Upcoming Events and Appearances - Douglas James Cottrell 17 y
A list of the next Miracle Transformation Healing Event in Toronto, Radio programs and Lectures
Upcoming Events and Public Appearances
Sunday March 16 , 2008. 2:00 PM. Miracle Transformation Event™ Scarboro Missions, 2685 Kingston Road (at Brimley Road), Scarborough, ON. Mission Centre Entrance (Monohan Wing). All welcome at this uplifting afternoon of music, prayer and energy healing. Receive a personal laying on of hands healing by Douglas. Learn to develop your own innate abilities in an atmosphere of unconditional love. Doors open at 1:30 PM. By donation . Click here for map and directions.
April 5, 2008. 10 AM. "Exploring Unexplained Phenomena&q ... read more
2008 predictions 17 y
January 2008 Newsletter - PREDICTIONS for 2008
January 2008 Newsletter
Vol 4 Issue 1
January 11, 2007 Issue
"The ability to be understanding separates humans from animals: not to react to pain in like kind, but to be considerate and deliberate in your reactions, knowing full well that your actions may not be correct in the long run, but that they are the proper thing to do at that time."
- Douglas James Cottrell
... read more
Link to Akashic Q&A 18 y
Direct link to the entire Richard Syrett program on CFRB 1010 Toronto on November 22
Link to the Richard Syrett program on November 22, 2007
Launch in external player or download.
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TONIGHT Nov 22 Q&A from AKASHIC (Book of Knowledge) 18 y
Happy Thanksgiving to you and remember to tune in to Douglas on the radio on Thursday, November 22 to hear the answers to the questions that he was asked by you the listeners last week. Douglas used Deep Trance Meditation to access the akashic records and get the answers for us.
November 21, 2007
... read more
Miracle Healing Event, Toronto Nov 25, On CFRB 1010 Richard Syrett show Nov 22 18 y
Listen to Douglas on radio Thursday Nov 22, Miracle Transformation Event scheduled for Sunday Nov 25 in Toronto, Customer Appreciation Coupon for new store
November 16, 2007
Douglas James Cottrell Announcement
New Look for Douglas’ Online Store
We have given Douglas’ official store a facelift! You will find the new layout makes browsing much easier than before. Thanks to US-Canada dollar parity, we can also ... read more
Sample Chapter from 'SECRETS OF LIFE'...what is God? 18 y
Read a chapter from Douglas James Cottrell's book "Secrets of Life"
Click here to read a sample chapter from ’Secrets of Life’ which Douglas retrieved from the Akashic record while in Deep Trance Meditation.
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Douglas's videos 18 y
Douglas's videos on Youtube for all
Link to all of Douglas’s videos on Youtube
visit the page
Miracle Healing Event 18 y
Healing Event video
Intuitive researcher Douglas James Cottrell gives a live demonstration of spiritual healing with the Laying on of Hands method at one of his Miracle Transformation Events.
A video from one of Douglas’s Miracle Transformation Healing Events
visit the page
Laying on of hands healing demo video 18 y
Laying on of hands healing demonstration
Intuitive Healing Part 2 - Douglas James Cottrell
Intuitive researcher Douglas James Cottrell demonstrates the process of using telepathy for healing (also known as spiritual healing) through the body’s natural creative energies using the Laying on of Hands.
Video of Douglas giving a demonstration of Laying on of hands healing
visit the page
Douglas describes Spiritual (Laying on of Hands) Healing in this video 18 y
Video of Douglas speaking about how spiritual healing and miracles occur
Intuitive Healing Part 1 - Douglas James Cottrell
Intuitive researcher Douglas James Cottrell explains the process of using telepathy for healing (also known as spiritual healing) through the body’s natural creative energies.
visit the page
Deep Trance Meditation with Douglas 18 y
Douglas demonstrates the Deep Trance Meditation method to access the akashic records to find information on the lives of Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene.
Here you can watch a video of Douglas during Deep Trance Meditation when he sends his mind to the time of Jesus and Mary M. and discusses their relationship and lives together...
