Healing MCS Part3 17 y
I've been documenting my new healing adventure for MCS and other chronic "challenges"; this is part three
Healing from MCS Part 1
I went to a new healer for an evaluation and initial treatment for my multiple chemical sensitivity and other chronic ”challenges”...
Healing from MCS Part 2
part two of the saga of my latest healing adventure.
In Part II, I wrote that my evaluation with my new practitioner revealed that on a health scale of 0 to 100, zero meaning you are biologically dead and 100 meaning you are in optimal health, with good health starting at a score of 80, I tested out at a sc ... read more
Healing MCS Part 2 17 y
This is part two of the saga of my latest healing adventure. Yesterday I went for an evaluation with a new healer for my MCS and other chronic challenges...
Healing from MCS Part I:
I arrived at my new healer’s office on the dot yesterday, and had to wait 1/2 hour for him to see me. I found out why he was late: before you are seen for your evaluation, the clinician has you fill out a 6 page form giving all of your medical history. Well, my history was so packed with information that it took the clinician 1/2 hour to read it! This was impressive in and of itself, as I’ve found that many a health care provider has you fill out these dang forms and then they are filed away, never to be read.
Th ... read more
Healing MCS Part 1 17 y
NEW TITLE, SAME BLOG: I went to a new healer for an evaluation and initial treatment today for my multiple chemical sensitivity and other chronic "challenges". This drawing formulated itself after I arrived home. I don't think I looked quite this bad during the treatment, but this is what it felt like!
Self Portrait: Emotional Detox
Created by Liora Leah 9/8/2008
Pencil drawing
I was diagnosed in 1985 with Environmental Illness, now more commonly referred to as multiple chemical sensitivity, although sometimes I think EI is a more accurate term for me, as in addition to severe sensitivities to man-made chemicals, I’m extremely sensitive to mold, fungi, dust, and other nature-made substances in the environment. Over the years I’ve picked up more labels, like ”fibromyalgia”, ”chronic fatigue”, ”depression”, ”anxiety”, and ”adjustment disorder” (what the heck is ... read more
UPDATED: The Dirty (1/2) Dozen 17 y
UPDATED: 2010 information: The Top 6 Global AgriBusiness companies, profiled by Pesticide Action Network North America
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA): Corporate Profiles
Updated: 2010
Today’s food systems are an outgrowth of a long and on-going process of economic concentration that have enabled the biggest agribusinesses to define and control food and farming. Worldwide, the top ten seed firms control 30% of the US $24.4 billion seed market and the top ten agrochemical corporations control 84% of the US $30 billion agrochemical market. Pesticide Action Network North America’s corporate profiles of the six largest pesticide manufacturers provide brief, well-docum ... read more
Photos:Swimming Tiger! 17 y
Photos UP! (sorry, pix didn't post properly the first time)These are great shots of a rare white tiger underwater!
Odin is six years old and 10 feet long from tail to nose. Odin lives at a Zoo in Vallejo, California, near San Francisco.
Odin with his British trainer Lee Munro.
Odin was hand-raised at the zoo. And after he was weaned, his British
trainer Lee Munro discovered his remarkable skill.
When a lump of meat was thrown into a pool of water, Odin would
happily dive in after it.
’He makes a funny face - and it’s actually to close his nostrils to stop
the water from going into his nose.’
Not all big cats enjoy the water but for Tigers from ... read more
Video: Twin Moose 17 y
Cute video of twin moose
Very cute video of twin moose with their mother playing in the sprinklers---note the backyard appears to abutt a forest--this is my ideal home, far, far away from the suburbs of S. California!
More about Moose:
visit the page
Pesticides=Bee Die-Off 17 y
Pesticide Action Network North America reports that pesticide use may be responsible for the massive bee die-offs occuring in Europe and the United States. The company Bayer CropScience manufactures two pesticides cited as responsible for the bee deaths.
The company's plant in the United States had an explosion on August 28, releasing a massive fireball into the air; at this same site, Bayer manufactures and stockpiles the same chemical responsible for the deaths of thousands in Bhopal India in 1984.
September 04, 2008
German NGO sues Bayer over bee deaths
On August 26, the German-based Coalition against Bayer Dangers (CBD) filed court papers accusing Bayer AG with "marketing dangerous pesticides and thereby accepting the mass death of bees all ... read more
Palin Foe of Environment 17 y
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, John McCain's running mate for the Republican party's Presidential Campaign, is no friend to wildlife or the environment. Do we need such a person in the White House?
From: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
Sarah Palin and the Environment
Governor Sarah Palin has an extreme anti-conservation record on issues ranging from global warming, energy and drilling to wildlife and habitat protection.
Aerial hunting of wolves and bears: Governor Palin is an active promoter of Alaska’s aerial hunting program whereby wolves and bears are shot from the air or chased by airplanes to the point of exhaustion before the pilot lands the plane and a gunner shoots the animals point blank.
Palin o ... read more
Photos:Friendly Critter 17 y
UPDATED: Does anyone know what type of bug this is? Don't think it's a grasshopper, too green, unless it's an immature one...a katydid, perhaps?
The critter is looking straight up at me; it seems to be saying ”Why are you bugging me? You’ve taken about 20 pictures of me! Leave me alone, already!” I find this insect incredibly cute! I know, I’m weird.
