Testicular atrophy aka Gonad shrinking (male fertility)
by ojsimpson
Page 3 of 7

i beleive wheat flower (organic) or (gm gmo) reduce testosterone   14 y  
good luck
not just bread is made with wheat and soy but soy sause and beer.i know its hard but try to avoid both organic soybeans & wheat flower and toxic (gm gmo)soy beans and vegetable oil aka gmo soy oil.   visit the page

isocctylphenyl ether in flu shot causes atrophy in animals i read   14 y  
bad stuff
i beleive that what caused the poleo out breat of thev 50s wasent a viris at all but ddt poisoning ddt was being sprayed on the plants in the 40s and got into the cow feed and the cows milk ddt poisoning damages the nervous system and causes paralisis of the museles mimicking poleo about the same time the poleo vaccine was developed is when they banned ddt to make the stupid masses beleive that vaccines actually work. i beleive the chemicals that are put in shots are to steralize the population.   visit the page

Phthalates, parabens profit & population control   14 y  
depopulation club
parabens are a chemical estrogen or xenoestrogen foren estrogen aka castration chemicals. they converts mussle to fat feminizes men causes ed and atrophy of the male private parts reduces sperm count reduces sexua| desire reduces testosterone and causes testicular cancer and brest cancer in women. it is added to most prossed foods aka convience foods soda pops pharm drugs hygene products sex lubes and condom lubes.   visit the page

Increasing circulation to testes   14 y  
circulation to testes
Get a chiropractic adjustment to lower back the nerve endings are connected to testes.massageing lower back is great to use passion seed oil made from passion fruit it smells great.   visit the page

i beleive Diabetes lowers T Levels   14 y  
diabetic herb
one great herb to treat it with is called Shilianhua its from southwestern china great diabetic herb   visit the page

nutrition simple   14 y  
good eats
if you have to heat it dont eat it. if it has a label dont put it on the tabel. wheatgrass is the most perfect food i know of. testosterone food and using organic whole weat no gmo soy in it bread organic penut butter organic jelly sandwage.   visit the page

flower pollen not bee pollen or pine pollen good genitals   14 y  
sweedish flower pollen
i read online that FLOWER POLLEN is good for genitals.i dont know if its true.i havent tried it.   visit the page

dr schulze prostate formula great for testes   14 y  
great herbs
the herbs in dr schulze prostate formula are exelant for not just prostate but atrophy testicles herbdoc.com   visit the page

reflexoligy points on feet that go to testes are located around ancles   14 y  
increase circulation to testes
go to a good reflexoligist and have them work on the nerve endings around ancles that wiil help increase circulation to testes or ovarys.   visit the page

testosterone affects the size shape and weight of testicles   14 y  
traditional middle eastern food good stuff
from what i read men and women with the highest t levels are in the middle east they dont use gmo soy beans that have been sprayed with round up.round up ready soy beans they use olive oil and grape seed oil to cook with. only eat at traditional middle eastern resturants not americanized where the food has been imported from the middle east also shop at middle eastern grogery stores.   visit the page

organic indonesia tongkat ali and fadogia agrestis and butea superba poweerful testosterone boosting herbs   14 y  
good herb
only buy the highest quality organic herbs you can find make sure there are no other herbs mixed in to them that might be estrogenic herbs.   visit the page

autism or autistic boys are being chemically castrated   14 y  
they say its good for them or is it population control go online and read for your self about it.   visit the page

natural vit E organic raw weat germ and organic rose hips and rose hips seed oil   14 y  
vit e good stuff
vit e is essential to testes and so is zink and sulpher or msm   visit the page

uncle harrys natural hygene products chemical estrogen free paraben free   14 y  
x e no estrogen foren estrogen free
south of france bar soaps are chenical estrogen free aka paraben free mens stock deoderant as well.   visit the page

nano particle in our food   14 y  
toxic food
i beleive this is being done to reduce the population as well   visit the page

gmo soy beans turned male rats testicles from pink to blue one study   14 y  
gmo soy cause blue testicles and its in almost all foods
gmo soy bean gmo soy oil,soy flower soy protene are in almost all breads salad dressings ice creams even canned refried pinto beans soups spegitty sause all fast food friers any thing that says vegitable oil is gmo soy bean oil and has been sprayed with round up a varation of agent orange.   visit the page

it takes wk to get well   14 y  
depopulation club
you can heal yourself of most things   visit the page

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phalates and parabenss/chem estrogen testicle shrink and get softer the shrinkage reduces sperm count and lowers labido and male hormones. more...

Last Activity: 12 y ago
127 Messages   Last message 12 y ago
3 Comments   Last comment 14 y ago

viewed 1,056,182 times
Created: 15 y   Sep 25 2010


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Comments (2 of 3):
Re: niaouli essent… ecoge… 14 y
Re: what im doing kermina… 15 y
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