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Youtube videos of Douglas's seminar on the Akashic Record 18 y
Akashic Record video
Akashic Records Part 1 - Douglas James Cottrell
Intuitive researcher Douglas James Cottrell explains the different levels of consciousness and how to access the akashic records through meditation.
Akashic Records Part 2 - Douglas James Cottrell
Intuitive researcher Douglas James Cottrell explains the different dimensions, and how to use your mind to come in contact with the akashic records.
Akashic Records Part 3 - Douglas James Cottrell
Intuitive researcher Douglas James Cottrell explain ... read more
Toronto Seminars for Intuitive Development - August 18 y
Douglas returns to Toronto for Intuitive Seminars Level 1 and 2
July 18, 2007
Douglas James Cottrell Announcement
Intuitive Development Seminar - PART ONE
Sat., Aug. 11, 2007, 12:00 - 4:00 PM
Days Hotel Downtown, ”Bayview Room,” 30 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ontario
Our last one (July 15) was so successful it w ... read more
Toronto Intuitive Development Seminar Sunday, July 15, 2007 18 y
How to develop your innate intuitive/spiritual abilities, including: clairvoyance, remote viewing and mind projection; dowsing; seeing and reading auras; telepathy; enhancing creative energy to develop these abilities (ultimately culminating in Laying On Of Hands and telekinesis)
Upcoming Events and Public Appearances
Sunday, July 15, 2007 Toronto, Ontario Intuitive Development Seminar
12:00 - 4:00 PM, Days Hotel ”Bayview Room,” 30 Carlton Street, Toronto. Learn from Douglas in this intimate setting how to develop your innate intuitive/spiritual abilities, including: clairvoyance, remote viewing and mind projection; dowsing; seeing and reading auras; telepathy; enhancing creative energy to develop these abilities (ultimately culminating in Laying On Of Hands and telekinesis). Learn the spiritual rules for health, wealth and peace of mind ... read more
Douglas in Boston Sunday, June 24...Toronto Sunday, July 15 18 y
Boston Sunday, June 24 Miracle Transformation Healing Event
Toronto Sunday, July 15 Learn from Douglas in this intimate setting how to develop your innate intuitive/spiritual abilities
June 12, 2007
Douglas James Cottrell Announcement
We have added the latest CDs in Doulgas’ Intuitive Meditation Master Series to the online store. In Level 6, you will continue from the mind projection exercises you have done in Levels One through Five, and begin Remote Viewing. In Level ... read more
May 28, 2007 Newsletter for Douglas James Cottrell 18 y
"If you have someone else do those things in your life that are difficult, or which you are afraid or unwilling to do, then you not only cheat yourself of the experience, but you become destined to repeat the experience again."
- Douglas James Cottrell
Vol 3 Issue 5
May 28, 2007 Issue
"If you have someone else do those things in your life that are difficult, or which you are afraid or unwilling to do, then you not only cheat yourself of the experience, but you become destined to repeat the experience again."
- Douglas James Cottrell
Douglas James Cottrell in Toronto, Canada, May 200 ... read more
The Master Mind: A Working Hypothesis for the Deep Tran 18 y
The following is an unpublished article by a Canadian-based author, who has followed Douglas' career for three decades. Anyone interested in scientific research of Deep Trance Meditation (DTM) will find this article illuminating. Note that the opinions expressed are those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect those of Douglas Cottrell.
During one ”test” of Douglas, done in a hotel room in Toronto, Ontario in the early 1990s, a medical doctor read the names and addresses of five of his patients - as was done with Edgar Cayce - and Douglas, to the doctor’s satisfaction, discussed the symptomology of each. Students of Cayce lore will immediately observe that this test duplicated a key test of Cayce at a turning point in his own career. At the tail end of that session, the MD, a specialist in diabetes research, mentioned to Douglas, still in DTM, that they were testing two protocols for pancreas transplants - one with extran ... read more
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