Day 3 completed 13 y
into day 4
Was a little grumpy yesterday without having any comfort foods. But I am not hungry it’s all psychological now. Sleeping a lot and my sleep feels heavy.
weight:178 visit the page
Fasted Day 2 13 y
Cravings came around the same time today but were less intense. Feel good, plenty of energy otherwise. visit the page
Fasted Day1 13 y
Didn't see any weight loss. weigh 185 today.
Made it through the 1st day. Around 6pm got super strong cravings for food and so glad it finally passed and I didn’t quit. Now my cravings are subsiding.
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Getting Kidney Test first (updated) 13 y
then I will do a water fast
seeing the doctor in a couple of days, just to make sure there is nothing wrong with my kidney’s cause I get weird pains in that area. And for an overall physical.
Update (10-29-12): the clinic canceled my appointment because of insurance problems, so I have to find a new one. I will still go and get tested but I don’t think I really have kidney problems, but in the slight chance I really do, wanted to be sure.
So, I am going ahead with my fast because I only have until december before I get too busy to do a long fast. If I feel strange I will stop. visit the page
Day 1 of Fast 13 y
Updating every few hours to help keep myself fasting.
12:38 AM:
Fasting Day 1 has begun. Trying to sleep but tossing and turning. Craving some snacks for comfort but reminded myself that I am now fasting. Going to try to sleep.
2:00 AM:
Can’t sleep at all. Writing out rules for my fast. Want to do at least 21 days because that is the time it takes to form a new habit. But aiming for around 40, but if I make it 21 then, wow. Drinking a lot of water to have something. Cause I am used to constantly eating or drinking something, thus my problems. So, drinking lots of water. I know at some point I will get really sick of water and won’t drink ... read more
Freekeh 13 y
got to try this later
What is Freekeh?
Unlike traditional wheat, which is harvested after the wheat has dried, freekeh is made by harvesting the crop when it is still green.
The whole grains are then roasted, which gives wheat a more rice-like, whole oat-like appearance than traditionally harvested wheat. This means that freekeh is cooked in a similar way to rice or oats.
A 1 cup (cooked) serving contains:
130 Calories
1 gram of fat
26 grams of car ... read more
Low fat Raw Recipe for Later 13 y
Deep Dish Raw Lasagna
no way around it now (Day 0) 13 y
Starting weight 182
fasting tomorrow no doubt about it. My fast has started but not counting tomorrow as Day 1. visit the page
My Fast Starts Now! 13 y
You are in control and can change yourself. With out action you aren't going anywhere. Keep persisting.
It’s only 30 days. Just got to do it and get it over with for once. Then I will feel so much better about myself and it will make the transition into raw foods easier. A great motivator to get healthy. I will also save some money not eating for a month, which I could use for all these other things I need. It will also be a spiritual journey.
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No appetite 13 y
I have been wanting to do a long fast, and I think my body is telling me to.
I have no appetite my body doesn’t want food. I have been sort of eating out of routine anyway, the past few days. A little strange for me, cause I’m an over eater, but my body is just like saying NO to food. I feel it in my throat, the repulsive feeling of food, like the opposite feeling of true hunger.
I will weigh myself tomorrow morning when the day begins with the start of my fast. But I think I am around 180.
Would like to go a month and then eat raw and build back up some muscles.
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