Take 2 16 y
if at first you don't succeed....try, try again! (second attempt at a water fast)
Wow. almost immediately, I got derailed on my mission. After day 3 things got so very hectic, that I ended up breaking the fast.
Now it is Dec 1st and I am beginning again. But keeping it very low-key and less pressure on myself. I am planning to focus on my emotional renewal; resting, with easy walks and light yoga as tolerated. visit the page
Jumping in head first 16 y
jump started my fast
Well, I decided that because I have been eating ”light” for the last week or so that I am just gonna jump in right away and do the water fast. I did one day of fruit only and really think that I am ready to go all in.
So last night, at about 8pm I had my ”last meal”--a banana! lol right now, it’s 5:30pm and I have had only water and feel great.....no hunger at all, just a mental urge to eat every now and again.
I figured out several years ago that I am addicted to food. I love the sensation of eating, and the emotional comfort I get from it.
As a wife and mom to 2 young boys I kno ... read more
Day 1 of the journey 16 y
weight loss oriented fast, focused on overall health
For the next 5 days I will be prepping for an extended fast--one which will occur during the thanksgiving holidays, but when is it ever convenient to fast?
Anyway for the next 2 days it will be fresh fruit and water, then for the next 3 days, juice and water.
October 1st I will begin water only and continue as necessary to reach health goals.
I just found out that I’m a type II diabetic, and I’m only 32 yrs old. I am about 100 lbs overweight (I was 120 lbs overweight but lost 20 lbs in 2 months through traditional diets) I also found out today that I have fibromyalgia.....
So m ... read more