by forgood123

Ate bananas and rice today   12 y  
My weight is still 233
Messed up on my fasting yesterday. I drank a diet coke cause I was feeling tired in the heat, which made me feel sick, so I ate some salty pretzels to feel better. Next time sticking to just water. Fasting again tomorrow., but today had a lot of rice and bananas.   visit the page

Day 1 of fasting   12 y  
Well most of the day went by smoothly, had no cravings, keep busy by cleaning. Now I’m having psychological cravings for food because I can’t sleep and am getting frustrated, so I think I want to feed my frustration with food. But not going to. I don’t want to have to start over, and this fast will help me get a lot closer to my goals.   visit the page

starting short fast tonight   12 y  
not sure how long maybe a week or two.
My blender broke and I’m on a budget and can’t get another decent one for a week or two, and my fruit supply is running low, so I’m going to fast. Also I have had success fasting in the past as long as I stick to a low fat vegan diet afterwards, the weight doesn’t come back. And I’m getting frustrated with my weight just staying at 237 on this diet, it’s not going up but not really going down. Once you start eating processed food like Mac Donald’s your weight jumps up, I tell you Mac Donalds really does it to you, makes you fat like nothing else, I stay clear of that food now ...   visit the page

Day 14 (2 weeks, some imperfect days)   12 y  
so I am not too surprised that my weight didn't go down more, it's still 237
Didn’t do the fruitarian diet perfectly this week, more slip ups, so about 80% some days and for 2 or 3 days 100%. But my pores are smaller and my face is less oily, my break outs much milder too. I’m getting compliments that my skin looks better. This coming week should be easier to stick too. I am getting more used to eating this way and liking it. Not craving junk.   visit the page

Day 7 ( 1 week with one slip up)   12 y  
Started at 245, lost weight first 3 days, Weight stayed 237 rest of week.
So did the fruitarian diet for a week, slipped up forth of July but stuck to my diet otherwise. Lost weight the first 3 days and that’s when my mood would drop too, wonder if there is a connection? Easy to do at home, harder when going out and about. Eating around 2500 calories a day now. Almost 3000 today. My face is less oily, my mild acne is milder.   visit the page

Forth of July messed me up   12 y  
Now I'm getting back on the bandwagon. As long as I don't use one slip up to go crazy for days.
Succumbed to eating meat and cake and beer forth of July, went totally off my LFRV diet that night. But now back again. Today I had a snack of corn nuts when I was running errands and hungry, but everything else was raw. In the 3.5 days of eating LFRV I noticed my face was less oily, and my skin was looking better. I have no cravings for diet coke (which I was a big addict) it just doesn’t go with raw fruits and veggies. Plus it gives you diarrhea on this diet.   visit the page

Day 3   12 y  
Doing good, my fat intake is a little high today (20%). some sad moods coming and going through out the day.,   visit the page

First Day of LFRV   12 y  
starting weight: 245
Think I did good but not perfect. I ate enough. Maybe too much fat because I had an avocado and some sesame seeds. But it was a lot of bananas, huge salads, big halves of watermelon.   visit the page

I can finally start the fruitarian diet!   12 y  
July 1st (right now) will be day one of the fruitarian diet
I didn’t manage to fast before. I ran out and got some watermelon and bananas tonight. I am so ready to change, I can’t wait to see changes with this diet. I’m tired of being out of shape and unhealthy.   visit the page

Freele LFRV tips on cellulite   12 y  
Hope all that is said in this video is really works, it will take a while with me but, It will be interesting in a year or two to see how different I look.
Before   12 y  
I'm bulging out of a size 18 jeans, my face is oily and breaks out, I get tired quickly, I eat in ways I don't really want often to appease people.
Hope to see at least all 4 things above improve, and more. Don’t have a scale, haven’t decided if I should weigh myself. I know I am mostly fat and little muscle, and I want things to be the other way around a year or two from now. So, I don’t know if numbers on a scale will matter as much as how I look and feel. It’s also a psychological or ”spiritual” if you want to call it journey. There are going to be people in my life I am going to have to stand up too and push through with my goals and stop doing what they want to appease. So, I know I will grow from this. I will need to find ...   read more


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Totally transformation of my health, fasting, low fat raw we go! more...

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Created: 12 y   Jun 25 2013


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Re: Day 1 of fasti… kermi… 12 y
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