Water fast hour 17-24 14 y
hours 17-24
Yay. feeling gooood. well i guess there are still 4 hours until i complete day 1. But im happy. I dont know why, but i am much more active, food has really taken control of my life, when you take away all the eating, i have so much free time! Its kinda wicked! hehe
I know i havnt lost much weight yet but i feel thinner, it must be the rumbling in my tummy. I am going to have a drink of water. Cao :) visit the page
Water fasting hour 01-10 14 y
Water fasting
As you can see there is kind of a a pattern here, after two days i quit, for 1 reason or another. there are no excuses. well actually there are, pretty good excuses. But i won’t use them, so instead of counting the days for the first three days i will be counting the hours, as you can see it is now hour 10. (10:00am) hehe. I am about to fill up a 500ml water bottle and chug it all!! over the course of the day, and then fill up another one. thats 1000 ltres. is that enough?
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Humbug 14 y
Humbug, doctors orders
Ok so i fell really sick over the weekend.apparently (according to the doctor) i have to do at least 3 days of juice fatsing beforehand cas my body cant take it and shiz. Today is day 2 of juice fasting... but i will start my water fast again tomorow. hehe
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Day 2 14 y
Day 2
No i have not given up! WOO i feel gooood. I have this tiny bit of shite coating on my tounge. i am HOPEING that its from the detox and not just because. Today was hard. But i am praying that it will get easier.
My weigh in will be on Monday 10/01/11 and after that every second day, or when im bored ;).
If your on a fsst. Good luck! keep rockin visit the page
Day 1 14 y
Day 1. again
0k so i have started again. i am back up on the horse. :D
its 11:59pm right now, but when i post this it will be day 1! hehe. weird? yes i know.
today i am actually going go-carting, then to the salon with my ”security guard” so that should keep me busy. :). i am going to try to drink at lEAST 8glasses of water. more if i can.
Starting weight approx 200pounds. height 5’8. Goal 125-135pounds.
btw , by security guard i mean sister. the one i put in charge of me staying on my water fast for the first 4 days :) visit the page
Failure. But 07/01/2011 starting again. 14 y
i have a security guard this time!!
I suck. DAMMIT! i cant stay on a damn fast!!! ARRR.
so i decided to tell someone. and stick by her side for the first three (hardest) days. and hopefully go on by myself from there.
I failed at night. just light sacrista. (shes my buddy ;) )
it sucks. my family decided that they needed to ”celebrate” and we went out for dinner. Temptation. arr. but im not giving up. im starting again tomorow. i think that if i have someone with me, not letting me eat i can get past the first through days, i can make it till the end of january.
Wish me luck. ill be writing again at 12:00am ;) : day ... read more
Day 2 14 y
day 2 has just started! day 1 had ended. a little rocky, but im still in it to win it
waddup people! its day two and i am happy. :) i did cheat a little but im not going to let tht get me down. as of 20 min it will be 12:00am and day 2. im excited as to were it will take me. im not going to weigh myself until the end of 5 days, which will be sunday 10/01/11. and im anxious...eee
i am hopeing to be in the late 180’s by then. that will be exciteing. expecially becasue my family is having a ”family photo” and i Hate photos, dont most fat people? but yea. i wuld look a little better in my clothes by then.
Ill fill you in a little on my ”situation” i am a teenager. :I livi ... read more
Day 1 14 y
Day one of my water fast
ok so today is day one. hehe, here it is actually exsactly 1:01am. so i have been at it for an hour ;). i am actually scared to go onto the scale after these christmas holidays. i was SO bad. its not even funny. My sister has started calling me the hulk.! i know. i know. so i am taking matters into my own hands and water fasting. again. i failed miserably last time. lasting no more than 3 days. but if i can get past those who knows how long the fast will last. right?
my prediction starting weight is approx 200pounds. i have a 5’8.5 frame. and am a girl. so you can see my dilema. my firs ... read more