Sunday 12/18/06 19 y
Infinite Plan wrap up
I am finished with The Infinite Plan. Tomorrow, I am starting Daughter of Fortune. I spent the evening hanging out with my husband and listening to Matt Drudge. Morning is for serious reading. I just wanted to find out what happens to Bell and her son King. Fascinating.
I am reading about ’laughter yoga’. I think it has great ’youthing’ effects on the brain and tones the mind for learning. Oh yeah btw, when I start learning grammar all over again, don’t think I’ll be like Mr.Belvedere on this blog. Remember this is the Internet :D
Goal for the week:
Daughter of Fortune
Off to sle ... read more
Saturday 11/16/2006 19 y
brief reading journal entry
I am on day two of my television fast. This reminds me of the lemonade diet. The third day is the ”worst” day. I am not listening to the news either. I just do not care about the news. I am back in the world of books, a worthwile endeavour. I am almost done with The Infinate Plan. I almost wish I didn’t have to work today so I could finish it.
I feel guilty for not remembering I could buy things through a Curezone affiliate link. I bought a lot of vitamins,etc. Oh well I will use it from now on. read more
Through the World of Isabelle Allende 19 y
back again
I am on an indefinate television fast with the exception of the reality show Top Chef just because I watch that every Wednesday with my husband. Before I started working, I was reading two books a week, sometimes three. I was also poor too *LOL* because I wasn’t working. Now that I am full time at the nursing home, I am developing some time management skills.
Yesterday I had my benefits meeting and learned that the hospital will pay for nursing school after a year of employment. Good news for me.
Right now I am reading Isabelle Allende’s Infinite Plan. It’s good reading. My sister sa ... read more
What is an autodidact? 19 y
never give up...the return of my self education blog
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Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) is self-education or self-directed learning. An autodidact, also known as an automath, is a mostly self-taught person - typically someone who has an enthusiasm for self-education and a high degree of self-motivation. Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan and Newton’s contemporary Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz were largely self-taught in mathe ... read more
Treasure Trove of the Public Library 20 y
my library booklist
Interlibrary loan list:
48 days to the work you love / D
Dr. Jensen’s juicing therapy :
Real lives : eleven teenagers wh
Guns, germs, and steel
Freedom challenge
Awakening the mind
My booklist as of today:
Fast food nation : the dark side
DUE 09-22-05 394.1097 S
Cleanse & purify thyself. Book 1
DUE 09-22-05 615.5 A
Cleanse & purify thyself. Book 2
DUE 09-22-05 615.5 A
The sunfood diet success system
DUE 09-22-05 613.2 W
G ... read more
Trivium Pursuit 20 y
Suggested Course of Study
by Harvey & Laurie Bluedorn. Copyright 1999, 2001. All rights reserved.
You can read parts of this article in Spanish.
This is only a brief overview of our Suggested Course of Study. A more thorough discussion can be found in our Teaching the Trivium book, in our seminar tapes, and on our Homeschooling with the Trivium Email List.
Early Knowledge Level
Before age ten, the child is mostly dependent upon his concrete sensory experiences for learning. He is really in an Early Knowledge Level. This is the time to sow the seeds of honoring God and pare ... read more
The end of Fellowship of the Ring 20 y
brief update on my reading
I’m almost at the end of Fellowship of the Ring and have a library copy of Two Towers looking at me on my nighttable. I find that I like to read most in the midday to afternoon. Well Trained Mind says the morning is good. I suppose for in depth reading it’s okay. I’m reading to get through the series then I’m going to start reading it all over again.
I’ve been throwing out a lot of old papers and books. I found some math books,etc. but I’m going to the library to see what I can find. I’ve been exercising and eating much better. My brain has been unfolding like a lotus so I find I’m reme ... read more
School is back in session! Go to the back of the class Ren :-) 20 y
finishing Fellowship of the Rings and other mentionables...
I’ve taken some considerable time off from my studies due to reasons I’ll explain in my other blog ’Uncovering the Starchild Within’. Tomorrow SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION!!!!
Reading and finishing Fellowship of the Ring be continued! visit the page
The Hobbit Unit Study 20 y
going with the flow of my inner child's innermost desires :-)
The Hobbit Literature Unit Introduction
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a great book to introduce the fantasy genre. The book is packed with high-interest, page turning material. There are also morals interlaced with adventure and consequences throughout.
As with many classics, there are several versions of The Hobbit on the market. I have noticed that recently some abridged versions have been appearing for younger readers. This unit, however, is ba ... read more
Planning a Unit Study- some links 20 y
planning a unit study
I have a lot of organising to do *LOL* I want my learning to be productive but I don’t want to be neurotic. read more
The Gadsden Flag: A Unit Study 20 y
Gadsden Flag History
Rattlesnake Symbol | Gadsden Flag History | Christopher Gadsden | Culpeper Flag
The origins of the Gadsden flag, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Marine Corps
Georgia $20 bill
The seal from a 1778 $20 bill from Georgia. The financial backing for these bills was property seized from loyalists. The motto reads ”Nemo me impune lacesset,” i.e. ”No one will provoke me with impunity.”
By 1775, the snake symbol wasn’t just being printed in newspapers. It was appearing all over the colonies: on uniform buttons, on paper money, and of course, on banners and flags.
The snake ... read more
Educational this-n-that 20 y
brief note
Good exercise habit is critical to brain health-
I found this out today when I decided to ride my bicycle down to the grocery store. My brain felt invigorated and refreshed. I’ve started reading The Hobbit and am organising my home office going through some of the paperbacks I’ve bought but never read:
Democracy in America (skimmed it barely)
Leaves of Grass
some book by Herodotus
and also fiction... One thing I’ve started doing is critically reading newspaper articles and magazines. It’s been a while but I’ve not read a woman’s magazine in quite a while. I see no point to it.
... read more
Praise God for America... 20 y
morning note about opening of school
Dinesh D’Souza said it best in What’s So Great About America? I am planning to read that over again for July 4th! I am so happy that I live in America with free libraries and cheap bookstores. I am so happy that I live in a country that enables me to remake myself into a better person through free education. Nothing in life is free but you know what I mean *LOL*
Today is the first day of my homeschool. I have to work today but I am starting to read ’A Well Educated Mind’. I thought I was getting sent ’A Well Trained Mind’ but a las no. I’m going to the bookstore to see if I can find it. ... read more
Building the Physical Brain 20 y
some brain building herbs and supplements
I’m going to use this message to post any info I find about building up the brain. If you don’t take care of your physical brain, it is virtually impossible (and is a great waste of time) to cultivate an educated mind.
Some selected herbs for building up the brain:
ginkgo- This is my favorite. I take two capsules most every day. I remember telephone numbers better, passwords, and my library card barcode number *lol* Yesterday a friend told me a phone number once and I remembered it right away.
Gotu Kola: another favorit ... read more
Resource Websites 20 y
resource websites.
visit the page
The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer 20 y
a brief note
I checked out The Well Trained Mind today at my local library. I may have to buy the text at a later date. Thank God for public libraries. They are a homeschooling goldmine. I will be using this book as my base/guideline text for my homeschooling project. visit the page
Self education and homeschool grand opening June 19th 'Juneteenth' 20 y
a brief explanation of Juneteenth
What is Juneteenth? You don’t have to be a black American to appreciate the spiritual significance of announcing liberation.
Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation ... read more