Testicular atrophy aka Gonad shrinking (male fertility)
by ojsimpson
Page 4 of 7

Rule Of Commons If a Food looks like a organ of the human body its good for that part of the body.   14 y  
Rule Of Commons
Graps look like eye balls and they are good for your Eyes.Radish Look like testicles and are good for testicles.Canary Nut looks when unshelled like identicle to the human brain and its been proven to be good for the braine.Lung Wort Herb looks like a lung and thats how it got its name and its good for your lungs.   visit the page

Billy Graham once said if God Dosent Punish the usa He owes Sodom and Gomera an apoligy   14 y  
Gods Wrath
God has given us Bio Crops aka Gmos and its killing us   visit the page

I don't use Toxic tooth paste i use pure Cheap backing soda   14 y  
cheap & natural
backing soda works great! its cheap and was used back in the 1950s... Toxic tooth paste ingredients Besides the ’active ingredients’ - Tripotassium citrate monohydrate and Sodium Monofluorophosphate - this paste includes: Sorbitol, Water, Hydrated silica, SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATE, POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 1500 (PEG 1500), Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, TITANIUM DIOXIDE, Sodium saccharin, Trisodium phosphate, Flavour ’Sensitive’ toothpaste (2): ingredients:- Besides the ’active ingredient’ - Strontium chloride hexahydrate - this paste includes: Water, Glycerin, Sorbitol, Calcium carbon ...   read more

Increase circulation to testes to repare them dr schulze Braine Formula   14 y  
good formula
DR schulze Braine formula has grat herbs that increase circulation to both brain and genitals   visit the page

go online and punch in soy sinks spern count   14 y  
why is soy in almost all american foods?
i read harvard proved it greatly reduces a mans sperm count Why is this in almost all foods?   visit the page

Jeff's Best Hemp Soap & African Black Liquid Soaps   14 y  
estrogen free soap
i beleive these soaps are all natural and free of chemical estrogen buy them in bulk to save money and shipping   visit the page

Is it cheese or is it gmo soy bean oil with a little gmo rbst milk mixed in wrapped in bph chemical estrogen plastic   14 y  
good cheese
yuk i only eat organic cheese that says no rbst or artifical groth hormonesgo online and punch in rbst and prostate cancer   visit the page

TRT Testosterone replacement theripy aka chemical testosterone aka toxic waste aka population control   14 y  
toxic waste
go on line and read the side affects of chemical testosteroneit cuses atrophy it puts your testes to sleepyu couldnt pay me to tkle this stuff!   visit the page

Why are the japanese thin healthy & live so long they banned american meat dary and produce   14 y  
usa #1 in ED
USA #1 grower & consumer of gmo & #1 in impotence ed infertility obesity colen cancer ect ect and most other diseases. many country all over the world have banned gmos and american foods from comming into their county to protect their citizens.   visit the page

dont were tight fiting underwere or tight fitting jeans   14 y  
briefs bad for balls
your private parts dont like to be crunched.   visit the page

Nazi in Auschwitz used x=rays to sterilize jews.air ports use x rays to make sure you dont have a wepon in your underwere   14 y  
family planning
i dont trust x rays the nazis told the jews x rays wouldnt hurt them to it was to protect them.   visit the page

pure water h20 (Big Berkley Water Filter)   14 y  
Good Water
Get a Cupon Code From Alex Jones.   visit the page

(GM GMO)Soy Sterilization with weed killer sprayed on it.   14 y  
slow sterilization
they put gm gmo soy in almost all prossed packaged population control foods.the depopulation club are very smart the found a way to slowly sterilize the american public so we wont figure it out.   visit the page

Buy a Alex Jones BPA free quality portable bottle water filter & replacement filters so you dont pay shipping twice!   14 y  
portable bottle water filter
Alex Jones store.com has the best portable water bottles and filters i know of.as i said tap water is very estrogenic buying on the go bottled water is very expensive you will save hundreds and are made with bpa plastic or gmo corn plastic .   visit the page

organic sweet potatoes yams brown rice broccley testosterone foods   14 y  
good eats
go online and you can get recipies to make these foods only use filtered water tap water has estrogen.   visit the page

they give chemical estrogen to men with prostate cancer to shrink the testicles   14 y  
organic meat
they feed chemical estrogen to animals to make them grow faster so ive been told when they kill and butcher it the chemical estrogen residue is still left the meat.only eat organic meat.   visit the page

Hamburgers or (Giant Gmo soybean Burgers)   14 y  
gmo burgers bad stuff
lets stat with bread almost all breads hamburger buns hot dog buns ect are made with soy something soy flower soy oil soy protene and other chenical estrogens. almost all salad dressings secret sause thousnd island is made with soy bean oil. almost all cheese is made with soy oil and the cows fed soy beans then they grind up soy beans and mix it into the meat. the french fries are gmo potatoes fried in gmo soy bean oil. the soda is made with tap water and sweetened with gmo sugar beets and a paraben estrogen is added.   visit the page

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phalates and parabenss/chem estrogen testicle shrink and get softer the shrinkage reduces sperm count and lowers labido and male hormones. more...

Last Activity: 12 y ago
127 Messages   Last message 12 y ago
3 Comments   Last comment 14 y ago

viewed 1,056,192 times
Created: 15 y   Sep 25 2010


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Comments (2 of 3):
Re: niaouli essent… ecoge… 14 y
Re: what im doing kermina… 15 y
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