day 15 16 y
fast day 15
I am at work on break.
Other than that I am feeling GREAT!!
I made a bunch of citrus juice that I brought to work this morning
I weighed myself yesterday.
Started at 140 an... read more
day 12 16 y
day 12 good
I feel great today!!
Went to the gym 1 hour weight lifing class, 1 hour spinning class in the morning!!!
! hour hot MOKSHA yoga in the afternoon.
Was just talking to a friend, noted that I in fa... visit the page
36 hour dry fast ended at 32 hours 16 y
dry fast ended
I am sitting at the kitchen table, 5am. Drinking a liter and a half of fresh juice.
I didn't sleep all night and just kept counting the hours.
I felt this emptiness inside that I had never felt... read more
DAY 10 - DRY FASTING 36 hours 16 y
36 hour dry fast I AM SO ANGRY
Here is a post I out on the juicing forum...
no response
I am on day 10 of my juice fast. not sure how long I will go. I have a blog..
I am on hour 11 of a 36 hour dry fast that I will en... read more
day 9 16 y
exercise and juice
I made all the juice I wanted today.
4-5 liters....
Had some raw bee pollen as well.
3tbs morning, 3 before the gym.
I am just loving it and it is going me SOME amazing ENERGY!!
I went to th... read more
end of day 8 16 y
fasting and anger
fasted on water all day to come home and make a liter of fresh juice in my Green Star!
Also had 3 TBS of RAW bee pollen. I am just LOVIN it!
I am thinking of dry fasting on easter Friday...
I ... visit the page
day 7 16 y
Fasting on juice/water and bee pollen
exercising while fasting
Hot yoga and fasting
Thought I would start this, better late than never....
I am on day 7.
Day 1-2 - water
Day 3+ - juice
I have remained active throughout.
I would like to go LONG - ... read more