Water Fasting 34 Days
by murbella

Day 9 Recap, Day 10 and morning of Day 11   15 y  
Days 10 and 11
The nausea and fatigue of day 8 and 9 must have been due to a heavy bout of detox. As day 9 progressed I grew a bit more energized. I was able to prepare the house for guests, go shopping for dinner ingredients and generally be congenial when the guests did finally arrive. I got a few raised eyebrows when I sat down at the table with them with only a glass of water, while they were all feasting on roast chicken and steamed veggies. All in all it was a good visit. I didn’t tell any of them that I was fasting as I’m trying to follow the tenet of not telling more people than I have to. Yest ...   read more

8th Day and Morning of 9th   15 y  
Days 8 and 9
Well the nausea has not abated one bit. Additionally I lack the strength the even go from one floor of our house to another without feeling as if my heart is going to explode. On top of this my husband just told me that we have family coming in unexpectedly tonight. This means that I am responsible for prepping the house and coming up with dinner for everyone. Is it normal to feel so completely overwhelmed when fasting? Detox wise I know I’m doing major house cleaning. My tongue is actually not white but completely coated with a light yellow substance. I try to brush it away but within mi ...   read more

Days 6, 7 and morning of 8   15 y  
The last 3 days.
I haven’t posted in a while because quite honestly just maintaing my normal routines with work and family is enough to wipe me out. I’ve been catching a lot of catnaps whenever I can. In the evening of day 5 my husband convinced me to do some light strength training with him. I was fine with it because I had a surge of energy on the 5 and felt great. I got through the exercise session just fine. Though it was a little disconcerting that I started feeling that my husband is trying to sabotage my fast. He kept mentioning needing protein to rebuild the muscles. Then when I prepared dinner fo ...   read more

Day 4 Recap and Day 5   15 y  
Water Fasting day four recap and day five.
Yesterday was interesting in that I had tons of energy. I was able to do some light cleaning and washing dishes. The only issue I encountered was when I was preparing the Sunday dinner. Typically the Sunday meal is the largest of the week in our family. This week was to be a pork tenderloin with baked potatoes, salad and homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert. I’m not sure I’m in ketosis yet, because smelling the tenderloin cooking about broke me. I haven’t eaten meat in 16 years and yet I could see myself just devouring the whole roast. Then came preparing the chocolate chip cooki ...   read more

Day 3 Recap and Day 4   15 y  
Water fasting; Day 3
Well day three was rough to say the least. It started with very little sleep the night before. Luckily I was able to take a couple of catnaps throughout the day. Art some point it was decided that we needed groceries. As I am the one who handles all of the cooking and shopping, I had to leave the house. Driving around to different stores was difficult. I felt like I wasn’t in complete control of the car. Once I went inside the stores I was walking very slowly. It took twice as long as usual for me to navigate the aisles. By the time I got home I was wiped. My body felt like it weighed a ...   read more

Water Fast Day 3   15 y  
Water fasting day three. Brief background of faster.
I’m a little late in setting this up. This morning is officially my third day fasting. I couldn’t sleep in this morning even though it’s Saturday and the whole house is quiet around me. I should probably give a little background about why I’m fasting to set the stage. I was always thin growing up and through my twenties. My weight maintained itself with minimal effort around 125. My diet was the Standard American Diet until the age of 18 and then it became a vegetarian SAD. There were periods of veganism during that time but I found it impossible to give up my comfort foods. But as my wei ...   read more


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Log of my journey and experiences with water fasting. more...

Last Activity: 15 y ago
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viewed 155,654 times
Created: 15 y   Jul 17 2010

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Re: Day 3 Recap an… Mel20… 15 y
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