Miss W’s Big Adventure
by MissW
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Rejuvenation   15 y  
Mental, emotional, physical. I have four days of glorious nothing that lie ahead for me. No stress, no sales, no forced marches. Embracing that it’s always now. Always. So much has stayed the same for me. Limbo time. As though I stand in the doorway poised to jump forward into my life as the wheels turn forward. Only nothing is turning forward at the moment and the pretty coloured balls are still in the air. Like any good juggler none of them have hit the ground, and won’t. BUT. I am ready for whatever is next. No word on the job. They are still deciding. I am up and down and back an ...   read more

Chubster-McWubster   15 y  
Master Cleanse rebound
The good news is that the Master Cleanse improved my adrenal fatigue tenfold. The not-so-good news is that I’ve gained 12 pounds (give or take, am in the throes of wicked PMS)since coming off of it. WHOA!!! Willy nilly. Here is the funny thing. I’m not upset about it even with summer looming somewhat around the corner. Nor am I going to go Cuckoo Magoo over this and beat myself up over it. Really, I’ve been laughing about it all day. Just am going to start eating mindfully again and staying away from post-work Muesli and almond milk. Back to spin class! Ha. I don’t mind the slight ro ...   read more

Such sadness   15 y  
Right down the street from my house is one of those suburban strip malls that are so ubiquitous these days. Grocery store, donut shop, Starbucks, clothing store, Blockbuster and Rite Aid. There’s a bit of a fake turret centered over Starbucks that’s built into the otherwise non-descript architecture. Some weeks back a pair of crows painstakingly built their nest and a couple of days later the Property Management Company promptly took it down. There was nothing in it at the time and the crows simply rebuilt. Then there were caution signs about, warning people of what lay above and the lo ...   read more

Another great day   15 y  
I seem to be having a lot of them of late. Good for me. Just happy and buoyant and full of energy. This on the heels of some tummy issue on Friday last. Haven’t been ill in ages but I do believe I made up for it that day and Saturday. All better now. Yay. Another interview for the dream job comes this Tuesday. This time with another VP. And when I say ”dream job” I mean it because I really feel like I am walking around in some sort of dream in which I get whatever I really want. Anyway, it’s just rather cool that I wrote down specifics about what I wanted and this position embodies all ...   read more

Seeing the best   15 y  
And, yes I shall continue to see the best in all that I see no matter how dim the light seems to be. It’s been a rough and great 10 days. Both. Kinda like life. Up and down, more up than down. Contrast is good. Good news first. I was approached out-of-the-blue by another company in my field and they are wooing me. Basically, this job would be everything I wrote down in my Book of Days wish-book 6 months ago. Down to the last teeniest wish. And, believe me, I went nuts with my wishes figuring that man’s reach should abolutely exceed his grasp and that if you are going to wish, do it u ...   read more

Oh how the (not-so)mighty have fallen   15 y  
I succumbed to one cup of coffee yesterday. Funny thing is that I didn’t enjoy a drop and the funnier (eh, not so funny) bit is that I couldn’t sleep worth much last night. I finally broke out the ol’ iPhone and listened to some binaural brain beats and voila...dream land. Live and learn. A forced march yesterday. Left, left, left, right, left. And yet I found quite a bit of laughter and fun in my day. If you can’t laugh and be silly, what point is there? I worked with a supplier to the company for whom I work. Cool bright guy that I’ve worked with before. We sell well together but it o ...   read more

Believing in myself.   15 y  
Im not one to fall prey to the machinations of others. Nor is it very likely to find me down or sad for much more than a moment or so (in the grand scheme of things). It doesn’t phase me when people misjudge me or give me less credit than is really due. I couldn’t care less what they think or how they feel about me. That’s their business. What’s my business is how I feel about me. It’s been a day of challenges in this arena called life. And yet, I’ve either risen to them all or have let them fall away from me like so much un-needed baggage. I found myself daydreaming wistfully that I ha ...   read more

I wonder   15 y  
why I wonder
how I can navigate the road to health through alternative means. Allopathic medicine and I don’t make good bedfellows (or any sort of bedfellows for that matter). For about a year I’ve thought I had adrenal fatigue. It’s been forever since I believed my problems to be thyroid related and yet I have no issues with a dwindling immune system. The last time I was ill? Don’t remember. I seldom have colds (years), never have the flu, no candida, no chronic fatigue. Yet, losing my father and abusing herbal ephedra knocked me and my metabolism on our respective asses. I couldn’t lose weight ...   read more

