juice fast
by bellbell

Juice fast, Day 14, end of fast   14 y  
End of this phase, on to the next!
Yesterday was day 14 of my juice fast and I decided that was plenty for me. I weighed in yesterday at 196, which is a 15 pound loss in two weeks. I expect to gain about 3 - 5 pounds back right away as ”filler”, so to speak. So 2 weeks to lose a solid 10 pounds of fat is very exciting. I decided to ease into my eating last night, so nibbled a little on blueberries and little bites of various things the family was eating. I tried to leave time (about an hour) in between nibbles of different kinds of food, and my stomach did great, In fact, it had been hurting a little all day with j ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 13   14 y  
Taking the bad with the good
Today was much harder. That little feeling I had yesterday, that I was able to talk myself out of, feels a lot stronger today. I’m getting hungry and bored. I’m not one to get bored normally because there is so much I want to do! Maybe that’s part of the problem though. I don’t seem to have the energy that so many others get while juicing. I’m probably not drinking enough juice although I’m drinking as much as I want/can stand. My gallbladder is hurting. I wonder how soon I can do another liver flush. So I don’t know if I’m just having a low day or if it’s time to quit. Tomorro ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 12   14 y  
Same weight as yesterday. No worries.
Weighed 197 today. That’s 14 pounds in 12 days. The fact that my weight is the same as it was yesterday doesn’t bother me. I know that’s to be expected. My overall progress still has exceeded my expectations. I’m sitting here comfortably in a pair of pants that were too tight 2 weeks ago. That feels pretty good, literally and figuratively. I’m at a place now where the hunger doesn’t bother me. In my first fasts, I thought about hunger, food, fasting, etc. all the time. And this time I’m not doing that and it is MUCH easier. Putting it out of my mind and focusing on other things ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 11   14 y  
Being secretive about this makes it a lonely process
I’ve made it 11 days! That’s so cool. My resolve seems pretty tough this time. Writing this journal helps and so does knowing what to expect. The first few days were the hardest, in terms of wanting to eat. But now that is not so hard. I weighed 197 today, so 14 pounds in 11 days. My face looks thinner and for now the yeast seems to be tamed. Tomorrow I’m going to be doing mostly MC lemonades because I’m out of most everything else! It will be nice to break up the juices with that. I took a friend to lunch today at a smoothie place. She had a smoothie and some food, while I h ...   read more

Juice fast, day 10   14 y  
I think my bowels are empty now!
A double digit day! Day 10! When I look forward, it seems I have so far to go. But when I look back, I’ve come pretty far and that feels so good. So I’m going to focus on my accomplishments and keep taking it a day at a time. Weighed myself - 198! Holy cow, so that’s 13 pounds in 10 days. The liver flush seems to have wrung an extra pound out of me. I have cautiously added more apples and carrots to my juices to make them palatable. We’ll see if the yeast gets fired up. As for the liver flush, it went pretty well I guess. The easiest one I’ve done so far. My gallbladder is n ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 9   14 y  
Not feeling 100%, but at least I'm moving forward. Doing a liver flush!
Wow day 9. Feeling pretty good. Weighed 200 today, 11 pounds in 9 days. Gonna do a liver flush tonight. In the past I’ve mixed the epsom salts with water and it just gags me. Tonight I mixed fresh orange juice instead. What a world of difference!! Why didn’t I do this earlier?!! I still plugged my nose to down it. No big deal. At bedtime, I’ll be taking 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup lemon juice with a little black walnut tincture thrown in. I’ll take some more epsom salts in the morning. Last time I fasted and did a liver flush, I tried magnesium citrate as the epsom alternative ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 8   14 y  
I drank more juice!! And I'm enjoying my slower pace.
Today weight is 201, so 10 pounds in 8 days. After drinking mostly water the last two days, I thought I’d juice today. I had a class tonight and didn’t want to be dragging. I didn’t drink a lot of juice today(don’t know the exact amount, maybe 3 glasses), but it was enough to give me loads of energy and I’m feeling great. I’m definitely feeling the benefits of the fast now. My mind is clear, sinuses are clear too. A strange thing to me is that my pace is slower. Normally when I’m in town shopping, I rush all around, even though there’s really no reason to, other than just trying ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 7   14 y  
Still not sure if I should juice or water fast. No hurry to decide I guess.
Made it a week! Weighed in this morning at 202, so 9 pounds lost. I had mostly water today as I am not sure what to do next. I’m not clear about whether or not adding apples and carrots to my vegie juice is causing digestive issues. I mean, if this whole thing is supposed to be a break for your digestive system, then challenging it seems counterproductive. I’ve been laying around a lot, as I have little energy and I figure that is most healing now. My belly is hungry, but I’m at the point where I don’t care too much. It doesn’t bother me. What bothered me today was the pizza my ...   read more

