Day 3 9 y
Day 3 of Lemon Water Fast
Not posting everyday, and when I post, in the middle of the day, is helping my fast a lot. For some reason, after I finish blogging, if it is at night, I just start thinking more and more about food :/
In any case, my fast is going strong. This is now day 3, and I feel great. The addition of honey to my lemon water for days 1 & 2 was a great idea, however I want to start weening off the honey. Honey contains a lot more calories than our regular day-to-day table sugar, and it makes me feel as if all those calories would be better wasted as FOOD.
Lol, so as you can see, food is always ... read more
Day1 9 y
Lemon and Honey Fast
Hey all, this is my official Day 1. I initially took 2 days off due to feeling sick. So, in order to avoid all wretched symptoms I had racked up prior, I am now drinking lemon water infused with honey. I drink about half a gallon of this every day, and if I finish, also drink extra lemon water (except this time without honey). All in all, the fast looks promising, so I’m definitely very excited. Let’s see how this goes ! visit the page
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I’m a 5’4 female weighing nearly 200 pounds yikes. Unfortunately, asides from my weight, I am also a victim of chronic migraines, low blood pressure, and some hard-to-rid parasites. Hopefully, this spiritual water fast will help cure all these ails.… more...
Last Activity: 9 y ago 2 Messages Last message 9 y ago 0 Comments Last comment 9 y ago
viewed 5,643 times Created: 9 y Feb 09 2016
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