UPDATE! - going stronger than ever! 11 y
i didnt get ONE herpes breakout! i'm also still binge drinking like a lunatic and NOTHING!
i have been bed bound with a horrible flu that has hit my household this week. i had it all fever, aches, shakiness, headaches, block nose and cough for an entire week meaning my immune system was weakened and taking a battering. i didnt get ONE herpes breakout! i’m also still binge drinking like a lunatic and NOTHING! f*** you CDC AND BIG PHARMA! stop lieing to people about having no cures! visit the page
My Story & Treatment 11 y
firstly, i am not here to make you read a big ass paragraph only to finish reading and see a LINK that directs you to a site that charges you a shit-tonne of your pounds, dollars and yen to discover the 'secret cure' i'm just going to tell you my personal way that (I THINK!!) i may have resolved this horrible handicap of life.
Hello guys and girl’s,
firstly, i am not here to make you read a big ass paragraph only to finish reading and see a LINK that directs you to a site that charges you a shit-tonne of your pounds, dollars and yen to discover the ’secret cure’ i’m just going to tell you my personal way that (I THINK!!) i may have resolved this horrible handicap of life. but first i’ll give you the back story of my diagnosis and how my first outbreak manifested as this may help you to detect in early.
I was diagnosed with HSV-2 in late September of this year (2014) some of you may sasy ”well that’s to ear ... read more