Day three 13 y
The greater good
It was only 4hrs ago that I was feeling quite nice. But now things aren’t so great. I can’t remember how long its been since I felt this hungry. My emotions are empty. Along with feeling agitated. When I swallow it is very noticeable as I can hear and feel the saliva pressing down my throat. Movements of my muscle bring upon aches. Time has slowed down like a turtle. This isn’t fun at all.
What keeps me going is knowledge. Knowing that this is for my better good. That I will be cleansed in 27 days. Wanting to be that clean man. And to show my self that I am a man of discipline. Determin ... read more
There is a change of script 13 y
Must stay foused
It was about 12.a.m. last night that I began to toss and turn on my bed. So I turned my laptop back on and did some google search on the master cleanse. I felt an incredible force in my will that I should do a dry fast for 55 hours to enhance the effects. I had drank my last cup of lemonade at around 11:30PM. And the desire for food has been trimmed down drastically. After all, I am not working. And classes doesn’t start until the end of September. Why not utilize this time to the max.
So I will undergo a 55hr dry fast. And drink the lemonade at 7am this friday. The fact that I already ... read more
seeing things clearer 13 y
Only the beggining!
As I sit down on my couch watching us basketball. I drift off into my thoughts. I know the cleanse is just beggining. But I feel more aware and clearer.
Ideas start to pop up in my head about my upcoming semester in college. Ways to improve my life and enjoy things from a healthy perspective.
I have drank 7 glasses the master cleanse formula so far. And I have felt hungry and weak at ties. really the urge to just meditate on improvement and being clean. I realize that it doesn’t matter if a particular individual excepts me. As long as I am at peace with myself. And in control of my d ... read more
Day1 Feel Cloudy and down 13 y
walking into oblivion, head is clouded
It was about 3pm that I went out for a walk. I was feeling good and energetic. But I suppose I got a little to happy and got lost. And I didn’t realise it until I was 8 miles into the opposite direction. I asked an auto mechanic and he pointed me into the direction I was walking in thinking that was the way home.
So I didn’t have any maple syrup drink. And I had to go all the way back. At 7pm I finally made it back home. I then did the master ingredience and drunk it down. I feel better but hungry still. And my anxiety has returned with a vengeance. But their is no way I’m going to give ... read more
30 Day unique fast 13 y
Take it one day at a time with patience and determination.
Hello all. This being my first post and all. I am a man with a genuine interest in good health and conditioning. I have experimented with several water fast in the past ranging for up to as many as 4 days.
But in recent years I started eating bad for my liking. And my eyes look redder and unhealthy. I also have been experiencing a little anxiety and feeling down.
So I did some reading on ways to fast without being to weak to live my everyday life. I believe that if an individual is at their peak health that they can maximize their potential.
This is a 10day master cleanse a 10day ... read more