Juice Fast, Day 6   14 y  
I might have to change things up a bit.
Cool! Made 6 days so far. Feeling pretty good. I weighed in this morning at 203. That’s 8 pounds in 6 days. My sinuses are clear and pain free. I am so happy with that! But I have a yeast infection. Which leads me to wonder what to do next. As long as I’m juicing fruits, it won’t clear up, right? Or will it? I can’t handle straight vegetable juice. It’s just nasty tasting to me. I always add a little carrot and sometimes apple. I’ve tried to keep fruit juices to a minimum on this fast, but it doesn’t seem to matter now. So I’m thinking of switching to a water fast. It sou ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 5   14 y  
Feels like someone stabbed me in the side of the head.
Yay! I’ve done 5 days! It’s been a rough day, but I’m still going at it. I weighed myself this morning - 204, so 7 pounds so far. I spent about 5 hours drawing today and I think it strained my eyes or something because now I’ve got a massive headache. I did take some ibuprofin and that took the edge off. My head was hurting so bad that I felt nauseated. Now, in my normal life, that causes me to eat or drink beer, which makes me feel better. But what can I do? So I just went to bed and tried to be still. When I’ve fasted in the past, I took ibuprofin to get me over the worst par ...   read more

Juice fast, Day 4   14 y  
This is going great!!! Despite the bumps in the road!!!
I’m pretty stoked that I’ve already done 4 days. I weighed myself today and I’m at 205, which is 6 pounds lost. I know the number of pounds lost are bigger in the beginning and dwindle down as you go, but I’m happy with it anyway. As I’m typing, I’m seeing that my hands are not puffy. It’s sometimes the little things that are surprisingly rewarding. On the second day of this fast, I did a saltwater flush and I think maybe I’ll do another in a couple of days. We’ll see. I also want to do a liver flush soon. Using sea salt is a lot easier for me than the epsom salts. I hate epsom ...   read more

Juice Fast Day 3   14 y  
A little about me
Some numbers: I’m 43 years old, 211 pounds (at start of fast), 5’7”. I’ve been battling chronic sinusitis and I have a history of yeast and gallstones. A good weight for me would be around 150. I was comfortable at 160. 6 years ago I had a child and wasn’t concerned about overeating because I was really fit at the time. But here I am still hanging on to all that extra weight. In the past I have lost weight fasting and kept off 75% of it for a long time. But then I get sick and it creeps back on. I’d like to find a balance in my health. So far so good today. I’m not sure why th ...   read more

Starting a juice fast, actually Day 2   14 y  
I already feel less bloated and am really looking forward to feeling great.
Today is the second day of my juice fast. I have done two other juice fasts in the last two years, one for 21 days, the other for 14 days. My motivation in the past has been to lose weight and to feel better. This time my motivation has changed a bit since I am wanting to really improve my health. I’ve been dealing with chronic sinusitis and a recent cold has really knocked me down. Lately, I’ve been prone to yeast infections, so I have that to tackle as well. For both issues, I’ve been taking oil of oregano, among other things, and it seems to be improving both. Anyway, after onl ...   read more


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I’m starting a juice fast to improve my health, hoping it will help with chronic sinusitis and weight loss. more...

Last Activity: 14 y ago
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viewed 184,425 times
Created: 14 y   Mar 17 2011


Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Wormwood Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

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