Day 5 15 y
The Start of Day 5
I am on to day 5 and feeling still pretty blah but it is manageable.
I still felt like giving up yesterday and kept thinking about Burger King and Mcdonalds and pizza. I just feel like it if I eat then I will have my energy back and feel amazing again. But why am I craving junk still?
I can’t make it through my walks but I do make it through work and that is still pretty tough cause I am a nurse so I am on my feet all day long.
I still bring up acid up my throat which is awful...and actually that is when I truly feel like giving up because it feels so bad and it makes me so sick ... read more
Day 4 15 y
start of day 4
So Day three wasn’t as bad as yesterday. I still felt pretty tired and acid kept coming up my throat. I still wasn’t able to do my hour long walk cause I just felt exhausted. But nothing like yesterday!!! I never want to experience a day like that again.
I think every single minute of the day was focused on my fast...I continually kept thinking about ending it, just so I can feel better but I pushed through and am on to day 4.
As for hunger......I don’t have any. I do however still have cravings. My coworker was eating a cheeseburger in front of me and she had put her fries in it ... read more
The Start of Day 3 15 y
Start of day 3
Day 2 of the fast was horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t express that enough. I felt horrible and exhausted all day! However, I really didn’t feel hungry and I had no temptations of food...(maybe it’s because I felt sick and no appetite)
I think my body was looking for an energy supply and FAILING!! and since I have never given it a change to hunt for food to get energy, it kind of got lazy on the job or didn’t know where to look for the calories. Hopefully it gets smart cause I have over 200 pounds to be using up!!!
I hope today is much better. I got on the scale and I was at 373.4 w ... read more
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viewed 102,481 times Created: 15 y Apr 12 2010
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