Broke Fast, Starting again 07.25.2012 13 y
I am going to start fasting tomorrow for the next 21-days. I plan on consuming lemon water daily and coconut water every seven days.
I broke my fast due to an unscheduled event that I had no idea how to avoid. Nothing taste that great. I feel even though I broke fast that it isn’t all lost. I don’t feel out of control which is a first! I feel okay about this and tomorrow I can restart and everything will be okay. No worries.
I am going to start fasting tomorrow for the next 21-days. I plan on consuming lemon water daily and coconut water every seven days. I don’t want the coconut water to become a habit. 30 grams of carbs will bring a person out of ketosis and each serving of coconut water is 11 grams of car ... read more
Day 8-9 Fasting 13 y
Today I am on day nine. I am menstruating so detox seems the least of my problems right now.
I am menstruating so detox seems the least of my problems right now.
I started drinking ginger tea to fix the acidity problems. It seem to have worked but I am not sure. I am aware that ginger stimulates the digestive system yet since there is no real ’bulk’ to process I don’t feel it is slowing down the detox.
My ketone levels dropped to 40mg day eight and slowly picked back up to the 60’s by the end of the day. I expect drinking 33 oz of coconut water on day seven was the culprit. I don’t know if I feel particularly upset about the drop.
I do debate if I should just go full ... read more
Day 7 Fasting 13 y
Updates on day six and seven of modified fast. Ketone levels are around 80 mg regardless of modifications.
I was banned from accessing curezone yesterday. I am not sure why but my posts about my fast was considered ’spam’. I contacted curezone and got no response of why I was blocked but was finally unblocked today. So I decided it might be best to locate my updates in the blogging section.
Day six ketone levels were at 80mg. I consumed 100oz lemon/lime water, 12 oz Milk Thistle through out the whole day. I feel I should had consumed a lot more water. But this seems to be a norm during my fasts. I was hoping a non traditional water fasts would mean I would drink more but I seem to hav ... read more