At the end of the day, all I need is love. 14 y
A brief synopsis of my life.
I’m not talking about love from a romantic partner, although that could help. I’m talking about universal, planetary love. Some understanding, some compassion.
I wasn’t raised to be tough, but life made me that way. I was so lonely when I was a kid, there weren’t any little girls to play with, and the boys stopped playing with me after I was five.
As a result I was shy, and very sensitive. I wasn’t a fat kid, but when a classmate called me fat it made me very upset and that encouraged other kids to do so, for years
After that I developed all kinds of eating disorders and trust iss ... read more
Life spiraled out of control. Then I started fasting. 14 y
The first post in my fasting blog. I am starting water fasting today for a few days in my quest to let go of the past and reconnect with my true self.
Hi everyone, this is the first post in my fasting blog.
I have fasted several times since 2002, and my intentions were never right. I wanted to lose weight and cellulite, wasn’t committed to following a healthy lifestyle afterwards. I also continued to smoke, drink and smoke marijuana.
My life was also chaotic. I never had a steady job, was living overseas, and felt constantly as if my livelihood was in danger.
The most important lesson I learned from this time period was to relax and trust that the universe is showing you the right path. That I’ll be ok, no matter what. That I’m ... read more