All Photos by Liora Leah taken 9-1-2008
Friendly Critter on my backyard potted plant. Going to post it on BugGuide
to see what it is...
Looks like it’s a fork-tailed bush katydid, Scudderia furcata! But wait! the plot thickens! It also might be a Mexican bush katydid, Scudderia Mexicana! This would ... read more
Truth:Monsanto Video 17 y
On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television (ARTE – French-German cultural tv channel) by French journalist and film maker Marie-Monique Robin, The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that most Americans won’t ever see. The gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.
The World According to Monsanto
105 minutes in length--long video, very imformative, not ”pretty”. Be informed about the foods you eat and who, or what, is controling its growth/production! read more
Organic Tobacco 17 y
Looking for an organic tobacco for ceremonial use, I came across Try American Spirit Tobacco.
When you click on the website
you have to give your age to verify you are over 21, and click whether or not you are a smoker. I’m a non-smoker, so I clicked that and got a message telling me not to start smoking! I couldn’t get beyond that into the website, so I started over again and clicked on ”smoker”. I was looking for an organic, loose-leaf tobacco (the website calls this ”roll your own”) to give as offerings to Mother Earth during ceremony, and found the webpage I was looking for here:
http://www.tryamericanspirit.com/OurTobacco/Organic ... read more
"Story of Stuff" Video! 17 y
"The Story of Stuff" video takes a humorous yet factual look at the underside of our consumer-driven society, from production to disposal of goods. The video focuses on the connections between environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world.
Watch the Video "The Story of Stuff" with Annie Leonard
Then read below:
Another Way
Many people who have seen The Story of Stuff have asked what they can do to address the problems identified in the film.
Each of us can promote sustainability and justice at multiple levels: as an individual, as a teacher or parent, a community member, a national citizen, and as a global citizen. As Annie says in the film, “the good thing about such an all pervasive problem is that there are so many points of intervention.” That means that ... read more
Speak 4 Wolves!! 17 y
Speak out for Wolves! Wolves in the Rockies have been temporarily saved from slaughter by preliminary injunction. Sign an on-line letter to ensure a healthy future for wolves in the northern Rockies!
A federal judge has ordered the Bush administration to restore endangered species protections for gray wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the northern Rockies until the full case can be heard in court. NRDC, Earthjustice and other groups requested the preliminary injunction in order to stop the slaughter of wolves that ensued after the Bush administration stripped them of federal protection in March. In the months leading up to the court’s ruling, more than 110 wolves were killed in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming -- about one per day. Meanwhile, NRDC interns stationed at an information boot ... read more
Art:Shaman's Drum 17 y
I didn't go to Big Bear for the 8/08/08 Medicine Wheel Ceremony, but "tuned in" to the events and drew this instead
Detail from ”Shaman’s Drum” by Liora Leah 8/08/08
19” X 25”
Oil Pastel on black textured artist’s paper
Medicine Wheel 8/8/08 http://curezone.com/blogs/fm.asp?i=1228187
Many ceremonies will be taking place on August 8, 2008. Blue Thunder, Shoshone elder, will be conducting a ceremony at Big Bear Lake, California. The purpose of the ceremony is to strengthen the Earth’s energy grid/balancing of nature
read more
8/8/08 Bhopal Justice!! 17 y
Hunger Strikers in New Delhi ended their fast today, on 8/08/08, after the Indian government agreed to cleanup hazardous waste and provide rehabilitation for the survivors of the 1984 Bhopal pesticide plant explosion!
Indian government concedes Bhopal survivors’ demands
Today, August 8, the 60-day-long hunger strike by Bhopal survivors and supporters in New Delhi ended in success. The government of India announced it would set up an "Empowered Commission" to pursue rehabilitation for the victims of the 1984 Bhopal pesticide plant explosion and cleanup of the hazardous waste remaining in the area. Further, Dow Chemical, which bought Union Carbide after it’s factory in Bhopal leaked deadly poison on the residents of Bhopal in 1984, is not to be let off the hook for the cleanup, and charg ... read more
Protect CALIF Farmers! 17 y
Monsanto, maker of genetically engineered seed, is suing farmers in the U.S. under the pretense of protecting their patents. Help protect California farmers from harassment by sending an email to your California State Senator TODAY!
Californians ACT to protect farmers from Monsanto
In 1999, a Canadian farmer named Percy Schmeiser discovered his organic canola crop had been contaminated by seeds genetically engineered to resist Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Adding insult to injury, Monsanto’s lawyers sued Schmeiser for the unauthorized use of their patented seeds. Farmers across the U.S. are being intimidated, harassed and sued by Monsanto in its quest to control corn and soy production by protecting the corporation’s patents on genetically engineered seeds. California farmers would have a measure of protection fro ... read more
Mighty Mustard! 17 y
Mustard Seeds are being tested as a non-toxic option to weeds and soil-borne pests in farming!
Image from: http://www.wildflowersofontario.ca/mustard.html
Mustard to the rescue
The agricultural fumigant methyl bromide is being phased out worldwide under the Montreal Protocol for its damaging impacts on the planet’s protective ozone shield. The Bush White House, rather than enforcing a US ban scheduled for January 2005, instead appealed for extentions every year since. The fumigant still is widely used in strawberry fields in California but, as Living on Earth Correspondent Amy Coombs reports , a company called Farm Fuel Incorporated (FFI), may soon have "a non-t ... read more
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