Holosync 19 y
Resistance is Futile
Tools for Transformation’s
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Is Your Sand Box Too Small?
Four Rules to Lead an Extraordinary Life
Healing ”Missing Mother Syndrome” with EFT
The Secret to a Thriving Coaching Practice
How to Escape from ’The Box Trap’
How to Keep a Well Being Journal
History Reveals the Truth About Fátima
Migraine Headaches: Is Natural Relief Possible?
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New! Life Coaching Se ... read more
Quantum e-book 19 y
Quantum e-book
This is a link to a very interesting site in time travel and quantum remote viewing visit the page
Missing Mother Syndrome & EFT 19 y
EFT to unblock pain of Missing Ma
Healing ”Missing Mother Syndrome” with EFT
By Carna Zacharias-Miller
When I had my very first EFT session as a client, we went straight back to my birth. I released a deep, very painful feeling of abandonment, since my schizophrenic mother was unable to bond with me from the beginning. It was a powerful experience, and it made a believer and an EFT practitioner out of me. So, what is this miracle technique called EFT?
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), developed by Gary Craig, is an emotional form of acupressure. You tap with your fingertips to stimulate certain meridian energy point ... read more
Top Ten Trend Locating You 19 y
"A federal mandate states all cell phones must be able to be located by an emergency responder during a 911 call. As a result, all of the U.S. carriers in were forced to put GPS chips in their cell phones or find another way to locate the handset by the end of 2005." Hmmmmm, rather than kabitz in the debate forums-
Verizon to Help Track Kids
The wireless carrier plans a child-tracking service in May.
January 19, 2006
Verizon Wireless plans to launch a child-tracking service called Verizon Chaperone for parents in May as one of several location-based services the carrier will roll out before summer, Autodesk, the company that created the software, said Thursday.
The No. 2 U.S. mobile phone company has deliberated over launching its location-based services, which use a GPS chip in cell phones to locate the devices, for months because of worries over privacy concerns, said Joe Astroth, Aut ... read more
Podcasting 4 Profit 19 y
"Podcasting", a new word in the venacular, broadcasting to boomers on the ever shrinking I Pod...
How to Profit from Podcasting
Lockergnome’s Chris Pirillo spills secrets of podcasting success.
January 14, 2006
There’s enough money in podcasting for unlimited personal broadcasters, says podcast pioneer Chris Pirillo. As long as they make these audio web feeds interesting, of course.
Mr. Pirillo, the founder of tech media network Lockergnome and host of a podcast sponsored by Microsoft, flew from Seattle to San Francisco last week to address an overflowing crowd of Apple fanatics about the “podcast economy” at Macworld.
However, in an interview with RedHerring.com a ... read more
Creation Dance 19 y
”I am a choreographer. A choreographer is a poet. I do not create. God creates. I assemble, and I will steal from everywhere to do it.”
-George Balanchine
visit the page
HeartMath 19 y
If one's heart is out, then so is their coherency and their vibratory fields-This is the ultimate inside job- actions ALWAYS speak for themselves. Simple Stuff!!!
Entrainment and Coherency-Alignment
Entrainment and Coherency are words that describe th optimal functioning of your systemic functions for healing and health
I took a HeartMath class in San Diego in 2001, they used to do a circuit and a 2 day seminar. I realize there is a ton of great information on Curezone Site, but when it comes to consciouness and spirituality- it is harder to ’do’, since it is a way of ’being’. Heart Math can help you train the body through technology of biofeedback to respond to the world with a different pattern because you have a different feeli ... read more
Curezone Rules? 19 y
From the Curezone Posting Rules Manual- How will a community thrive without the integrity of it's word?
***Do not try to create FAKE discussions!
Some people try generating fake discussions, by posting questions and answers rom 2 or 3 different usernames, or by simply using anonymous number #54565 when posting one message, and real username when posting another message.
Do not try to do that! You can not cheat curezone moderators with such cheap tricks.
People have been banned from CureZone for less!
****Language and Flaming : Posting extremely foul or abusive language aimed at a fellow forum member is forbidden. This includes obscenities, verbal harassment or comments that would ... read more
Full Responsibility 19 y
I'm all for full responsibility, If posts represent Choice-more than one perspective- this has been my hope and cause
By choosing to follow the advice
or the information presented at CureZone.com
you agree to take FULL responsibility for yourself.
Information on CureZone is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on CureZone for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medi ... read more
Ancient Poetry 19 y
Testing , one , two, three ;}
”For like a child sent with a fluttering light
To feel his way along a gusty night
Man walks this world again and yet again
The lamp shall be by fits of passion slain
But shall not he who sent him from the door
Re-light the lamp once more and yet once more?”
To James!
visit the page
Poetry 19 y
Rules must work for all to work at all....
I have been denied access to respond to your message Wrenn
But apparently I am allowed my blog so for that I thank you
To address James’s posting:
Nothing was changed only comments inserted into the complete textPlease reread and you will see what I say is accurate
I could have asked this to be removed, but I know James is clarifying his own thinking when he posted and I do appreciate this process while I may not agree with content- I hope you do to.
As to posting in more than one forum only one- Kundalini yoga- the rest was my blog and there are no such rules.
To address ”sexual ... read more
Bad Health-Good Business 19 y
The NY Times has blown the cover of the case of Diabetes...or is it really just that most patients understand their eating habits in relationship to their blood sugar and choose the moment over the eventual outcome...or maybe some of the hospitals need to utilize their "machines" and do counsel in nutrition, but also prescribe "other modalities"...could it be nothing is ever as simple as black or white..
In the Treatment of Diabetes, Success Often Does Not Pay
Published: January 11, 2006
With much optimism, Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan opened its new diabetes center in March 1999. Miss America, Nicole Johnson Baker, herself a diabetic, showed up for promotional pictures, wearing her insulin pump.
Vincent Laforet for The New York Times
Dr. Gerald Bernstein directed Beth Israel’s diabetes center, with its focus on education.
Vincent Laforet for The New York Times
Dr. Maudene Nelson delivering a lecture to diabetes patients at the innovative Naomi Berri ... read more
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