STOP EATING FOOD AND Juice Fast From Juicer and Get well 13 y
Omega 350 HD Juicer or Rich Person Norwalk juicer
go online punch in juice fasting and testosterone.Buy a small cheap juicer today at wall mart.the smaller it is the easyer it is to clean and takes up less space.
only use organic non gmo plants whate ever is on sale.only drink your homemade juice Store bought juice will make you worse.keep living off juice untill you well.
only use paraben free/chemical estrogen free hygene products and get a high qualit shower water filter dont bathe in tap/government water its full of female birth control pills and other crap. visit the page
Pure Water & fresh organic juice FASTING from a juicer 13 y
real juice
this is the most powerful healing thing i know of its good for every only want juice from a juicer from organic fruits and vegies. visit the page
Traditional Middle Eastern Food no soy or chemicals 13 y
stop eating fast food
real midd east resturants dont use all the toxic chemicals or gmo or soy oil they use olive oli thhis is great food for testosterone production. visit the page
organic coconut oil/olive oil/sesame seed oil good fats 13 y
good fats
buy the highest quality oils you can find in glass containers these help increase testosterone dont use soy bean oil or corn oil made from gmo plants. visit the page
Eat at Whole Foods Grocery Store/Health food stores 13 y
real foods
this is the safest place to eat at it does not have all the estrogenic toxic chemicals in it or gmo.and they have great hygene products free of parabens aka chenical estrogens visit the page
testicular germ cell Transplantation 13 y
talk to a urologyist aka md of the reproductive parts
they have done studies on animals putting germ cells from testicles in into another animals testicles that did not work and they worked again.go on line and punch in germ cell transplantation it wount be your sperm dna but you could still have sex. visit the page
Why is usda certified organic so expensive Because of the usda 14 y
Why is gmo soy junk food so Cheep the usg gives gmo soy bean farmers your tax dollars to drive the price down.and they charge organic farmers to certify it send the price up so you cant afford it. visit the page
Saltpeter aka sodium nitrate 14 y
bad stuff
this stuffis in ice cream tooth paste meats and i beleive it damages the reproductive system and causes cancer. visit the page
punch in salt peter penis limp 14 y
salt peter
this is in many many products and i think it damages the reproductive system. visit the page
If Gmo soy made mice go sterile why is it in most food?????? 14 y
Convenience Foods or Chastity Foods
go on line and do your oun reasearch.theyput soy in almost all convenience foods or chastity foods visit the page
MERCURY AKA Thiomersal Makes you stupid & sterial 14 y
did aids come from the polieo vaccine made from hiv monkeys tissue
mercury in vaccines do braine damage and does damage to the reproductive system packed in a bph plastic syringe that goes into a land fill and pollutes the enviroment which helps tp kill off more people.I beleive the hiv/aids virius came from vaccines theymade polio vaccines for africans from monkey chimp tissue mankey monkeys have hiv/aids. visit the page
Gmo it makes you stupid and sterile brain and testes atrophy 14 y
By making your brain shrink you wont figure out why your testes are shrinking its genius. visit the page
Make your own Mattress go to a foam & fabric Store for 120 bucks 14 y
God help us
I will not sleep on a mattress or furnature made with Boric Acid in it they say its a fire retardent so is safe natural eatable Backing Soda and it gets rid of bad smells.boric acid causes brain damage and damage to the reproductive system makes you Stupid and Sterial so you wont figure it goes through the skin like the nicotene patch. visit the page
Read the Book Genetic Roulett & Seeds of Deception 14 y
knolege is power
Watch Dvd Food inc and Farmageddon know what your eating and what its doing to your body. visit the page
Bio Crops help stop world Hunger by reduceing the population 14 y
i learned a lot from DR Alex Jones has great info
i beleive bio crops stop hungerby reduceing fertility and life span go to axex jones shop he has many great books and dvds on bio crops. visit the page
massageing HEAD shower filter great for testicle massage. 14 y
testes massage
using water tomassage testes increases blood and oxygen flow to testes.helps repare them. visit the page
Is it Beer or is it Tap Water made with gmo wheat alcohol? 14 y
good beer
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