DJC Newsletter for June 10, 2005 - Includes video clip from Warwick Rhode Island of Deep Trance Meditation 20 y
DJC Newsletter for June 10, 2005 - Includes video clip from Warwick Rhode Island of Deep Trance Meditation answering the Question 'What is the Akashic Record and where is it located?"
New Meditation CD Series "The Douglas James Cottrell Method" soon to be released.
Health Products formulated from Douglas's Deep Trance Meditation Sessions.
The Newsletter posted on my CureZone BLOG is a shortened, modified version to comply with the CureZone rules and regulations. To receive a complete version of the newsletter on a regular basis you can subscribe on the website or by clicking on subscribe link on this newsletter.
Miracle - Prolasped Uterus reversed 20 y
Miracle healing with Douglas James Cottrell reversed my Prolasped Uterus and it has been confirmed by the doctor today.
Last July 15, 2004, I went to my doctor because I knew that there was something very wrong with my pelvic organs. It felt like my organs had fallen down and there was a strange pressure that was much worse whenever I lifted anything more than a few pounds.
He confirmed my suspicions and told me that I had a stage 1 prolasped uterus and that I should see a gynocologist when it gets worse.
In September, I started going to Miracle Healing Events with Douglas James Cottrell and in November, 2004 I had a healing on my pelvis that I remember to this day. During the healing, my pelvic or ... read more
"What is the Akashic Record?" AUDIO CLIP from Deep Trance Meditation 20 y
During a Deep Trance Meditation, Douglas accesses the Akashic record and was asked the Question "What is the Akashic Record? and Where is it located?". Listen here for the answer.
On Saturday, April 30, 2005, a group of 62 people sat in a circle around a man named Douglas James Cottrell. This man entered into a deep state of meditation which is referred to as "Deep Trance Meditation". While in this state, he is able to access the Akashic Record and answer questions asked of him by his conductor (in this case his son Doug Jr. was the conductor)
One of the questions asked was "What is the Akashic Record?". Douglas has given me the permission to post a link to allow anyone to hear the answer that was given by him on that day to ... read more
June Announcements for Douglas James Cottrell 20 y
Miracle Healing Event in Mississauga on Sunday, June 5, in Rhode Island later in June for a Past Life Regression Workshop and Healing Event and soon in London, Ontario for a Past Life Regression Workshop and Healing Event.
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Friday, May 20 - Niagara Falls/St. Catherine's/Buffalo - Seminar and Healing Event 20 y
Rare opportunity for people in the Buffalo/Niagara Falls/St. Catherines area to witness the powerful healing ability of Canadian intuitive Douglas James Cottrell
Link to Douglas James Cottrell Articles
FRIDAY, May 20, 2005.
7:00 PM (Doors open at 6:30 PM)
Discussion, Demonstration and Miracle Healing Event
Everyone is welcome
Pre-register by emailing
Grey Gables School, Niagara Falls Campus,
(Pa ... read more
Douglas James Cottrell 20 y
An introduction to Douglas James Cottrell "the most powerful living intuitive of our time". Douglas is well known in Canada, the US and other parts of the world for his ability to access the Akashic Record during Deep Trance Meditation and has been a guest on numerous radio programs, is available for Miracle Healing Events and workshops/seminars in Ontario and now the US, and is the author of 'Secrets of Life'.
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Miracle Healing Events for May and Report of Douglas's trip to Rhode Island 20 y
Announcing events for May in Mississauga and Niagara Falls. Douglas returns from Providence Rhode Island...newspaper article about Douglas in Rhode Island
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News from Douglas James Cottrell Vol 1 Issue 3 20 y
This is the third newsletter written on April 28, 2005. Features a very interesting Audio and Video Clip from a Healing Event, Teaching from Douglas, Healing event times and locations, Workshops and Seminars, Emails, Meet the Team, and Testimonials from people healed at events
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Vol 1 Issue 3
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Shocked by the Power 20 y
Douglas explains the healing power...why people 'fall' down. How people have described their healing and what Douglas 'feels' as people receive healing through him.
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People have told me that when they experience a healing at my miracle healing events, they feel as if they are being pushed over. One person likened it to a fire-hose being turned on against his chest. But what really happens? Is it some illusion; some placebo effect; or is there some unseen force that causes healing to instantly occur through simple touch?
The term “simple touch” is not really accurate, but to the casual observer that seems to be what is ... read more
Audio clip - Accessing Akashic Records for Insights into some Modern Mysteries 20 y
The radio program aired on Friday, April 15 is now posted on the internet on Richard Syrett's website. You can hear Douglas reveal things never heard before while he was in a Deep Trance accessing the Akashic Record.
Link to Douglas James Cottrell Articles
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Very facinating and incredible insights...
