Buy Propur shower filter Today 13 y
toxic estrogenic tap water
This is the best shower filter on the market you can use to fill up the bath tub with or fill up water bottles and pans for cooking tap water can kill you its full of womens birth control pills visit the page
testicular/prostate cancer (instead of nuts chopped off ) 13 y
Cancer worst nightmare
South american graviola leaf aka soursop go online punch in key words.....young living orange essential oil cancer dont use undiluted in a fat or oil....venus fly trap in tincture ..Apercott chaperal herb in dr schulze detox tincture. wheat grass juice dr schulze super food.hydrotheripy...dr schulze formula #1 & formula #2 visit the page
Missing testicles no testicles eunich 13 y
Phyto testosterone natural testosterone
Do not use these phyto/testosterone herbs or chemical testosterone if you have testicles...Because it will put your testes to sleep make them shrink and not function...
Trt natural testosterone replacement theripy Phyto testosterone chinese pine pollen......chinese pine bark......french pine bark pine ale..Real royal jelly in the that has to be refrigated ....You don’t want chemical testosterone or trt go online punch in trt side affects... visit the page
Elephantitis of the nuts 13 y
Antiparasite herbs
This is caused by a parasite a you basically need a wheelbarrow to carry your nuts around...antiparisite herbs like organic Spilanthes or organic worm wood Capsules epizote....or food grade diotamatious earth... visit the page
Orchitis testicle infection & inflamation pain swelling 13 y
Cellfood properly diluted
This is usally caused a bad bacteria or a virius like the mumps or a std it a testicle infection... buy cellfood stabilized oxygen start slow one drop in 16 oz of distilled water then shaken to properly dilute it should kill anything..might take a few days or a week..or olive leaf extract are great antibacteral antibiotic which is and chew them up and is anti-bacterial and anti-virus and anti-yeast ...go online punch in key words like antibiotic or antimicrobial....note keep taking herbs even if you think its gone to make sure and dosent come back then get tested to make you ... read more
Varicocele testicle 13 y
Sweet almond oil hexane free testicle massage
This is a varicoste vein of the cords veins goging to the testicles the best thing for it is organic cold pressed hexane free sweet almond oil and testicle massage make.... sure its completely chemical free or else you will damage testes...or organic witch hazel tincture taken internally... visit the page
Hydrocele testicle 13 y
Scrotium becomes like a water ballone
This is when you ball sac scrotium fills up with liquid and becomes like a water ballone herbal duretics like organic corn silk & goldenrod visit the page
Undecended testicles 13 y
Yl frankincense oil
Young living frankincense essential oil yl oils are pure this oil. Is great for increasing testosterone. visit the page
Youtube is your mattress makeing you sick 13 y
Sleep on the box spring with comferter on top or hammoc...
Go on to youtube and punch that in boric acid it causes atrophy of the testes visit the page
Parabens aka chemical estrogen aka castration chemicals 13 y
Phthalates, Parabens aka castration chemicals
only use paraben free hygiene products like uncle harrys natural hygiene products at the health food stores look for Paraben free....chemical free soaps will get you much cleaner and smell better and save you on medical bills... visit the page
hot shower & steam rooms/estrogen gas chamber 13 y
quality shower filter today
tap water is full of women’s birth control pills aka chemical estrogen and the hot water opens up your pores and you will absorb it through your skin and you will also inhale it through the steam vapors into your lungs visit the page
natural estrogen plants aka phytoestrogens 13 y
bad plants for men
soy beans aka soy sauce aka teriyaki sauce aka tamari sauce aka tofu bean curd
licorice root super strong
monks pepper aka vitex aka agnus castus aka chaste berry aka chaste tree
Rosemarie leaf mild
neem leaf
oregano leaf
caladium seguinum super strong
lavender flower mild visit the page
lap top computer on lap damages testes 13 y
lap top
dont use your lap top on your lap puy it on a table or some other surface. visit the page natural foods co=ops 13 y
good groceries
these have the finest organic fruits and vegetables to make home made juice with and hygene products go to the web site listed above to find them. visit the page
young living essential oils of ylang ylang/jasmine good stuff 13 y
essential oils
these are the pureist strongest essential oils in the world dilute them in a oil or fat oil and water dont mix before putting on skin go on line do some reading thes could help. visit the page
Healthy Heavier larger firmer testicles 13 y
non gmo produce
read all of my blogs try to only juice organic locally grown non gmo fruits and vegies from farmers market or whole foods aka whole pay check you get what you pay for. visit the page
TAP Water/Goverment Water CAUSES Testicle Shrinking 13 y
Tap water bad stuff
ITS full of womens birth control pills and other bad stuff.Buy a high quality shower water filter w a massager dont bath in drink or eat foods made from tap water. visit the page
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