Why 30,000 People are Fasting 14 y
Join Moby and Fast so the helpless does not have to.
So far, over 30,000 people are participating in a rolling fast to protest the immoral budget cuts Republicans are pushing in Washington. With some help from Grammy-nominated recording artist Moby, MoveOn.org Political Action has put together a short, powerful video about this fast. Please check it out and then help spread the message by passing it on:
visit the page
Natural Remedies Daily is Ready!!! - Tuesday Edition 14 y
Dr. Kim talks about breathing.
My newspaper is full of free articles about natural health. There are many writers that you know like Dr. Ben Kim and Mike Adams the Health Ranger and then there are some writers you may not know as well.
There are many Natural News writers on this newspaper such as Melanie Grimes, Elizabeth Walling and Fleur Hupston and me of course Barbi Trejo.
There are many writers who you do not know but whom I feel are important assets to my paper. There are over 400 articles from 22 different writers.
Read, subscribe and enjoy.
Sar ... read more
My Favorites Daily is Out 14 y
Dr Mercola discusses vaccines and cancer risks.
Hey guys - read about vaccines and cancer risks. My newspaper is loaded with news.
Sara visit the page
Mike Tyson Goes Vegan and Looks Fab 15 y
Hmm, he does look better than I have ever seen, but does veganism change his inner self
Mike Tyson Goes Vegan
usatoday.com | 05/04/10
Read More: mike tyson, vegan
According to the AP Story linked below, Tyson has gone vegan and credits feeling really good to that, saying he’s not got the drama in his life he had.
He sure is looking good, having lost weight and slimmed down. Click below to read story.
Read the whole story here.
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Victory for Heather Mills's VBites vegan venture 16 y
Heather Mills, rich from Paul McCartney's divorce new business venture
Victory for Heather Mills’s VBites vegan venture
The latest project from the former Lady McCartney makes Jasper Gerard eat his words .
By Jasper Gerard Published... read more
The whole dang veg family newsletter 16 y
Instead of posting one or two articles, I am giving you the newsletter and let you choose how many you want to write down.
VegFamily Magazine August 2009
Sponsors The advertisers and sponsors at VegFamily help keep this a free publication. Please click on these ... read more
Children and the vegan diet 16 y
The difficult task of vegan not so difficult now.
Health benefits of avocado 16 y
My favorite fruit for sure. I love, love and love them. Also check out the guacomole recipe.
The tropical green gem of a fruit, the avocado, has been touted as being one of the most nutritious foods known to man; and for good reason. They naturally contain disease fighting and health... read more
Healthy chocolate fudge 16 y
wow, I am a believer and looks incredibly delicious and healthy.
As a Certified Nutrition Specialist, I try my best to make tasty foods that you probably would not think were actually good for you. I have a real sweet tooth, but I also try to make them healthier... read more
Healthy - Homemade and gluten free recipes from Ezine 16 y
So easy to put the many recipes all in one folder. I am subscribing to Ezine who have many professional writers and quite frankly some duds. Read on.......
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Healthy Recipes - Functional Food and Healthy Recipes - Do You Know Them? By: Andreas Mazur Welcome again... read more
Natural minty thick shake 16 y
A complete raw milkshake and has some nice twist using coconut milk.
Natural Minty thick shake
1/2 English cucumber
Juice 1/2 lemon or 1 lime
1 avocado
1 cup raw baby spinach
1/2 can coconut cream (I use Ayam 270ml brand as it is 100%
Coconut with... read more
Black Bean Salsa 16 y
wow and this is a 5 star recipe. I am making this tomorrow.
Black Bean Salsa
Submitted by: Courtney
You can refrigerate the salsa overnight to reduce some of the jalapeno’s heat, if you like, or reduce the amount.
3 Cups chopped tomato (about 2... read more
Easy Bean and Vegetable Soup 16 y
One of our gluten free recipes and of course fat free.
Easy Bean and Vegetable Soup
Recipe by: Susan Voisin
This delicious soup is a nutritional powerhouse! And, it’s so tasty that I have no trouble getting my 8-year-... read more
Spicy Carrot Salad - Fat Free recipes 16 y
wow, what a wonderful aspect. Fat Free Vegan Recipes. Right on.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Spicy Carrot Salad
These lovely April days, when the temperature is getting hot enough to make being outside a pleasure but being inside with the windows ... read more
The Perils of red meat and dairy - Go Vegetarian 16 y
People need to read and learn why meat and dairy are our worse enemies besides Kitty snatchers of course.
The Perils of Red Meat and Dairy - Go Vegetarian!
By Rodney K Erb
Rodney K Erb
... read more
Scores of links to vegan recipes 16 y
Looking for a vegan recipe, check out all of these sites.
Scores of Links to Vegan Recipes
COPERNIC PRO 2001 SEARCH RESULTS Search: ”vegan recipes” Found: 39 Date: 11/9/01 1. Allrecipes.com: Vegan Recipes Collection from allrecipes.com. http://allre... read more
Dash of Red skillet 16 y
A wonderful vegetable skillet meal that is so easy and so delicious. Enjoy!!!
Vegan Recipes - Entrees
Dash of Red Skillet
Submitted by Aura
* 1 large red onion, chopped
* 3 cloves garlic, minced
* 2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
... read more
Sorbets: cold fruity and delicious 16 y
Some wonderful recipes for sorbets including canteloupe which I intend to make tonight
The Whole Family
Sorbets: Cold, Fruity, and Delicious
by Cathe Olson
Sorbets are a great alternative to ice cream, especially for vegans. Not only are they low in fat and calories, ... read more
Happy Healthy birthday - Vegan Style 16 y
Ok, so we want our kids to eat vegan but then tomorrow is their birthday. How do I please my child and keep them healthy?
Expert Vegan Cooking Tips
Happy, Healthy Birthday - Vegan Style
by Fran Costigan
I was the p... read more
Am I getting enough protein? 16 y
This is the main question for many and see what Marty Davey has to say about that.
Vegan Nutrition with Marty Davey
Marty Davey is a Registered Dietitian and has a Masters degree in Food and Nutrition from Marywood Un... read more