Life on Liquids: the Journey of a First Time Juice Faster
by juicefasttothin

Ughh   14 y  
screwed up ARGH!
Ughh so I ate again today! What?!?!?! not the plan! I’m feeling HUGE and worse than ever. I’m going to start with a 5-day water fast to quickly make up for the past few days which have me feeling awful. Hopefully this will get me back into a state of feeling okay about myself and then I can switch back to juice... I’ll keep you posted!   visit the page

Fast again   14 y  
juice fasting again
Haha, sooo turns out I don’t feel so great after breaking my fast. I’ve eaten very little and it’s been raw carrots and tomatoes and things like that but I feel FATTTT so i think the feeling of hunger and emptiness let me feel thin but I loved that, so I’ve decided to fast again this week starting tomorrow. Again, I’m posting on here to hold me accountable. It was so easy just a few days ago to not eat and I felt GREAT up until I ate yesterday, so I’m going to go back on :) I’ll keep you posted   visit the page

eating   14 y  
eating for weight loss
So, since I really wasn’t using the proper juice, I decided that since I’ve gotten a great jump start on my weight loss, it might actually be better for me to stop the juice and switch to just very low calorie foods, and eating very little so today I officially broke my fast after losing about 20 pounds (167-147) and lots of inches (waist: now 28). I broke the fast with tomatoes and avocados. I plan to continue losing weight so I’ll let you know how it’s going :)   visit the page

Day 20-frustration   14 y  
frustrated with a stall in weight loss on day 20
Okay so today is day 20 of my juice fast and this morning I’m feeling rather weak and sleepy. I would almost be tempted to make it a 21 day juice fast so I have plenty of time to break the fast properly before going home but I don’t think I will because of what’s going on with the scales. For three days in a row I’ve seen 149.5 on the scales in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, I’m psyched to see a 4 in that place (just barely HAH) but I am not losing...and it’s a stinker. Something tells me being in the middle of a bugger plateu is not the time or place to break the fast- I know that when ...   read more

Day 17   14 y  
day 17
Mmk so I’m currently on day 17 of my juice fast, still feeling great and strong and still losing weight :) I feel a bit tired but nothing extreme- I’m just more comfortable hanging out doing leisurely things. I’m still nervous about the end of the fast and would still love to get some feedback on when to break it so that i have plenty of time to break it right, so if you have any input, please give it to me! Have any of you done a fast before? if so, how long did you take to break the fast back to regular food (and no, I don’t mean a crappy diet ’cause I’m not planning on doing that, just ...   read more

i did it!   14 y  
weigh in 1
Haha, no I did not magically finish my fast yet BUT I got up the courage to step on the scales! You may all think I’m crazy for freaking out about this BUT I have had several bad experiences where I’ve thought I’ve lost weight before or been really disciplined with my calories in/calories out and such and stepped on the scales just to see the number hasn’t budged OR I’ve gained. Well, the last time I was weighed was at a doctor in June and I hit 167-the highest EVER. I can only imagine that I had even gained some since then up until the fast since that’s what I tend to do unless I weigh my ...   read more

when to end?   14 y  
Okay, so I definitely want to do a 40 day fast like I planned, especially since it’s day 12 and I feel GREAT! I know that I could go for 40 days at least but I’m starting to get concerned about Thanksgiving...I will have to go home and will not be able to fast- my family would freak out. That being said, I’m wondering if I should break the fast sooner so I can do it right, gradually building up with smoothies and raw food before I have to eat some of the traditional Thanksgiving fare. Or, is it better to just try to break it as best I can while home? I’m honestly just looking for your opin ...   read more

Day eleven?   14 y  
errghh, frustration with sizing, inches, etc.
So I’ve been really bad about posting and when I do, I feel like it is rather useless. The one thing I can say is that if you are looking on here to determine if you want to/ ”can” do a juice fast- you totally can. I don’t ever think about eating anymore, I feel great, I just wish the weight would be coming off faster... :( errrghh I mentioned in an earlier post that I’m not going to weigh myself until my waist is 28 inches, which I still plan on. At a 28 inch waist before I was really happy and fit comfortably into size 6 jeans. BUT I’ve been bumping around online and have found that a 2 ...   read more

