both chemo & radiaton cause testes to atrophy as well as all pharm drugs they contain parabens chemical estrogen 14 y
causes of atrophy
their are all natural ways to treat cancer such as cancer tree from peru visit the page
tap water is full of chemical estrogen from womens borth control pills 14 y
tap water causes testes to atrophy
avoid drinking taking a bath or shower in and all foods made from tap water bread soups ect ect and drinks made from TAP WATER beer soda juice from consentrate est ect.
buy a high quality shower filter with a charcol filter use that to shower with and for drinking water and for cooking water. visit the page
testicular atrophy increased 600% since gmo foods came on market in 1996 14 y
gmo bad stuff
i beleive all gmo foods do extreame damage to testes and all organs of body.they cause organ failure gmo soy beans are the worst they have also been sprayed with round up which also causes atrophy.only eat certified organic if it says natural its gmo dont buy it.the top 7 richest billionars in the usa are for population control they control our food supply and tv. visit the page
organic cold pressed extra virgin oilive oil from italy in glass 14 y
olive oil
powerful testosterone booster buy the beat quality you can find italian and greek are great. visit the page
raw organic food the most organic resturants in usa are in WA/dc 14 y
politions in wa dc eat organic
gmo foods went on our market in 1996
hamsters and mice fed gmo soy beans their testicles turned soy is used in almost all fried foods and all food products.
the most organic resturants are in Wa dc where the politions lobbyist diplomats live
they say gmo foods are safe for you and your kids to eat it but they wont eat it.
how many fat sick politions do you see and why do they live so long. visit the page
dr curtis duncan has lots of info on this 14 y
chemical castration
castration shot or castration vaccine 14 y
castration vaccine
i read that they give a castration shot to animals and the residue is still left in the meat after its been butchered.look up castration vaccine on internet. visit the page
DR Alex jones show or info wars on youtube or internet or radio 14 y
get the real news
he talks about chemicals being put in our food and water that cause ed and atrophy or forced sterialization of the public visit the page
bangalala or arrican love reed bad stuff 14 y
bad herb
i experimented by takeing only a little bit in tincture form and it made me feel terrable i dont know if it was a allerigic reaction.i will never take it again. visit the page
salep turkish drink 14 y
orchid turkish
its from an orcid which looks like testes and is good for that organ. visit the page
Japani oil 14 y
great oil
Stop using phosphate laundry deturgent 14 y
good deturgent
phosphates are terrible for your testicles.make your oun laundry deturgent use 2 gallons hot water 1 organic bar soap grated 2 cups backing soda.melt grated bar soap into a small pan of boiling water till fully melted.
then add it to 2 gallons het water mix it in and backing soda througly mix put in plastic storage containers can add bay rum oil too for a great smell.
bay rum is where old spice gets it smell from. visit the page
cnidium monnier increases weight of testes 14 y
great herb
sleeping naked also increases circulation to testes 14 y
no clothes
man was made to sleep naked and be naked all the time clothes restrict our circulation. visit the page
avoid all synthic male hormones steroids hgh all of them 14 y
atrophy should be called the body builder disease because most of them get it and from steroid use.avoid all synthic female hormones as well. visit the page
heal your adrenal gland it produces 5% of your testosterone 14 y
no soda sorry
95% of your ”t” is produced in testicles and the other 5% is produced in your adrenal gland.caffine and stres is very bad for adrenals so no coffie or soda pop. visit the page
increase blood flow to testicles 14 y
good circulation
foot reflexoligy and reflexoligy sock is on way to do this as well as a magnetic bead bracelet just put is next to private parts.ginko in dr schulze brain formuls also increases blood flow to testes as well as getting your lower back adjusted.the nerve endings in your lower back are connected to yout private parts. visit the page
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