day 4 15 y
water fast
Day 4 on my water fast and as of this morning I am 188 wow the water weight really comes off. I have not been 188 since the age of 27 now I am 37. I been off from work the past 3 days so its been pretty easy for me after day 1 on the water fast. I probably start my intermittent fast tomorrow. I will keep you guys posted. visit the page
day 3 15 y
water fast
Day 3 on my water fast slept pretty good last night was a little hungry last night but that passed. I’m not tired at all this morning mouth is a little dry. I am a little hungry this morning but I will be okay. current weight as of this morning is 191. Feeling pretty good about that. visit the page
day 2 water fast 15 y
day 2 water fast
Okay, here we go this is my day 2 of my water fast and let me tell you I could not sleep at all last night I fell asleep around 10:30pm and woke up around 1:30am,watch some television cut the tv off around 4:30am cut tv back on at 5:30am so no sleep at all. I am not tired at all even though I had a lack of sleep. Went to the bathroom around 6:30 am and I weigh myself the scale said 194 so thats a four pound weight loss. I am a little hungry but not that bad. Talk to you guys tomorrow. read more
day 1 water fasting 15 y
Water Fasting for weight loss
Okay, this is my second water fast, my first water fast I did for 4 days my weight started at 207 I got down to 191.IM now 198 so my short term goal is to get in the 180’s.Then start a day on and day off water fast which I also did with my first water fast. So here I go again. Let’s see the time is 10:51 am and for breakfast I had water. For lunch will be water again and dinner I will have a tall glass of water WOW that sounds sooooooo good. Please join me as I fast again. HAPPY FASTING. read more