You can listen to the radio program that was broadcast on Friday, April 15 which has been posted at the following link:
(it is a real player file and may take a minute or 2 to download so please be patient because it’s worth the wait)
1. Atlantis: What calamity caused the lost continent to sink, when, and where is it located?
2. Pearl Harbour: Did ... read more
"Secrets of Life" - Miracles 20 y
Douglas James Cottrell wrote the book "Secrets of Life" during many Deep Trance Meditations by accessing the Akashic record. In essence, this book was written by a man in his sleep. This passage is from the Chapter on Miracles.
Link to Douglas James Cottrell Articles
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When there is disease in a body one moment, and it has vanished in the next, some would say that a miraculous healing has taken place. A miracle is generally perceived as some event that is unsolvable or unchangeable; something done without any process, somewhat “magically;” having the great hand of God upon it - for our conscious minds cannot understand how someone with a great physical deformity can be instantly transf ... read more
"Secrets of Life" - Reincarnation 20 y
Douglas James Cottrell wrote the book "Secrets of Life" during many Deep Trance Meditations by accessing the Akashic record. In essence, this book was written by a man in his sleep. This passage is from the Chapter on Reincarnation.
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(From CHAPTER 5: REINCARNATION, pp. 64-66)
As the name implies, re-incarnation is a re-entering into the flesh; it is taking life as a human being (once again) to meet those things that your soul must meet while in the flesh. When you physically die, there is an in-between place where your soul goes prior to entering into another body. Physical death, therefore, should be thought of as a rebirth of your spiritual self into a body once again. The process, therefore, is an on-going cycle of physical life - physi ... read more
Facinating...Accessing the Akashic Record for answers to radio listener's conspiracy type questions... 20 y
On Friday, April 15 Douglas reveils answers obtained from the Akashic Record to questions from a previous radio program. Deep Trance Mediation (method used by Edgar Cayce), Douglas sends his mind to a remote time and place to gain insights into some very controversial subjects
Listen to Douglas as he accesses the Akashic Record while in Deep Trance Meditation to answer some of the following questions:
1. Atlantis: What calamity caused the lost continent to sink, when, and where is it located?
2. Pearl Harbour: Did FDR have prior knowledge the Japanese would attack?
3. Vietnam War: Was the Gulf of Tonkin incident a false provocation?
4. Is the Shroud of Turin the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ?
5. Was Mark David Chapman programmed to assassinate John Lennon?
6. Roswell: Did alien spacecrafts crash in New Mexico ... read more
Pictures of Douglas at Total Health Show Healing Event 20 y
Pictures taken at the Toronto Total Health Show on Saturday, April 3, 2005. There are pictures of Douglas healing people at the healing event and various pictures at the booksigning.
I have posted some pictures taken at the Toronto Total Health Show on Saturday, April 3, 2005.
Just click on the link to view them.,%20200...
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Miracle Healings at Total Health Show in Toronto on Saturday, April 02 20 y
Douglas James Cottrell holds Miracle Healing Event at Toronto Total Health Show and astounds the visitors and exhibitors with his profound healing abilities
Event Announcement
April 05, 2005
Douglas James Cottrell
Toronto Total Health Show
”Who is this guy?”
”Have you ever seen such a thing before?”
”This is amazing!”
”Why are all these people falling down?”
These were some of the comments I overheard on Saturday as guests and exhibitors at the 2005 Total Health Show in Toronto stood with rapt attention, watching Douglas in action. Some exhibitors closed down their booths to watch and to feel the energy. The ... read more
News from Douglas James Cottrell Vol 1 Issue 2 20 y
This is the second newsletter written on March 24, 2005. Click on the link above to see the actual newsletter that was sent out. Features are Easter Message from Douglas, Healing event times and locations, Upcoming radio programs, Workshops and Seminars, Messages from Healed, Meet the Team, Audio clips from Healing Events and Testimonials from people healed at events
Register here:
Vol 1 Issue 2
Douglas James Cottrell Newsletter
’Most Powerful Living Intuitive of Our Time’
March 24, 2005
Happy Easter!!! Our second issue of the Douglas James Cottrell Newsletter packed full of information. If you have a story about your healing or reading with Douglas that you would like to share, please send it to me at
Please enjoy this newsletter and pass on to your friends by clicking on the ”Send to a Friend” link bel ... read more
News from Douglas James Cottrell Vol 1 Issue 1 20 y
This is the first newsletter written on March 11, 2005. Click on the link above to see the actual newsletter that was sent out. Features are Message from Douglas, Healing event times and locations, Upcoming radio programs, Workshops and Seminars, Messages from Healed, Message from Karen
Register here:
Vol 1 Issue 1
Douglas James Cottrell Newsletter
’Most Powerful Living Intuitive of Our Time’
March 11, 2005
Here it is!!! Our very first issue of the Douglas James Cottrell Newsletter packed full of information. If you have a story about your healing or reading with Douglas that you would like to share, please send it to me at
Please enjoy this newsletter and pass on to your friends.
Words of Inspiration from Douglas
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