Day 21 - Sun Gazing - 2 minutes & 10 seconds 20 y
Speculation about sungazing and what it reveals about human anatomy and history.
If what the sungazers say is true (and I have no reason to doubt them) our concept of human anatomy is very wrong. According to the sun gazers, we take in energy (light) from the sun and this energy is sufficient to fuel the body. There is no need for food.
This would require a network, similar to the bloodstream that would store and distribute this energy to every cell in the body. My choice would be the Chinese Meridians, associated with the flow of chi or prana (life force). Sungazers talk of the Pineal Gland, being like the heart of this network where solar energy is stored and d ... read more
Day 20 - Mercury and Myopia 20 y
Does mercury from amalgam fillings cause myopia?
You know the old joke that the biggest sex organ is the brain...well according to Dr. Bates the biggest sight organ is also the brain.
I have been quite myopic and worn glasses since I was a teen. I don’t remember when I got my first pair, but it must have been around 12 or 13. That would be a year or two after I got the first amalgam fillings put into my teeth.
Since reading how mercury interfers with the uptake of neurotransmitters in the brain, causing depression and anxiety, I wonder if mercury may also interfere with the part of the brain than interacts with the eyes and produ ... read more
Day 20 - Mercury and Smoking Addiction 20 y
The relationship between mercury amalagams and smoking addiction.
MH sent me a book called The Key to Ultimate Health by Ellen Hodgson Brown and Richard Hansen. I found a very revealing passage.
"Siblerud found another interesting association with mercury. Women were 2-1/2 times more likely to smoke if they had mercury amalgam fillings than if they didn’t Why? He suggested that the effects of mercury on the neurotransmitters of the brain. Mercury depresses the neurotransmitters’ uptake of dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and norepinephrne, while nicotine has the opposite effect. He observed:
Nicotine has highly d ... read more