The Funny Thing Is...   15 y  
I prefer raw
I went off of eating raw today and felt a huge difference. And not in a good way. Really, I thought raw was just sort of hypey and the fad du jour but my eyes have been opened. I ate cooked food today. Eggs for breakfast, fish for lunch with sweet potato fries. I segued back into raw for dinner but not before having a bite of J’s deli sammich. We hiked and ran errands but I dragged my arse all day. No energy, no zip and (not surprising given how I felt)no fruits. Normally I have fruits with all meals (toms and avos are fruits too) and today fruits were had only with dinner. Also, and so ...   read more

A walk in the clouds   15 y  
I'm floating, I'm floating
Euphoria is fun and I find it comforting that I still feel gleeful post-cleanse. So, what did I gain from the experience? Oh, so much, really. I’ve quit coffee, I sleep better, I’ve reset my relationship with food (a minor tweaking), my attitude is laid back but focused and so-called problems really don’t phase me like before. Ate pretty much what I ate yesterday. Egg yolks with banana and avocado for breakfast, snacks throughout the day of banana, apple, raisin and brazil nuts alternated with cukes, tomatoes, avocados, scallions, olive oil, lemon juice and jalapenos, then a scrumptious ...   read more

Raw all day, raw all night   15 y  
So, today was my first day of eating after my cleanse. I actually ended up breaking the fast yesterday with some oj and broth and decided I was ok with eating again. I am still peaceful and positive but more focused than of late. Silly and teasing, realising how lucky I am to have the life that I live. Breakfast was a couple of organic raw yolks with some banana and avo. The rest of the day I went back and forth between the following: 1) Cut up fruit salad with banana, raisins, apple, a few raw Brazil nuts, and a little whoosh of unsweetened shredded coconut 2) Cut up salad with c ...   read more

I am done   15 y  
Day 12 Master Cleanse. This is it
Took a wonderful hike yesterday at a nature conservancy under blue cloudless skies with J. Soft playful breezes wafting scents of spring, everywhere I looked I saw green, green, green, with spots of wildflowers (poppy, what looked like lupine). Breathtaking! The conservancy had a Red Tail hawk and an owl that they had taken under their (wait for it)...wing. The female hawk was gorgeous, proud and sad at the same time. She had fallen out of her nest as a young bird and someone with good intentions had brought her there. They had no choice but to keep her even as an adult as her survival ...   read more

Struggling with hunger   15 y  
Day 10 MC Not so sure if it’s hunger or just that I was unable to drink much of my lemonade drink today (bottle left in car, car got hot, didn’t want to drink ”plastic”). Had a bit of weird dizziness but it’s passed now. Making up for it now with a tall cool one. My sense of smell has become even more enhanced, not that I needed that these last few days on the cleanse. I smell food everywhere I go. At Whole Foods, walking around, at the office today. All of which elicits a visceral reaction of tummy growling. Clarity and feeling laid back are at an all time high and I feel happy and ...   read more

Breezing through   15 y  
MC Day 8
Day 8 MC I actually posted a long post last night that I had fun writing and pressed the ”submit” button and *POOF* it was gone. Off to some parallel fasting universe somewhere. Couldn’t get it together to re-post, so here I am a day later. Yesterday was a cinch, today more so. Had a business lunch today (sans food) but everyone with whom I lunched was so cool about my fasting with questions and support. YAY! First time I have been directly with people who are eating. It was fine, really. Nothing looked good (rib eye with fries for one, Angus burger with tomatoes for the other). In f ...   read more

I was born with a gift of laughter   15 y  
and a sense that the world was mad.
With apologies to Raphael Sabatini and his epic, Scaramouche... Day 6 on the Master Cleanse and a good thing indeed that I was born with the gift of laughter. Mood up, appetite down. Warm as toast all day (I am truly amazed how very little I have been cold this time around. Usually I am shivering and wearing hats in my house etc). Lots of metaphoric fires to be put out in the work arena and yet I am so amazingly laid back that there wasn’t even one moment of tension. Would that I could bottle this feeling for after the cleanse so I could be this way always. So, J decided that he is g ...   read more

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Getting my mo-jo back! After a little more than a year of emotional stress, it’s time to reclaim ME! more...

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Created: 15 y   Feb 07 2010


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Comments (6 of 9):
Re: Rejuvenation MissW 15 y
Re: Rejuvenation #98933 15 y
A word of encourag… been … 15 y
Re: The Incredible… ren 15 y
Re: No iodine but … MissW 15 y
Re: I am a new wom… kermi… 15 y
All Comments (9)

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Miss W Explains It All to You!  17 y  (44)

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