A smoothie for longer life 14 y
Longevity Shake
Serves 1
1 cup almond milk
Fresh blueberries (Use the equivalent of 1 freezer pack of frozen berries - and use frozen blueberries when they are out of season.)
1 handful dried goji berries
Heaping tbsp of powdered MACA
1/2 a banana visit the page
How to Curb Cancer With These Easy Tricks - Herbs 14 y
Dr. Mercola Talks about plant greens that can help you in the kitchen.
Boost Your Metabolism, Curb Cancer, and Slash Blood Sugar with this Easy Culinary Trick
Posted By Dr. Mercola | April 04 2011 | 76,994 views
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Herbs are not only great in meals for spice and added flavor but are key to the nutritional density in the foods you eat. Herbs can protect you against diseases, clear toxins from your body, and provide you with vitamins and minerals.
Here are som ... read more
Days are Meant for Joy not Fighting 14 y
Time to look for non-negative people.
Did you ever get tired of the constant battles on Curezone? If you open up the mosaic, someone is hating someone. Someone is angry about the war, the Japan and even about the flush. I rarely see anyone happy anymore. I rarely see any happy stories.
How brave people are with their anonymous numbers and their fake names. I begin to wonder if anyone is legit on Curezone anymore. People who use to be nice are not nice anymore and people who use to hug you and thank you for helping them is gone.
I just think it is time to relax and enjoy life and quit worrying about who hates me and ... read more
The Cancers Natural Enemy Daily is Out - EFT 14 y
7 Keys to reducing stress naturally.
Read more on EFT and why you should NOT focus on the negative. Reform your life today.
visit the page
The Natural Remedies Daily - Monday Edition 14 y
The delicate dance between vitamin D and vitamin K.
My Natural Remedies Daily is ready to read. Why am I posting these newspapers? To give you up to date info at one location. I have been very busy lately, but I will be adding more writers to increase the information supplied in each newspaper. My goal is to inform, enrich and empower more people than ever have been reached on Curezone. Let this be your one stop place for information.
Sara visit the page
What are the best ways to make your skin look younger? 14 y
Some very important tips for younger looking skin.
One of the biggest challenges for women (and men) in their mid years is knowing how to effectively battle the signs of aging. This is really never a problem for both genders during their teen years. But when men and women enter their mid and late twenties, issues on premature aging start to arise. But no need to worry because there are now trusted and proven ways on how to battle the premature signs of aging and make you look even younger than your age. Read on and find out what these tricks are.
Start living a healthy lifestyle
Healthy living is and will always be the best ... read more
Healthy Remedies Daily 14 y
Read my new newspaper full of health information from Elizabeth Walling and many others.
Yes, this is a newspaper I put together for one of my clients Elizabeth Walling and I thought it was worth printing here. She is loved by many and this newspaper is great. Yes, It has tons of my articles too. Heheheheh, I have got to make some money somehow.
Barbi aka Sara visit the page
Fear: The body and mind connection 16 y
Fear - a dirty 4 letter word and one that we must eliminate.
Fear - The Body Mind Connection By Sue Bergman
Sue Bergman Level: Basic PLUS My personal philosophy can be summed up as my intention to leave the world a better place for my hav... read more
Secrets to fast healing 16 y
Natural News article on healing fast and performing at your best
Secrets to Fast Healing
by Dr. Julian Whitaker
(NaturalNews) Sam Baker, three-time All-American at USC and first-round 2008 NFL draft pick, came to the Whitaker Wellness Institute before he rep... read more
LIfelong vegetarian reaches 103 16 y
Happy birthday our friend. Wow, 103 that is a long time.
Lifelong vegetarian reaches 103
In 1905 Einstein published his theories on relativity, the Russian revolution began, and Blanche Mannix was born. Canadian-born Blanche turned an incredible 103-y... read more
Food for healthy skin 16 y
Natural is always the best, cut the store bought creams out.
What if I told you that food for healthy skin could come from your dinner plate or what you apply on your skin. That’s right, foods you eat are a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,... read more
Discovery Health - This weeks tons of articles on health 16 y
So many articles this is easier than to take the whole night posting.
in the spotlight
Five Future Weight Loss Trends
Seven Steps to Healthy Living
Unlocking the Power of Meditation
De-Stressing Your Life
Five Areas of Alternative Med... read more
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