We Become Silent 19 y
Read about this important eye opening documentary.
We Become Silent Can Be Viewed Here
International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. ’We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom’ details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies — in concert with the WTO, the WHO and others — to limit the public’s access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies.
’We Become Silent’ is narrated by Dame Judi Dench, the noted UK actress who has won multiple Golden Globe awards, an Oscar, and a Tony ... read more
Wireless Tech Info 19 y
The evidence is clear that cell phones and wirless technology is harmful to humans but big money moves the tech ahead anyway.
Mobile And Wireless - Largest Biological Experiment
Mobile phone repeater antenna on a remote island in the mid Atlantic
Photo credit: Sepp
It is getting quite difficult to imagine a world without mobile communications. Wireless internet access is set to blanket the planet, just like cell phone networks already do. There has been an explosive development - practically all during the last three decades - that brought mobile to the farthest corners of the earth. But the technology is not without danger. The microwaves that carry ... read more
GMO Creates Pesticide Inside Us 19 y
The insanity of GMO continues...
Genetically Engineered Crops May Produce Herbicide Inside Our Intestines
Pioneer Hi-Bred’s website boasts that their genetically modified (GM) Liberty Link corn survives doses of Liberty herbicide, which would normally kill corn. The reason, they say, is that the herbicide becomes ”inactive in the corn plant.” They fail to reveal, however, that after you eat the GM corn, some inactive herbicide may become reactivated inside your gut and cause a toxic reaction. In addition, a gene that was inserted into the corn might transfer into the DNA of your gut bacteria, producing long-term e ... read more
Febreeze Toxic 19 y
Pesticide is active ingredient in Febreeze.
For those of you that do not know this..brace yourself. The active ingredient in Febreeze (made by Proctor and Gamble, makers of other well documented houselhold toxic chemicals) is a PESTICIDE known as didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride. So what we have here is the usual marketing/advertising campaign at work here convicning to sray toxic pesiticed around the inside of their homes.
Buyer beware.
~Lapis~ visit the page
Hip Bath/Sitz Bath 19 y
Louis Kuhn is one of the the founders of hydrotherapy including the hip bath and the true sitz bath. These 2 styles of hydrotherapy are some of the most powerful healing methods ever used. It works on expelling stored mucous and toxins as well as retoning the nervous system quickly. This procedure is a must have in the tool belt of healing methods and can be used in almost all cases of aquiring better health..
”Louis Kuhne of Leipzig was impressed with the fact that diseases are all caused by morbid accumulations in the system, and on that theory he built up his system, which is substantially as follows:
Two steam baths weekly (15 to 30 minutes’ duration), taken in a steam bath cabinet much like our present-day vapor cabinets.
Then from one to three hip baths daily, except that in gynecological cases Sitz-baths are taken instead of hip baths. Temperature of water should be about 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
”Hip-baths” differ from ”Sitz baths” in that the former are given with the patient sitti ... read more
Dr. Hamer Released 19 y
Dr. Hamer, one of the most important medical researchers of our time, was released form prison after being held unjustly for a year and a half.
Dear Friends;
Dr. R.G. Hamer was released from prison unconditionally February 16th at 10:00 am. He is now back home in Spain and is in very good spirits.
Dr. Hamer’s statement February 17th, 2006:
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Alhaurin el Grande
February 17, 2006
Dear Friend of the New Medicine!
I have been home since 11.30 last night.
The psychological torture of approximately 1 ½ years is finally behind me.
There is too much to talk about, at least for now.
I would like to thank you all, for your support, for staying in touch with me and for giving me courage. I often didn’t ... read more
Flouridation (50 Reasons Against) 19 y
Here are atleast 50 reasons to oppose flouridation.
Here is a good resource that outlines 50 reasons to pass on flouridation.
50 Reasons To Oppose Flouridation PDF
~Lapis~ visit the page
Natural Hygiene Info 19 y
A nice storehouse of free online books concerning the healing arts of Natural Hygiene. Share this link freely.
Here is an online treasure house of knowledge avaiable in ebook format. Many are by Natural Hygiene Doctors such as the late great Herbert Shelton.
You will have to sign for them, but they are free,.
Natural Hygiene Books Here
*For those profiteers attempting to hord this knowledge, perhaps some healing is in order for your ego body.
In Love and Freedom....
~Lapis~ visit the page
Cellphones and Cancer 19 y
CBC's Marketplace show ran a ecent story on the danger of cellphones and theri link to brain cancer (among other things).
Can cellphone use lead to cancer?
November 25, 2003
<<main page
Twelve million Canadians use cellphones
— and that number is growing by the day. So many people
use cellphones that you would have thought the fears about
cellphones and brain tumours had disappeared.
But — quietly — a huge international
agency has been gathering evidence, trying to answer the question:
can cellphone use lead to cancer?
A decade ago, there was a lot of buzz that the
radiation from cellphones can lead to cancer. A Florida man
went to court, arguing that ... read more
Urine Therapy 19 y
Urine therapy is a potent method of restoring health and balance. Many people have reported that UT has kepled when all else has failed. This is an excellent adjunct to a proper diet such as raw vegan and other healthy practices.
URINE & UREA Therapy
By Walter Last
I have been fond of urine therapy for many years
but, except as a homoeopathic remedy, I have rarely mentioned it to
patients as our social conditioning invariably prompted a strong
negative reaction.
The many and varied case histories described by John Armstrong in his ’ The Water of Life’
are certainly impressive. However, this book was first published fifty
years ago, Armstrong did not have any academic qualifications and
without the strong support of other therapists, there were not many
convincing reasons for patients to try this met ... read more
*** Getting Well *** 19 y
Illness equates to disharmony and victim consciousness
Want to be well? Look no further.
Disease is the equivelant of toxicity and lack of nutrition in all forms (spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical). It’s not something that ”happened” to you. It’s something you chose and continue to choose.
I love this saying: ”the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.”
There are emotional, mental and spiritual aspects to all disease. One can choose to learn from what one has manifested in physical form by examining the choices that led them to where they are. We reap what we sow. Stinking th ... read more
Trouble With Normal 19 y
One of Canada's most celebrated lyracists really hit the nail on the head with this one. Globalists...some of us clearly see the game your playing. More and more every day.
Trouble With Normal ... Bruce Cockburn
Strikes across the frontier and strikes for higher wage
Planet lurches to the right as ideologies engage
Suddenly it’s repression, moratorium on rights
What did they think the politics of panic would invite?
Person in the street shrugs -- ”Security comes first”
But the trouble with normal is it always gets worse
Callous men in business costume speak computerese
Play pinball with the Third World trying to keep it on its knees
Their single crop starvation plans put sugar in your tea
And the local Third World’s kept on reserva ... read more
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