A Brief History of Kefir 20 y
A Brief History of Kefir
A Brief History Of Kefir
Kefir is a fermented milk similar to yoghurt.
It is one of the oldest cultured milk products in existence, enjoying widespread popularity in Russia and the Caucasus. The history of kefir making and the legends connected to this amazing food are described below.
Amongst the people of the northern slopes of the Caucasian Mountains there is a legend that Mohammed gave kefir grains to the Orthodox people and taught them how to make kefir.
The ’Grains of the Prophet’ were guarded jealously since it was believed that they would lose their strength if the grai ... read more
Here's A list Of Friendly Probiotic Flora In The Live Grain Kefir Drink 20 y
Here's what's you usually find in the Home-Made Live Grain Kefir Drink. Many Candida survivors find that wide range of probiotic micro-flora in Kefir is very helpful in repopulating the intestines with healthy friendly flora.
Here’s A list Of Friendly Probiotic Flora In The Live Grain Kefir Drink.
Here’s what’s you usually find in the Home-Made Live Grain Kefir Drink. Many Candida survivors find that wide range of probiotic micro-flora in Kefir is very helpful in repopulating the intestines with healthy friendly flora.
Lb. acidophilus
Lb. brevis
Lb. casei
Lb. casei subsp. rhamnosus
Lb. casei subsp. pseudoplantarum
Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei
Lb. cellobiosus
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis
Lb. fructivorans
Lb. helveticus subsp. lactis
Lb. hilgardi ... read more
Tony's Mega Super Probiotic 12/24/48 Hour Yoghurt/Kefir Recipe 20 y
Some easy, affordable ideas on how to get, or make at home the right mix and the quantum amounts of pro-biotics required to repopulate intestestinal flora.
Tony’s Mega Super Probiotic 12/24/48 Hour Yoghurt/Kefir Recipe
One thing that’s caught my attention is that one really needs massive amounts of viable pro-biotics to effectively re-populate the intestines, and the pro-biotic supplements that are currently being sold just don’t contain enough pro-biotics to do the job effectively. Thus buying sufficient amounts of pro-biotics ”off the shelf” becomes cost prohibitive. Somehow, you need to consume a quantum amount of pro-biotics by a factor of at least 50 to 100 times what is usually contained in your ”off the shelf” pro-biotic supplement. ... read more
Tips On Getting Started Making Your Own Kefir From Live Kefir Grains 20 y
Here's a fairly easy step-by-step method to start making your own Kefir drink from live Kefir grains.
Tips On Getting Started Making Your Own Kefir From Live Kefir Grains
Here’s a fairly easy step-by-step method to start making your own Kefir drink from live Kefir grains.
1.) As soon as you receive your Live Kefir Grains, empty contents into a pint or 1/2 liter GLASS jar. The general consensus is that most Metals and Plastics are not good for Kefir. The acid in the Kefir reacts with some plastic and metal utensils and some nasty toxic substances may be created that might kill the Kefir or harm you. As a general rule, you can use glass, stainless steel, wooden and ”food grade” plastic ... read more
Tony's Experiences With Live Kefir Grains 20 y
I've been making Probiotic Kefir for almost a month and the results are excellent! I also have Live Kefir Grains to Share.
Well gang, I’ve been making Probiotic Kefir for almost a month and it’s really been working for me. I make my Kefir from Live Grains, and then ”Spike” my brew with Acidophilus, Bifidus, & S.Bouliardii.
I also have plenty of Live Organic Kefir Grains to share. If you want some Live Kefir Grains e-mail me directly. All the best!
I’ve decided to explore home production Live Grain Kefir as a possible source of anti-candida probiotics. So today I actually started my fisrt batch of Live Grain Kefir. Eventually I will have Kefir Grains to share, so if you’re intetere ... read more
Why I started Brewing My Own Anti-Candida Probiotics 20 y
Some simple, affordable ideas on how to get the massive amounts of probiotic micro-flora that are needed to re-populate the upper and lower instestines
Why I started Brewing My Own Anti-Candida Probiotics
Last year, I realized that the Probiotic supplements as they are currently produced and supplied simply aren’t ”powerful” enough to provide sufficient probiotics to effectively ”repopulate” my intestines with friendly flora.
IHMO there are two reasons for this. The enteric coated capsules tend pass completely through the diestive tract without ever releasing their ”payload”. The standard gelcaps are completely digested too soon and the tiny payload is all but destroyed in the stomach and never makes it to the lower intestines.
I ... read more
Live Active Probiotic Kefir Grains To Share 20 y
I now have Live Active Kefir Grains to share, and can ship them anywhere. Please email me directly (privately) for more details and information.
Live Active ProBiotic Kefir Grains To Share
As you all know by now, I’ve decided to explore home production Live Grain Kefir as a possible source of anti-candida probiotics.
My first batches of Live Grain Kefir have been chugging away nicely and my little ”Kefir Babies” are growing by leaps and bounds.
These Live Kefir Grains will grow in ANY kind of milk: raw farmer’s milk, organic health food store milk, regular supermarket store milk, goat’s milk, cow’s Milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and even water!
I have also experimented with adding Probiotic supplements like ... read more