are everywhere 20 y
Examine all the possible sources of fluoride exposure
Let’s first take a look at the many sources of possible fluoride exposure...
The first and most obvious is your toothpaste and dental care products. There is the toothpaste and mouthwash you use every day, plus the supplements, etc from the dentist that are generally pushed on kids who come to the dentist with a cavity or two.
Secondly: Your drinking, bathing and washing water. http://www.just-think-it.com/the-f-db.htm
click this link to find out if your city is fluoridating their water.
Another source of exposure is drugs... everything from antibiotics to diet pills to some of ... read more
A small introduction to say hello 20 y
A first post to say hello...
I became interested in the ”argument” over water fluoridation last November when our city put it on the ballot for vote. I did some research and was appalled by what I found! I want to share that knowledge, maybe people know... maybe they don’t. I am shocked by how many people blindly believe what they are told by the major medical spokespeople or organizations (the ADA, AMA)... I hope to spark the curiosity of others to seek the truth.
I will first post a link to a most important effort being made right now. 11 unions of the EPA have called for a national moratorium on water fluoridati ... read more