mold 12 y
there is no way out.
I know there is mold in my apartment. Live above a coffee shop run by a church. I volunteer for them to pay rent. The place is built poorly. cracks in walls. have to wipe down windows after showers a million much dust comes off. outside you can see insulation with what looks like mold. Downstairs I had to clean sewer water coming up from floor. went to put filter in heat vents and so much dirt, sand and dust comes up. No way out. visit the page
ears 12 y
What to do about sinuses. No doc until friday.
sinuses a mess. Feels like I have to sneeze when eating or drinking. last night tried peroxide and now the slightest movement of neck there is fluttering. at a loss. visit the page
eating 12 y
I am so lost. my head.
It has gotten to the point I cannot chew or bite down without jaw hurting and pain in muscles in sinuses. This came on quick over weeks. visit the page
today 12 y
trying to heal. trying to have faith.
More rashes.Dry skin. strangers have been of the most help. western medicine is awful. Feels like food going up nose when I eat or drink. constant pressure. constant muscle twitches. One can feel every bone and tendon in body. Feel as if I am being punished. Blood work alllll wrong. Nothing done about it. Probably wasting time with infectious disease doc on Friday. visit the page