Day Six and Seven   14 y  
day 6 and 7
One week! hooray! I’ve successfully juice-fasted for a week. I haven’t posted for two days for the same reason I didn’t post on day 4 or 5...I don’t even feel like I’m fasting...I’m never hungry, never weak, sometimes tired but that’s me anyways hah. Again, it’s a little disconcerting because I really feel like I should feel more...people keep saying when you feel ”bad” that’s good because it means you’re detoxing, but I haven’t really felt bad at all..hmmm. Today was originally the day I was going to take measurements and weigh myself......but.......I’m still too scared hah...I know that ...   read more

Day Four and Five   14 y  
Days 4 and 5
So, I didn’t write a post yesterday because I tend to write when I need a good distraction from being tempted to eat and in the past two days I haven’t needed a distraction because I haven’t wanted to eat. It’s very bizarre- I’ve been able to do everything as normal, including working out, and I’m barely drinking any juice either...somehow I’m running on empty and feeling fine, not hungry, not weak, no headaches, nothing. And to boot, in the last couple of days I haven’t really had any cravings! Woohoo, hope this keeps up! Haha, I know it probably won’t, but it sure makes it easier! It wou ...   read more

Day Three   14 y  
Day Three of my juice fast
So it’s day three of my juice fast. I’m feeling great today, no weakness and not as tired either- slightly hungry but just barely...I wish I were hungrier so I knew I was burning more calories and could tell my body is eating fat reserves (blech). I find I am craving food less and less and that’s what I really want to happen through this fast- I want to gain control over food and not let mere cravings make my body into something I despise: seriously! That’s all that it is that stands between who I am and who I could be- stupid cravings for stupid snacks...I’m hoping that when I come out of ...   read more

Day Two   14 y  
Day two- feeling great! but I have some questions...
Alright, so what I really need right now is some assurance that I am doing the right thing. As far as weight loss, I know that if I lose weight, I have to come off of the fast VERY slowly and carefully so I don’t put it back on, BUT is there some chance that I can’t keep it off? No matter how little I eat after? And what about losing in the first place? I just read somewhere that a small percentage of people don’t lose weight on a juice fast. Is this because they drink too much juice so the calories in/calories out doesn’t work out? Or is there some weird thing going on... haha I know I’m ...   read more

Measurements   14 y  
Measurements from start of the fast
Okay so I bit the bullet and took measurements....resisting the urge to throw up or punch myself in the face (I have serious body issues I’m working on) I decided to come here and write them down instead, knowing that if I stick to the fast for 40 days I will hopefully see these numbers change, and my body will become what I want it to be. I have to say, it is actually quite freeing to finally know just how bad things feels like I’m really taking a step in the right direction and I feel some control. I plan to take measurements every week and hopefully they will go down by the end ...   read more

day one   14 y  
Day one of my 40 day juice fast!
Okay so I didn’t write anything yesterday but that’s because I had not started the fast and thus had nothing exciting to say. I think I am going to actually be able to start the fast earlier than I thought, as in TODAY! woohoo (we’ll see if I’m still celebrating by tomorrow...) I will write again tonight talking about what I did consume throughout the day because so far it’s been nothing... haha. I just wanted to say though that I am OFFICIALLY starting TODAY (this way I can’t decide at dinner time that I actually want to start tomorrow and so on and so forth... Happy drinking- hope every ...   read more

Get Ready, Get Set...   14 y  
About to start a juice fast!
Okey-dokey, so here I go... about to start a 40 day juice fast and my first ever blog :) I will be starting the fast on Thursday, October 13 and will be fasting, drinking only water, tea and juice until November 22- so, all you math whizzes, not quite 40 days but pretty close. I hope to find some supportive folks who will follow along with me throughout this entire fast- I plan to write every day to fill you in on my progress and how I am feeling. I am doing the fast for a few reasons: 1. weight loss (I am too scared to even step on the scales to give you a starting weight but its somewhe ...   read more


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I will be doing a 40 day juice fast and letting all of you know how it goes! I am telling all of you now to hold me accountable, with hopes that this will keep me going. I hope my blog can give you insight into the life of a juice-faster (and I can hopefully find some buddies to journey with me :) ) LET’S DO THIS!!… more...

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20 Comments   Last comment 14 y ago

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Created: 14 y   Oct 10 2011


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Comments (10 of 20):
Re: Ughh #113835 14 y
Re: Ughh #113835 14 y
Re: Day 17 #113835 14 y
Re: Day eleven? ausjulie2 14 y
Re: Day Four and F… ausju… 14 y
Re: Day Three #113835 14 y
Re: Day Three #113835 14 y
Re: Day Three #113835 14 y
Re: Day Three #113835 14 y
Re: Day Two juicefasttoth… 14 y
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